Does Anyone Think Dems Will Continue to Play Identity Politics?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right. As most of you know by now....Whites have largely abandoned the Democrat Party.

Democrats got roughly 38% of the White vote in the last election cycle. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%....Mary Landrieu got 18%...even Dick Durbin in Illinois only got 43% (down 18% from his last election 6 years ago).

So do Dems still keep demonizing Whites and playing identity politics?

Will they still continue the War on Women meme that brought down Mark "Uterus" Udall? Do they continue to promote a hyphenated America (you know...we're not Americans any more....we're African-Americans.....Transgender Americans.....Latino-Americans....Gay-Americans).

Will these tactics ever work again....or do the Dems continue and hope folks will still fall for it?

Again....I am genuinely curious what people think. :)
Republicans are 90% white and pretty much despise anyone not white, straight and their brand of Christian. Democrats are everyone else.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".
Republicans are 90% white and pretty much despise anyone not white, straight and their brand of Christian. Democrats are everyone else.

So are doing and saying exactly what I am discussing here. The Democrat Talking Points.

All whites are to be demonized. They are racist, homophobic, and evil.

Do you think that strategy still works for the Dems? Do you think it is valid?

Surely you are not suggesting that anyone who disagrees with you politically is automatically a racist and a homophobe....or are you?
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Read rdean's post above. It is exactly what I am talking about. Also...why do you think the Dems are losing so many white voters?

Do you agree whites are generally racist and homophobic?
I guess silence is golden. Down go rdean and doc. Anybody else have any opinions?
There are clearly reasons the Dems can no longer attract White voters. My theory is the Dems have lost White voters because of their blatant identity politics and demonizing Whites who disagree with them as racist and homophobic.

Since no Dems have the courage to address this issue directly, my only assumption is I am correct.

Certainly rdean made clear anyone he feels disagrees with him politically is a racist and homophobe. I assume his viewpoint is pervasive among Dems.
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Without looking I'm going to say most Democrats are white with probably the majority of those being female and the majority of females, single. But yes, they will play identity politics, it's their bread and butter. It's how they eat. Oldest game in the book, divide and conquer.
“I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right.”

Obviously not, given the fact your premise fails as a straw man fallacy.

Otherwise, when did you stop beating your wife.
The Dems do not demonize whites

The Pubs don't demonize minorities

Both parties play identity politics
“I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right.”

Obviously not, given the fact your premise fails as a straw man fallacy.

Otherwise, when did you stop beating your wife.

The fact remains the Dems have lost white voters in huge numbers. I gave you my theory. What's yours?
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Read rdean's post above. It is exactly what I am talking about. Also...why do you think the Dems are losing so many white voters?

Do you agree whites are generally racist and homophobic?

I'm neither racist nor homophobic. I never have been. I don't know anyone personally, who is.
Without looking I'm going to say most Democrats are white with probably the majority of those being female and the majority of females, single. But yes, they will play identity politics, it's their bread and butter. It's how they eat. Oldest game in the book, divide and conquer.

Dems lost almost no white votes but did lose significantly among minorities and women. I hope the Pubs keep convincing those voters by reaching out to them.
“I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right.”

Obviously not, given the fact your premise fails as a straw man fallacy.

Otherwise, when did you stop beating your wife.

The fact remains the Dems have lost white voters in huge numbers. I gave you my theory. What's yours?

When did Dems lose white voters in huge numbers?
“I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right.”

Obviously not, given the fact your premise fails as a straw man fallacy.

Otherwise, when did you stop beating your wife.

The fact remains the Dems have lost white voters in huge numbers. I gave you my theory. What's yours?

When did Dems lose white voters in huge numbers?

4. Has the Democrat Party lost White Voters? The data suggests the Democrat Party has largely lost White male voters....maybe forever. Romney captured almost 2/3rd of the white male vote. Now White women now seem to be trending away from the Dems in a big way. There is an excellent article by the Associated Press regarding the movement of whites away from the Democrat Party.

A key quote: "Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

News from The Associated Press
Yet isn't the total percentage in a bi-year election a total of 1% loss, WQ?

If you read the AP article link I provided the trend of white voters leaving the Democrat Party began in 2006. The net loss has been 10% since 2008. Yes...the drop comparing the last two mid-terms was not big...but that is obviously not the point.

Whites have been leaving the Democrat Party in large numbers for almost a decade. The trend is continuing and is getting worse. That is the point...and it is beyond dispute.

If you have any further questions, please read the Associated Press article. It should clarify any questions you may have.

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