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Does anyone think Trump is trying to win this thing?

And the reason they capitulate is because they are subordinate to the media moguls. Look what happened to Chuck Hagel. You are right about the futility of depending on the media, a la Hillary, but you have to be absolutely heroic to win in the face of determined and coordinated (((opposition))). cf. Richard Nixon.
The media were even pumping up the much-despised and universally disliked Ted Cruz as an alternative to Trump.

Look... let's get something fucking straight here... Ted Cruz was the #2 candidate behind Trump with over 1/3 of the party's support. Hardly "universally disliked" he was extremely popular among core Constitutional Conservatives...

I was speaking about the media and beltway crowd.
To any extent "the media" pushed a Republican in the primaries it was Trump! They gave him plenty of air time, let him explain his gaffes, pushed his narrative, helped him destroy Carson, Rubio, Paul, Bush, Kasich, Christie, Fiorina and Cruz and were instrumental in helping him secure the unchallenged nomination for the GOP. They did this knowing full well that he could not ever beat Hillary Clinton.


They gave Trump air time because he is fascinating and everyone else was. They HAD to cover him. But the daily barrage of venom has been unprecedented. A NYT columnist even went so far as to excuse outright propaganda (i.e., disregard for the truth) in the battle against Trump, saying history would forgive the liars for the greater good.

You are the second person I've heard say the media was pushing Trump. I was floored the first time, too.
In my opinion, Trump's critical error was running AWAY from the core Conservative voters who mostly backed Ted Cruz in the primary. Instead of attempting to bring these voters into the Big Tent, he chose to run them out of the tent and humiliate them as if they were radical liberals. His followers fell in line and joined in the denigration and they haven't shut up yet. As his poll numbers tanked, they began to have the gall to blame it on "butthurt Cruz bots" and failed to hold Trump accountable for his consistent slide to the left.

Now, he is in a situation that us "Cruz Bots" said he would be in... the media is rolling out the dirt on Trump and it is damaging. He's double-digits behind Hillary in the polls and still, his sycophants live in a state of denial. The polls are rigged, everything that doesn't align directly with whatever spews from Trump's mouth on any given day, is rigged! Even those of us who have said we will vote for him to keep Hillary from winning, even though we don't support him, are being slimed and smeared more than Hillary. And his numbers continue to tank.

It's FAR too late for Trump or his supporters to heed any advice I have given them. There is very little he can do at this point to change the inevitable outcome of this election. Odds are, he will lose to Hillary by about what the polls are predicting. That's the reality we need to start getting used to. How can we survive four more years of a radical left president who intends to stack the courts with progressive ideologues? Is there any chance we can still hang on to the Senate? What will life in America be like without our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 10th Amendments?

Who's to blame? It doesn't really matter now... but I put the blame squarely on Republicans who knew they were running against the #2 most unpopular candidate in American political history and campaigned for the candidate who held the #1 most unpopular spot. Literally, any other Republican candidate could have beaten this deplorable bucket of scum and corruption. Trump may have been the only candidate who could have lost to her.

Is there ANY upside to this for Constitutional Conservatives? Possibly, that we can bury this new Alt-Right Nationalist-Populist idiocy forever and hopefully return to sanity and core principles. Will there be a nation to save in four years? That is still an unknown.

How did he choose to run them out of the tent? What did he do to humiliate them?

By the way, thanks to the 1965 Immigration Act, Alt-Right isn't going anywhere.
How did he choose to run them out of the tent? What did he do to humiliate them?

By the way, thanks to the 1965 Immigration Act, Alt-Right isn't going anywhere.

By telling them he didn't need or want their support and he would rather win without it. By further humiliating and smearing Ted Cruz AFTER the goddamn convention! By staging a mass "boo-out" of Cruz when he spoke at the RNC and gave a spectacular speech urging voters to support the party on principle of conviction just as Reagan did for Ford in 1976.

For the record, I do not expect YOU to see it that way. You will come back with the same sleazy-ass conservative-hating bile that you people ALWAYS come back with.

