Does Dick Cheney believe his lies?

how funny, Obama won LIAR of the year and all you can bring over is someone else whining on Cheney

Does Dick Cheney believe his lies? -

In the first months of the Bush-Cheney administration, Cheney was ordered to convene a task force on terrorism. Instead, he ignored the problem, the Cheney terror task force never met, and the warnings about an impending terrorist attack were ignored.

Later, instead of apologizing, Cheney cravenly blamed the White House counterterrorism czar (PDF), Dick Clarke, who had tried to warn anyone who would listen that an attack was coming. "Richard Clarke was the head of the counterterrorism program in the run up to 9/11," Cheney said. "He obviously missed it." Blaming the guy who did his job when you're the one who didn't do yours.

Cheney did and said anything to drag America into a war with Iraq. The good folks at the Washington Post's Vox have compiled a damning indictment of Cheney's deep dishonesty about Iraq. In the interest of brevity, let me focus on a few lowlights:

He said the lead 9/11 hijacker "did go to Prague, and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service ... several months before the attack." Wrong, according to a Senate Intelligence Committee report.

He said Saddam had "an established relationship with al Qaeda." Wrong (PDF).

Cheney claimed there was "irrefutable evidence" Saddam had reconstituted his nuclear program. Wrong.

He said Saddam "had an established relationship with al Qaeda, providing training to al Qaeda members in areas of poisons, gases and conventional bombs." Wrong (PDF).

He said there was "overwhelming" evidence of ties between al Qaeda and Iraq. Wrong.

One can debate whether Cheney's misstatements were the result of willful mendacity or incompetence. I believe the former. But at a deeper level, it does not matter. Regardless of whether Cheney is a liar or a fool, thousands of heroic American troops are dead. Tens of thousands are injured. Iraq is a disaster -- and will be for years to come. And America is weaker and poorer because of Cheney

Why does anyone listen to what Cheney has to say? He has been wrong so often and lied us into a war

Cheney is a war criminal and ought to be tried in the World Court! Since that won't happen, we need to come up with an adjective using his last name or a combination of his first (dick) and last.

Quisling for traitor, Ruthian for the Babe, are examples; of course the first example is fitting, the second is not.
how funny, Obama won LIAR of the year and all you can bring over is someone else whining on Cheney


Good point

One got people healthcare the other killed 100,000 people

Why do conservatives struggle so much with equivalencies?
how funny, Obama won LIAR of the year and all you can bring over is someone else whining on Cheney


Cheney is a the Liar of the 21st Century, unless another can 'accomplish' worse results than did dick. At this point he squandered more than a trillion dollars and the lives of over 100,000 people. Surly enough to get him a ticket to hell and a seat at the table with Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin.
Why does anyone listen to what Cheney has to say? He has been wrong so often and lied us into a war.


Indeed, GWB is as much a victim of Cheney's lies as the American people; Bush is still culpable as an unwitting accomplice, but a victim in many respects nonetheless.

And the far left talking points and propaganda continue to cover the fact that Obama is worse than Bush..
Does Dick Cheney believe his lies? -

In the first months of the Bush-Cheney administration, Cheney was ordered to convene a task force on terrorism. Instead, he ignored the problem, the Cheney terror task force never met, and the warnings about an impending terrorist attack were ignored.

Later, instead of apologizing, Cheney cravenly blamed the White House counterterrorism czar (PDF), Dick Clarke, who had tried to warn anyone who would listen that an attack was coming. "Richard Clarke was the head of the counterterrorism program in the run up to 9/11," Cheney said. "He obviously missed it." Blaming the guy who did his job when you're the one who didn't do yours.

Cheney did and said anything to drag America into a war with Iraq. The good folks at the Washington Post's Vox have compiled a damning indictment of Cheney's deep dishonesty about Iraq. In the interest of brevity, let me focus on a few lowlights:

He said the lead 9/11 hijacker "did go to Prague, and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service ... several months before the attack." Wrong, according to a Senate Intelligence Committee report.

