Does Anyone Think Dems Will Continue to Play Identity Politics?


"One of the national organizations include the liberal NAACP. They are essentially members of the Democratic party. So yes, the Democrats have plenty to do with it."


This fails as both a hasty generalization and straw man fallacy.

Hasty generalization: you judge an entire group based solely on a non-representative few.

Straw man: you seek to misrepresent your opponents' position by contriving a lie as to what they advocate, in this case the myth of 'identity politics.'
Republicans are 90% white and pretty much despise anyone not white, straight and their brand of Christian. Democrats are everyone else.

wrong. This is your uneducated leftist "brain" talking; all emotional- like most libs. The FACTS are the right has already unofficially nominated Ben Carson (black) for the POTUS. Just watch- it will happen. They had Rice, Powell (debatable yes), and the list goes on. Many young and talented black and minority men and women coming up in the Con. Party. OPEN your eyes.

Btw what have the libs done for blacks?
Does Anyone Think Dems Will Continue to Play Identity Politics?

if they didnt have that

they wouldnt have any platform

too bad it has turned into a losing platform

well i take that back

they also have the lie to the stupid supporters platform

which by all means appears to be still working just fine

The erosion of the White vote (and Black Vote) should be of concern to Democrats. But if the GOP screws up....all bets are off.


Plus, while Identity Politics may be deteriorating for the Democrats, it will be a slow slide. First, even if it this is true, it will take at least a generation or two for to stop adding to the damage done, let alone reverse it. Second, the Democrats are going to defend it for as long as they possibly can, passionately, since it's their meat & potatoes.

The signs are becoming more clear, but this would take a while, and nothing is guaranteed along the way.

This post is from Hazelnut. As you can see.....I emphasize nut. This is exactly why the Democrats are losing White voters in droves.

LOL GOP s Uncle Tom wants people to take him seriously. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I hope they keep it up. the people just told them they were sick to death of being called a racist, denier, hostage takers, by the Obama party and kicked them out of POWER. More of this can only be good for a 2016 Republican candidate running for President

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