And the so-called "Alt-Right" is going in the trash bin of history after this debacle of an election where the GOP should have mopped the floor with this bunch.
The media were even pumping up the much-despised and universally disliked Ted Cruz as an alternative to Trump.

Look... let's get something fucking straight here... Ted Cruz was the #2 candidate behind Trump with over 1/3 of the party's support. Hardly "universally disliked" he was extremely popular among core Constitutional Conservatives...

I was speaking about the media and beltway crowd.
To any extent "the media" pushed a Republican in the primaries it was Trump! They gave him plenty of air time, let him explain his gaffes, pushed his narrative, helped him destroy Carson, Rubio, Paul, Bush, Kasich, Christie, Fiorina and Cruz and were instrumental in helping him secure the unchallenged nomination for the GOP. They did this knowing full well that he could not ever beat Hillary Clinton.


They gave Trump air time because he is fascinating and everyone else was. They HAD to cover him. But the daily barrage of venom has been unprecedented. A NYT columnist even went so far as to excuse outright propaganda (i.e., disregard for the truth) in the battle against Trump, saying history would forgive the liars for the greater good.

You are the second person I've heard say the media was pushing Trump. I was floored the first time, too.

You ought to listen to people more often. The media DID push Trump throughout the primaries. Any "negative story" about Trump was from the GOP establishment or other candidates trying to gain traction. The media wholeheartedly backed Trump the whole way... just laying in wait for him to be the nominee. Every negative thing that came out on Trump... mostly by way of his own careless mouth... was rewarded with plenty of air time for Trump to explain himself. He did that all through the primaries as you retards cheered him on.

Now you all seem to have short memories and all you can focus on is what has happened since the primaries... YES... the media has been relentlessly AGAINST Trump... just as they would have been toward Cruz, Kasich, Carson, Rubio, Bush, Paul, Christie, Fiorina and the rest. The Media is for the Democrat, dumbass! They always are!
How did he choose to run them out of the tent? What did he do to humiliate them?

By the way, thanks to the 1965 Immigration Act, Alt-Right isn't going anywhere.

By telling them he didn't need or want their support and he would rather win without it. By further humiliating and smearing Ted Cruz AFTER the goddamn convention! By staging a mass "boo-out" of Cruz when he spoke at the RNC and gave a spectacular speech urging voters to support the party on principle of conviction just as Reagan did for Ford in 1976.

For the record, I do not expect YOU to see it that way. You will come back with the same sleazy-ass conservative-hating bile that you people ALWAYS come back with.

And the so-called "Alt-Right" is going in the trash bin of history after this debacle of an election where the GOP should have mopped the floor with this bunch.

When did Donald Trump say he didn't want Cruz voters? How could Donald Trump "stage a boo-out"? And wasn't it Cruz who showed up in Cleveland just to very publicly snub Trump at Trump's convention?

Regarding Alt-Right: were you one of those people who swallowed the NYT and WaPo pablum that with the election of Obama, we were entering a post-racial society? I wasn't. I knew that as diversity increases, so will tribalism. With the Jewish victory in 1965 that pried our gates open, the Alt-Right was preordained, and will, from now on, continue to expand. Everyone is a racist now--even white people.
When did Donald Trump say he didn't want Cruz voters? How could Donald Trump "stage a boo-out"? And wasn't it Cruz who showed up in Cleveland just to very publicly snub Trump at Trump's convention?

Regarding Alt-Right: were you one of those people who swallowed the NYT and WaPo pablum that with the election of Obama, we were entering a post-racial society? I wasn't. I knew that as diversity increases, so will tribalism. With the Jewish victory in 1965 that pried our gates open, the Alt-Right was preordained, and will, from now on, continue to expand. Everyone is a racist now--even white people.

Day after the convention.
By orchestrating it.
No, Cruz never "snubbed" anyone.
It was the GOP Convention... not "Trump's" convention.

I don't read NYT or WaPo.
I don't hate Jews like you.
Racists will be marginalized.
Thanks for confirming WHAT the Alt-Right IS!
"Does anyone think Trump is trying to win this thing?"

Trump and his supporters believe he is.

