Does Anyone Think Dems Will Continue to Play Identity Politics?

Yet isn't the total percentage in a bi-year election a total of 1% loss, WQ?

If you read the AP article link I provided the trend of white voters leaving the Democrat Party began in 2006. The net loss has been 10% since 2008. Yes...the drop comparing the last two mid-terms was not big...but that is obviously not the point.

Whites have been leaving the Democrat Party in large numbers for almost a decade. The trend is continuing and is getting worse. That is the point...and it is beyond dispute.

Democratic Party.

I'm not a Democrat. Have you looked into the numbers for independents? I'm guessing you'll find these people there.
Yet isn't the total percentage in a bi-year election a total of 1% loss, WQ?

If you read the AP article link I provided the trend of white voters leaving the Democrat Party began in 2006. The net loss has been 10% since 2008. Yes...the drop comparing the last two mid-terms was not big...but that is obviously not the point.

Whites have been leaving the Democrat Party in large numbers for almost a decade. The trend is continuing and is getting worse. That is the point...and it is beyond dispute.

Democratic Party.

I'm not a Democrat. Have you looked into the numbers for independents? I'm guessing you'll find these people there.

I don't care about your individual party affiliation. The facts are Democrats are in big trouble with White voters. If only 1/3 of Whites vote Democrat that is very bad.

The question is why. I have given my theory. I would be interested to hear folks' opinions on the left.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Perhaps you could explain these, then:







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The OP is curious about how the GOP gets 2/3 of the white vote in a mid term election?

It couldn't be that the GOP plays identity politics, could it?
I am truly curious what folks think about this issue on both the left and the right. As most of you know by now....Whites have largely abandoned the Democrat Party.

Democrats got roughly 38% of the White vote in the last election cycle. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%....Mary Landrieu got 18%...even Dick Durbin in Illinois only got 43% (down 18% from his last election 6 years ago).

So do Dems still keep demonizing Whites and playing identity politics?

Will they still continue the War on Women meme that brought down Mark "Uterus" Udall? Do they continue to promote a hyphenated America (you know...we're not Americans any more....we're African-Americans.....Transgender Americans.....Latino-Americans....Gay-Americans).

Will these tactics ever work again....or do the Dems continue and hope folks will still fall for it?

Again....I am genuinely curious what people think. :)
If it werent for identity politics Democrats would have no politics at all.

They are locked into the mantra of envy and entitlement. They appeal to blacks by telling them whites are against them. They appeal to women by telling them men are against them. They appeal to the working class by telling them business owners are against them. They appeal to middle class people by telling them that the rich are against them.
The truth is the only ones against anyone are Democrats themselves. If people stopped listening to their bullshit they'd all be better off.
If a USMB b member who isn't a Democrat suggests that they are not influenced by identity that a case of the Democrats denying the existence of identity politics?
Anyone who denies that both parties play identify politics (thinking of The Rabbi) is mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant, or a combination of all three.

But WQ makes some good points.

If the Dems pull near 40% of the white vote and woo back minorities and females, they will crush us in 2016.

So I suggest we keep working for the female and minority vote.
Anyone who denies that both parties play identify politics (thinking of The Rabbi) is mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant, or a combination of all three.

But WQ makes some good points.

If the Dems pull near 40% of the white vote and woo back minorities and females, they will crush us in 2016.

So I suggest we keep working for the female and minority vote. have it exactly right. The Dem formula is 40% of the White vote and 90% of the Black vote to win elections.

In the recent mid-terms they got around 37% of the White vote...and 89% of the Black vote. Hence....the reason they lost.

The erosion of the White vote (and Black Vote) should be of concern to Democrats. But if the GOP screws up....all bets are off.
yes just look at the thread on Dr. Ben Carson

and it will GET worse because the people just showed them they didn't LIKE their governing or policies so they HAVE NOTHING ELSE

I hope the people don't fall for it this time
Anyone who denies that both parties play identify politics (thinking of The Rabbi) is mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, mentally malignant, or a combination of all three.

But WQ makes some good points.

If the Dems pull near 40% of the white vote and woo back minorities and females, they will crush us in 2016.

So I suggest we keep working for the female and minority vote. have it exactly right. The Dem formula is 40% of the White vote and 90% of the Black vote to win elections.

In the recent mid-terms they got around 37% of the White vote...and 89% of the Black vote. Hence....the reason they lost.

The erosion of the White vote (and Black Vote) should be of concern to Democrats. But if the GOP screws up....all bets are off.

They are most concerned about women, then blacks, then latinos.

If the GOP sincerely reaches out to those identities in that order, then I think we can take the presidency in 2016.
Colorado is a perfect example on how the Democrat's war on women backfired and turned the Senate race blue.

Exit polling showed that the war on women was a huge cause of the loss.

Tired old fairy tale that has played it's self out.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Perhaps you could explain these, then:








I don't know what you want me to "explain".

None of those pictures are an example of "demonizing Whites", nor did any of them come from the Democratic Party.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Perhaps you could explain these, then:








I don't know what you want me to "explain".

None of those pictures are an example of "demonizing Whites", nor did any of them come from the Democratic Party.

Look up the Unfair Campaign. Just who do you think they belong to? China?

The Unfair Campaign was started by the Duluth, MN YWCA and a local ad agency, and has since partnered with a number of other local and national organizations.

Un-Fair Campaign Partners

The Democratic Party has nothing to do with it, and never has.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Perhaps you could explain these, then:








I don't know what you want me to "explain".

None of those pictures are an example of "demonizing Whites", nor did any of them come from the Democratic Party.

Look up the Unfair Campaign. Just who do you think they belong to? China?

The Unfair Campaign was started by the Duluth, MN YWCA and a local ad agency, and has since partnered with a number of other local and national organizations.

Un-Fair Campaign Partners

The Democratic Party has nothing to do with it, and never has.


One of the national organizations include the liberal NAACP. They are essentially members of the Democratic party. So yes, the Democrats have plenty to do with it.
I think it's pretty funny that you've convinced yourself that the Democratic Party is "demonizing Whites".

Perhaps you could explain these, then:








I don't know what you want me to "explain".

None of those pictures are an example of "demonizing Whites", nor did any of them come from the Democratic Party.

Look up the Unfair Campaign. Just who do you think they belong to? China?

The Unfair Campaign was started by the Duluth, MN YWCA and a local ad agency, and has since partnered with a number of other local and national organizations.

Un-Fair Campaign Partners

The Democratic Party has nothing to do with it, and never has.


One of the national organizations include the liberal NAACP. They are essentially members of the Democratic party. So yes, the Democrats have plenty to do with it.

But the Democratic Party does not.

You do understand that the Democratic Party is not the same thing as "some Democrats", right?

It would be the same as me claiming that the Council of Conservative Citizens (a white nationalist offshoot of the KKK) is the same as the Republican Party.

After all, I'm sure that most of the members of it are Republicans.

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