Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

The myth is that your employment is Supposed to support you fully. That’s not what it’s there for, to make you utterly free and self sustaining. Based on your skills, you may have to rent a room. Employment is not designed to get you a house nor even a one bedroom apartment all to yourself
Again, AOC is the generation of personal comforts rather than personal achievements resisting the realities that achievement does, or may not, provide.
Nobody says a minimum wage is supposed to be enough to live on
But it should be enough to get you started in life. Pay for school, buy a car, basic necessities

It used to but no longer does

And their used to be not 50 million Illegals, it used to be the world was in ruins, it used to be a computer was as big as a school bus, it used to be the milk man was screwing your neighbors wife, it used to be telephones had cords....

Of course, the creator and owner of the business, with all the costs and responsibilities thereof, should Not set the wages but rather the employee should.
What country or planet do you think this is ?
The cost of living should set wages, not employers or employees

Wait you vote for high tax democrats in state and local and then bitch about the high cost of living?

The myth is that your employment is Supposed to support you fully. That’s not what it’s there for, to make you utterly free and self sustaining. Based on your skills, you may have to rent a room. Employment is not designed to get you a house nor even a one bedroom apartment all to yourself
Again, AOC is the generation of personal comforts rather than personal achievements resisting the realities that achievement does, or may not, provide.
Nobody says a minimum wage is supposed to be enough to live on
But it should be enough to get you started in life. Pay for school, buy a car, basic necessities

It used to but no longer does

And their used to be not 50 million Illegals, it used to be the world was in ruins, it used to be a computer was as big as a school bus, it used to be the milk man was screwing your neighbors wife, it used to be telephones had cords....

12 million
Of course, the creator and owner of the business, with all the costs and responsibilities thereof, should Not set the wages but rather the employee should.
What country or planet do you think this is ?
The cost of living should set wages, not employers or employees
That makes no sense. The cost of living is an abstract concept. It doesn't make decisions. People do. But you want government to overrule their decisions.

The fool votes for 100,000 grand a year public employees then complains.

The myth is that your employment is Supposed to support you fully. That’s not what it’s there for, to make you utterly free and self sustaining. Based on your skills, you may have to rent a room. Employment is not designed to get you a house nor even a one bedroom apartment all to yourself
Again, AOC is the generation of personal comforts rather than personal achievements resisting the realities that achievement does, or may not, provide.
Nobody says a minimum wage is supposed to be enough to live on
But it should be enough to get you started in life. Pay for school, buy a car, basic necessities

It used to but no longer does

And their used to be not 50 million Illegals, it used to be the world was in ruins, it used to be a computer was as big as a school bus, it used to be the milk man was screwing your neighbors wife, it used to be telephones had cords....

50-150 years ago and applying today’s more enlightened mores to it is all they have.
The witch hunt failed,next up ithe Presidential election will desert them and then great wailing at the sky and emotional investigations will begin again.
The myth is that your employment is Supposed to support you fully. That’s not what it’s there for, to make you utterly free and self sustaining. Based on your skills, you may have to rent a room. Employment is not designed to get you a house nor even a one bedroom apartment all to yourself
Again, AOC is the generation of personal comforts rather than personal achievements resisting the realities that achievement does, or may not, provide.
Nobody says a minimum wage is supposed to be enough to live on
But it should be enough to get you started in life. Pay for school, buy a car, basic necessities

It used to but no longer does

And their used to be not 50 million Illegals, it used to be the world was in ruins, it used to be a computer was as big as a school bus, it used to be the milk man was screwing your neighbors wife, it used to be telephones had cords....

12 million

Let's see the question on the 2020 census to be sure
Of course, the creator and owner of the business, with all the costs and responsibilities thereof, should Not set the wages but rather the employee should.
What country or planet do you think this is ?
The cost of living should set wages, not employers or employees
That makes no sense. The cost of living is an abstract concept. It doesn't make decisions. People do. But you want government to overrule their decisions.

The fool votes for 100,000 grand a year public employees then complains.

That is not high for highly qualified workers with advanced degrees
So your fiendishly clever plan is to put companies out of business and their employees out of work?

Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

Right.... well that goes to show how little YOU know about "business" because some businesses have a much higher net profit margin then the labor intensive like fast food.