But when looked at objectively it’s obvious that the Trump ‘campaign’ has no idea what it’s doing – it’s an amateur operation clueless as how to run for president.

Moreover, the Trump ‘campaign’ has a dreadful candidate running for president, even the most skilled and experienced political operatives couldn’t get him elected.

Trump supporters flocked to Trump because he was the ‘un-politician,’ they found him ‘entertaining,’ and Trump played to their ignorance, fear, and bigotry.

Of course, if Trump were to do what needs to be done to win the election, he’d likely lose most of his supporters.

So the ‘plan’ seems to be to ‘let Trump be Trump’ – which includes Trump attacking ‘the establishment,’ fanning the flames of the Republican civil war, and going down to defeat in a blaze of pointless, ineffective Bill Clinton attacks.
"Does anyone think Trump is trying to win this thing?"

Trump and his supporters believe he is.

But when looked at objectively it’s obvious that the Trump ‘campaign’ has no idea what it’s doing – it’s an amateur operation clueless as how to run for president.

Moreover, the Trump ‘campaign’ has a dreadful candidate running for president, even the most skilled and experienced political operatives couldn’t get him elected.

Trump supporters flocked to Trump because he was the ‘un-politician,’ they found him ‘entertaining,’ and Trump played to their ignorance, fear, and bigotry.

Of course, if Trump were to do what needs to be done to win the election, he’d likely lose most of his supporters.

So the ‘plan’ seems to be to ‘let Trump be Trump’ – which includes Trump attacking ‘the establishment,’ fanning the flames of the Republican civil war, and going down to defeat in a blaze of pointless, ineffective Bill Clinton attacks.
Well, just look at the news or the substance of new threads on the politics board. Trump is just giving speeches tossing every wikileaks distortion and briebart conspiracy/whiteangst tanget against the wall like monkey shit.

That's just not the way to get college educated suburban voters.
When did Donald Trump say he didn't want Cruz voters? How could Donald Trump "stage a boo-out"? And wasn't it Cruz who showed up in Cleveland just to very publicly snub Trump at Trump's convention?

Regarding Alt-Right: were you one of those people who swallowed the NYT and WaPo pablum that with the election of Obama, we were entering a post-racial society? I wasn't. I knew that as diversity increases, so will tribalism. With the Jewish victory in 1965 that pried our gates open, the Alt-Right was preordained, and will, from now on, continue to expand. Everyone is a racist now--even white people.

Day after the convention.
By orchestrating it.
No, Cruz never "snubbed" anyone.
It was the GOP Convention... not "Trump's" convention.

I don't read NYT or WaPo.
I don't hate Jews like you.
Racists will be marginalized.
Thanks for confirming WHAT the Alt-Right IS!

Haha, weak, son. If speaking the truth is racist, then, yes, I am racist. The 1965 Immigration Act was seen by Jews as a Jewish victory and was celebrated as such by Jews. It was the end of a long-running battle stretching back to the post Civil War era. If noticing that hatefact means I hate Jews then, so?
Haha, weak, son. If speaking the truth is racist, then, yes, I am racist. The 1965 Immigration Act was seen by Jews as a Jewish victory and was celebrated as such by Jews. It was the end of a long-running battle stretching back to the post Civil War era. If noticing that hatefact means I hate Jews then, so?

No... You're weak. The 1965 Hart-Celler Act revised our immigration policy from the old 1924 "quotas" system and it passed in Congress by an overwhelming majority... Now, guess who primarily objected? It was the southern Dixiecrat contingent who were opposed to letting all them "colored people" in. Had nothing to do with Jews or your hatred for Jews.

Now, I don't have any problem with opposition to our immigration policy. We live in a free society where we elect representatives to construct policies on immigration and we should all be allowed to voice our opinions on the matter and our representatives are obliged to listen and pass laws accordingly. But this silly nonsense conspiracy theory that "The Jews" somehow orchestrated some hocus-pocus to enact a law for their benefit alone is not going to stand.
Haha, weak, son. If speaking the truth is racist, then, yes, I am racist. The 1965 Immigration Act was seen by Jews as a Jewish victory and was celebrated as such by Jews. It was the end of a long-running battle stretching back to the post Civil War era. If noticing that hatefact means I hate Jews then, so?

