Does being offensive lead to violence?

Some people just live for looking out for slights, real or imagined. It's sad. Man up people. Being offended isn't fatal and for most people, it is not a green light to perpetrate violence. In Islam it seems to be though.
Freedom of speech is found where you ARE offended.
Being offensive isn't necessarily bullying. One can offend someone withiut bullying them.mSo which subject are you addressing here?

I agree

In this PC sick society we look somebody the wrong way....and you are being offensive.

Give us a break!
Yeah, do you object to not being allowed to use the N word or the C word?

There we go....I knew it.....immediately jumping with the c and n words.......

Can't you think about other words?????? apart from the c and n words????

You are a bore!
There are words which are consider "fighting words" these may be included, does not mean there should be a fight but can be actionable by the authorities for the public good.
As a fan of free speech, I will most definitely defend offensive speech.

Those who hate free speech will whine about their idea of what is offensive.

Why does the OP hate free speech?
As a fan of free speech, I will most definitely defend offensive speech.

Those who hate free speech will whine about their idea of what is offensive.

Why does the OP hate free speech?
Whining and deciding what is offensive or not is more fucking diabolical than calling someone a name it is down right controlling and underhanded.
Dhactivelyst: 13567935 said:
Being offensive can and does lead to violence. Nazi propaganda led to the Holocaust. Same propaganda was used to incite violence with the Hutu's and Tutsi's in Africa.
You are trying to mix up too many variables. Propaganda and being offensive are two different things. If I say you're a pig, I'm being offensive. I'm not spreading propaganda though. Propaganda can have, as an element of it, offensive imagery for example, but that is just part of a whole package of misinformation, blood libels and direct calls for action against those who are being dehumanised and targeted. You are seeking to conflate regular offensiveness with propaganda as a means to carry out crimes against humanity and genocide. It's a bit silly IMHO.
Ah yes. You are describing villification. Where someone actively goes to work recruiting a mob against an individual.

Another fun fact: did you know, the far left legalists have changed the definition of "vilification" from its dictionary definition. So when used in court the legal meaning of "villification" is to verbally abuse a person in company of a mob.

Gee I wonder why?

Anyone can put up with verbal abuse. True (dictionary definition) vilification is not so easy. Which is why they want to keep doing it unhindered.

Of course this throws under the bus the minorities they pretend to protect, because who is overtly predjudiced anyway now days?
Whining and deciding what is offensive or not is more fucking diabolical than calling someone a name it is down right controlling and underhanded.
Fuck yeah. Control freaks love that shit. They love any law/rule that's feeds their weak and flaccid egos. Powertripping losers.
I find it interesting some on the left find using certain words bullying and decry the use...then if you look at their comments they use those words. You can't make this up
Whining and deciding what is offensive or not is more fucking diabolical than calling someone a name it is down right controlling and underhanded.
Fuck yeah. Control freaks love that shit. They love any law/rule that's feeds their weak and flaccid egos. Powertripping losers.
Life is life, death is death in between we need to life life to the fullest.
I find it interesting some on the left find using certain words bullying and decry the use...then if you look at their comments they use those words. You can't make this up
Then they use the law to bully the shit out you instead of just walking away as they would in any other societal situation.
Some people just live for looking out for slights, real or imagined. It's sad. Man up people. Being offended isn't fatal and for most people, it is not a green light to perpetrate violence. In Islam it seems to be though.
I disagree on this one Tillster. I believe manners are the cornerstone of civilisation. I just think manners and morality have been squewed to allow assholes to do what they want.

Being considerate is not complicated. I still (maybe foolishly) expect it of people.
How can we have free speech without license to offend? People are so very easily offended these days, and by such a huge number of words/ideas, the easily offended could make it almost impossible to discuss anything, if we let them.
How can we have free speech without license to offend? People are so very easily offended these days, and by such a huge number of words/ideas, the easily offended could make it almost impossible to discuss anything, if we let them.

The moment they decide certain words "offend" is the moment free speech becomes imperiled. You open Pandora's Box because anyone can claim any word is offensive
Some people just live for looking out for slights, real or imagined. It's sad. Man up people. Being offended isn't fatal and for most people, it is not a green light to perpetrate violence. In Islam it seems to be though.
I disagree on this one Tillster. I believe manners are the cornerstone of civilisation. I just think manners and morality have been squewed to allow assholes to do what they want.

Being considerate is not complicated. I still (maybe foolishly) expect it of people.
I don't disagree with you. BUT, it should be left up to oneself how polite and well mannered one is. It shouldn't be mandated by people who are often just trying to stifle free speech, which is often the case. The nonsense about 'Islamophobia' for example, and how absurdly easily Muslims are 'offended' into rioting and killing people.
A friend posed this question on another thread and I think it's worthy of it's own thread.

I'm thinking about kids who get bullied for being different and who end up depressed and suicidal.
That's on the parents.

seriously, if you can't tell your own child needs help....
I know righ
Some people just live for looking out for slights, real or imagined. It's sad. Man up people. Being offended isn't fatal and for most people, it is not a green light to perpetrate violence. In Islam it seems to be though.
I disagree on this one Tillster. I believe manners are the cornerstone of civilisation. I just think manners and morality have been squewed to allow assholes to do what they want.

Being considerate is not complicated. I still (maybe foolishly) expect it of people.
I don't disagree with you. BUT, it should be left up to oneself how polite and well mannered one is. It shouldn't be mandated by people who are often just trying to stifle free speech, which is often the case. The nonsense about 'Islamophobia' for example, and how absurdly easily Muslims are 'offended' into rioting and killing people.
I would say that's the direct opposite of manners.:)
It's got to the point where even facts and common knowledge are deemed offensive, and they inspire killing sprees. For example, facts about Mohammed that are found in the Quran and Hadith themselves. AKA, islamofauxbia. It's absurd.
Being offensive can and does lead to violence. Nazi propaganda led to the Holocaust. Same propaganda was used to incite violence with the Hutu's and Tutsi's in Africa.

And its used here to justify violence against blacks and other minorities.
Being offensive isn't necessarily bullying. One can offend someone withiut bullying them.mSo which subject are you addressing here?

I agree

In this PC sick society we look somebody the wrong way....and you are being offensive.

Give us a break!
Some people just live for looking out for slights, real or imagined. It's sad. Man up people. Being offended isn't fatal and for most people, it is not a green light to perpetrate violence. In Islam it seems to be though.
Freedom of speech is found where you ARE offended.
I find it interesting some on the left find using certain words bullying and decry the use...then if you look at their comments they use those words. You can't make this up


Funny that its almost always the RWNJs who are the most "offended" - usually by what they think is going on behind closed doors.

If they stopped being such whiny little Peeping Tom's and minded their own business, they wouldn't have nearly as much to be offended about.

If its between consenting adults, MYOB.
If its not YOUR body, MYOB.
If you don't like someone's religion, MYOB.

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