Case in point idiot!
Here is a sample Revenue/ expense statement from the average fast food restaurant!
Now I know that some of the terms may seem strange to you... labor cost, etc.
But maybe you can learn something here!
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit
NOW Dummy!
Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at 3.54.23 PM.png

What is the second single largest controllable expense???? Can you figure that out??? Right Crew Payroll at 20% of Net Sales...

Now idiot... if average wage of hourly staff is increased from minimum say of $8.00 to $15.00 what is the percent of increase? ANSWER dummy! 46% INCREASE!

NOW dummy! if this restaurant under current expenses has a NET operating income of $153,900 what
would it be with an increase of hourly staff of the $540,000 figure to nearly $756,000 this restaurant will not be in business!
Now dummies like you say "well just raise the prices!"! Right! Raising the prices by 10% will go over really great to the McDonald's customers!
Name one company that went "out of business" because they paid their employees to much money.

The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

If you can’t make a profit without workers making no more than $7.25 an hour, you don’t belong in business

Right.... well that goes to show how little YOU know about "business" because some businesses have a much higher net profit margin then the labor intensive like fast food.

Case in point idiot!
Here is a sample Revenue/ expense statement from the average fast food restaurant!
Now I know that some of the terms may seem strange to you... labor cost, etc.
But maybe you can learn something here!
Owning a McDonald’s Franchise: Purchase Cost vs. Annual Profit
NOW Dummy!
View attachment 264444
What is the second single largest controllable expense???? Can you figure that out??? Right Crew Payroll at 20% of Net Sales...

Now idiot... if average wage of hourly staff is increased from minimum say of $8.00 to $15.00 what is the percent of increase? ANSWER dummy! 46% INCREASE!

NOW dummy! if this restaurant under current expenses has a NET operating income of $153,900 what
would it be with an increase of hourly staff of the $540,000 figure to nearly $756,000 this restaurant will not be in business!
Now dummies like you say "well just raise the prices!"! Right! Raising the prices by 10% will go over really great to the McDonald's customers!

McDonalds can’t exist without a $7.25 minimum wage?
McDonalds survived doubling the price of ground beef
But can’t survive a minimum wage increase
Take it or leave it is the choice

Right. And free people have the right to make that choice. Government has no business overruling their decision.
we subscribe to capitalism not right wing fantasy. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment and social inefficiency that must be corrected for. unemployment compensation is simply that; we must ensure full employment of capital resources at every practicable opportunity.

We really do need a "hand jerking off" emoji.
thank Goodness for modern information age times or this left winger would almost indistinguishable from right wingers; clueless and Causeless.

I don't mind practicing not judging women by the clothes they don't wear on the Internet and porting it to real life whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.
i am working on dumbing it down for the right wing. they never get it.

There you go, more bigotry, all you do is keep proving me right about you. Thank you!
it is not bigotry to practice having superior arguments to those of the opposing view.

That's would be ignorance, dumbass.
appealing to ignorance is the inferiority of fallacy. you need superior arguments.
Employment is at the will of either party in our at-will employment States.

Only the right wing believes in being illegal to our own laws, while blaming less fortunate illegals for their illegalities.
Blaming illegal acts on the illegal doing it
That’s emotionally horrid while factually correct.
we have a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at the will of either party.

there is no express immigration clause. that is the social difference.
Immigration laws, not clauses
immigration laws based on what authority? there is no express power over immigration.
We have many laws and practices that are not enumerated as expressed powers. We defeated Germany, there is nothing referencing our constitutional authority to do so.
only if you appeal to ignorance of the law and indulge the moral turpitude of blaming the less fortunate for being illegal.
i am not practicing bigotry; i just need to win my arguments to be superior to you. gossip is not any form of argument. Men have arguments, wo-men may not.

You haven’t any facts, you are a bigot.
i have valid arguments like Men do.

Good grief saying you have a valid argument, isn’t a valid argument. You won’t explain your position, you don’t clarify your position, so 90% of the time I have no clue what your argument is.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a simple cost of living adjustment; unemployment is natural under capitalism and we resort to the socialism of equality and equal protection of the law to correct for that inefficiency of capitalism, for the greater social good and to promote the general welfare.

Name a country where this scenario works?
our current regime is expensive and doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency.

It will work in our at-will employment States simply because capitalism works. money is fungible.

socialism requires social morals for free to work and everybody has to agree to those same, social morals.
i am working on dumbing it down for the right wing. they never get it.