No... You're weak. The 1965 Hart-Celler Act revised our immigration policy from the old 1924 "quotas" system and it passed in Congress by an overwhelming majority... Now, guess who primarily objected? It was the southern Dixiecrat contingent who were opposed to letting all them "colored people" in. Had nothing to do with Jews or your hatred for Jews.

Now, I don't have any problem with opposition to our immigration policy. We live in a free society where we elect representatives to construct policies on immigration and we should all be allowed to voice our opinions on the matter and our representatives are obliged to listen and pass laws accordingly. But this silly nonsense conspiracy theory that "The Jews" somehow orchestrated some hocus-pocus to enact a law for their benefit alone is not going to stand.

It was passed with the specific assurance (Ted Kennedy) that there would be no change in US demographics.

Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
I'm not interested in your anti-Semitic propaganda. In 2016, I thought you people were marginalized but I guess not?

You do realize you're now blaming a Catholic for this Great Jew Conspiracy.... right?
I'm not interested in your anti-Semitic propaganda. In 2016, I thought you people were marginalized but I guess not?

You do realize you're now blaming a Catholic for this Great Jew Conspiracy.... right?
Kennedy was the Jr Senator fetchboy. Educate yourself because you seriously dont know what you are talking about.
Kennedy was the Jr Senator fetchboy. Educate yourself because you seriously dont know what you are talking about.

Well the Kennedy's are Catholics... not Jews. And I hardly think every US Congressmen in 1965 other than the defiant segregationist Dixiecrats were Jews. I AM educated... that's why I'm not here spewing a bunch of anti-Semitic conspiratorial nonsense.
The media were even pumping up the much-despised and universally disliked Ted Cruz as an alternative to Trump.

Look... let's get something fucking straight here... Ted Cruz was the #2 candidate behind Trump with over 1/3 of the party's support. Hardly "universally disliked" he was extremely popular among core Constitutional Conservatives...

I was speaking about the media and beltway crowd.
To any extent "the media" pushed a Republican in the primaries it was Trump! They gave him plenty of air time, let him explain his gaffes, pushed his narrative, helped him destroy Carson, Rubio, Paul, Bush, Kasich, Christie, Fiorina and Cruz and were instrumental in helping him secure the unchallenged nomination for the GOP. They did this knowing full well that he could not ever beat Hillary Clinton.


They gave Trump air time because he is fascinating and everyone else was. They HAD to cover him. But the daily barrage of venom has been unprecedented. A NYT columnist even went so far as to excuse outright propaganda (i.e., disregard for the truth) in the battle against Trump, saying history would forgive the liars for the greater good.

You are the second person I've heard say the media was pushing Trump. I was floored the first time, too.

You ought to listen to people more often. The media DID push Trump throughout the primaries. Any "negative story" about Trump was from the GOP establishment or other candidates trying to gain traction. The media wholeheartedly backed Trump the whole way... just laying in wait for him to be the nominee. Every negative thing that came out on Trump... mostly by way of his own careless mouth... was rewarded with plenty of air time for Trump to explain himself. He did that all through the primaries as you retards cheered him on.

Now you all seem to have short memories and all you can focus on is what has happened since the primaries... YES... the media has been relentlessly AGAINST Trump... just as they would have been toward Cruz, Kasich, Carson, Rubio, Bush, Paul, Christie, Fiorina and the rest. The Media is for the Democrat, dumbass! They always are!

The media pumped up Trump in the primaries because clinton WANTED it that way. She wanted to run against him because he was the only one she had any chance of beating.
The media pumped up Trump in the primaries because clinton WANTED it that way. She wanted to run against him because he was the only one she had any chance of beating.

Absolutely, and some of us have been saying this since the primaries but the recent wikileaks emails from Podesta confirmed it. It's just funny to me the Trump-bots are all out there whining about the "unfair media" and it's like they just fell off the turnip truck.

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