There you go, more bigotry, all you do is keep proving me right about you. Thank you!
it is not bigotry to practice having superior arguments to those of the opposing view.

When you claim you need to dumb down for a set of people shows your ignorance and bigotry, thanks for playing.
when you resort to nothing but fallacy and expect to be taken seriously, i have not dumbed it down enough and you need to be bigots about it. it really is that simple.
McDonalds survived doubling the price of ground beef
But can’t survive a minimum wage increase

Yes, by passing on costs to consumers.

Which if the consumers refuse to pay the higher price, then no.... they can't survive.

Doubling the cost of beef? When did this happen?
McDonalds survived doubling the price of ground beef
But can’t survive a minimum wage increase

Yes, by passing on costs to consumers.

Which if the consumers refuse to pay the higher price, then no.... they can't survive.

Doubling the cost of beef? When did this happen?

Um.... no.

Updated Beef Chart (2).jpg

The price of beef, has increased barely $1 per lbs, over a period of decades. It's been slowly going up year over year, since the mid-90s.

It most certainly did not double in one year, from 2009, to 2010.

Now you might ask the question how can McDonald's handle the cost of beef going up, but not a minimum wage going up?

The answer is simple.... higher prices.


All costs are passed onto the consumer. All of them. There is no cost, whether it is the cost of payroll, or the cost of beef, that is not passed onto consumers.

Further, the cost of beef, is actually not a major cost to the store. It just isn't. It may seem like it should be, since they are primarily a burger joint, but in reality the full cost of a single big mac, in terms of food costs, is only 80¢. So out of that $4.80 for a big mac, only 80¢ is the food. That means the cost of the beef used, is less than 80¢ because that 80¢ includes the buns, the cheese, the onions, the sauce, and whatever else that is on it.

So what is the other $4? All profit? No, because if it was all profit, McDonald's would be raking in Trillions instead of Billions.

Of course you have store overhead, and you have to pay for the paper supplies, like the wrapper you put the burger in, and the bag, and so on.

But the single biggest expense, is exactly as the person before pointed out.... payroll. If you increase the price of beef, even by 100%.... we're still talking pennies per burger.

But if you increase payroll by 100%, we're talking $600,000.

Additionally, you seem to be equating a slow increase over 20 years, with a minimum wage increase over 2 years. Not at all comparable.
McDonalds survived doubling the price of ground beef
But can’t survive a minimum wage increase

Evidently you don't comprehend this example of the average McDonalds' operating expenses!

What is McDonald's alternative?

Meet the newest fry cook at the US burger chain CaliBurger: Flippy.
This robot, which will be installed in up to 10 of CaliBurger's 50 locations, can turn patties on a grill and clean it.
Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots
New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots - News Examiner
McDonalds survived doubling the price of ground beef
But can’t survive a minimum wage increase

Why do dummies like you continue to ignore the people that actually do the work?
Now from an expert.........!
Cody Dostal, I was a Department Manager in Training at McDonald's for 3 years.
Okay, so let me put a little perspective on this from a McDonald's standpoint.
I will use a McDouble as an example. At my store, a McDouble is currently $1.29 for reference.

Reg meat: ~$0.10 (2 patties at ~$0.05)
Bun: ~$0.07
Cheese: ~$0.10
Onions: ~$0.02
Pickles: ~$0.03 (2 pickles at ~$0.015
Ketchup: ~$0.03
Mustard: ~$0.01
So all in all, we only pay ~$0.36 for a McDouble, right? Nope.
That's the direct cost. Now we need to take into account the indirect cost. These indirect costs are more of estimates than exact figures.

Electricty: ~$0.15 (Yes, it doesn't take $0.15 of electricity to MAKE the sandwich, but this cost will go towards the bill for 24 hour electricity at our store)
Labor: ~$0.15
Insurance: $0.17
Misc: $0.25 (Rent, outside services, etc...)
So now the total is ~$1.08 give or take a few. So all in all, we make about $0.11 in profit on that sandwich.
However, that profit goes not to the store (at least in a corporate store), but to corporate. That profit is then given to the store as needed (oh, and corporate generally decides what's needed apart from your necessary purchases, like stock).
Where we make money is soda and fries. Those are the big bucks for a fast food restaurant.
For a hamburger ($1), we make roughly $0.08 profit after all similar expenses are taken out.
Fast food is not big bucks when you look at individual item profit. It builds up when a lot is sold.

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