He said Saddam had "an established relationship with al Qaeda." Wrong (PDF).

Cheney claimed there was "irrefutable evidence" Saddam had reconstituted his nuclear program. Wrong.

He said Saddam "had an established relationship with al Qaeda, providing training to al Qaeda members in areas of poisons, gases and conventional bombs." Wrong (PDF).

He said there was "overwhelming" evidence of ties between al Qaeda and Iraq. Wrong.

One can debate whether Cheney's misstatements were the result of willful mendacity or incompetence. I believe the former. But at a deeper level, it does not matter. Regardless of whether Cheney is a liar or a fool, thousands of heroic American troops are dead. Tens of thousands are injured. Iraq is a disaster -- and will be for years to come. And America is weaker and poorer because of Cheney

Why does anyone listen to what Cheney has to say? He has been wrong so often and lied us into a war
Since you are speaking about Iraq, etc. of interesting note, this was found on the Internet from an injured Iraq War Veteran living in hospice care. Warning! They have included strong and graphic language and thoughts but it appears this board is quite comfortable with that. Those who would find certain words, etc. offensive do not read!

Search Results: Dying vet?s ?fuck you? letter to George Bush & Dick Cheney needs to be read by every American | Dangerous Minds
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You know what's pathetic, Kiddies? Rather than talk about how bad Barack Obama is cratering in his job as President, you all want to talk about how bad of a Vice President Dick Cheney was!

You might as well print up tee shirts that say: "Yes, I voted for Barry but I refuse to talk about it!"
You know what's pathetic, Kiddies? Rather than talk about how bad Barack Obama is cratering in his job as President, you all want to talk about how bad of a Vice President Dick Cheney was!

You might as well print up tee shirts that say: "Yes, I voted for Barry but I refuse to talk about it!"
Look at Cheney as a cautionary tale. Who knows? The Republicans are likely to run someone just as felonious in 2016 and we should all mark that candidate for elimination on the grounds that we are not so stupid to make the same mistake twice.
He's the man who apparently finds out about what's going on in the world from "the news media".
I'm curious...when you think of the word "felonious"...does Mitt Romney's face pop into your head?
Luv Ya Southy.

Every post is spot on.

A leader Barry ain't and never will be and all these lefties can do is talk about Cheney who hasn't been in office for five years. Of course if Barry was my hero I sure as shit would have to dig real deep to see what the hell he's done for America except slap we taxpayer with his ACA bullshit.

Yep. He's a winner every day. LMAO
Dick Cheney is a great man and was a fine vice president. He was right to advocate removing the Hussein regime. Regrettable that it couldn't have been quicker and cleaner.
...says Liz Cheney... lol

Says me also. Ignorance and gullibility seems to be the positive traits of left wing zealots.

Dick Cheney was a fine man, is a fine man, and was a great vice president. Going into Iraq and removing Saddam Hussian was the right thing to do, and anyone who does not understand why, is not even a credible debater on the subject.

There is little doubt that things were bungled after the fall of Saddam, and George Bush has to accept the blame for that, and the deaths of Americans that resulted from that bungling. However, the American military rectified the situation, and turned over to Obama a relatively stable Iraq. Obama gets the blame for the mess that he turned Iraq into.

A little lesson is civics to those of you who failed the subject in high school. The vice president does not work for the president, unless the vice president desires to work for the president. The only duty assigned to the vice president, by the Constitution, is to be president of the senate. Therefore, he is not part of the executive branch, and has no authority to issue orders to anyone, other than his own staff, for any reason.
I'm curious...when you think of the word "felonious"...does Mitt Romney's face pop into your head?
No. When I hear 'Mitt Romney' I think "unscrupulous".

Yeah, those Mormons sure are a despicable bunch! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Oh, let me actually BOUGHT that nonsense about Romney being a "vulture capitalist"? :lol::lol::lol: Didn't you get the memo...that was just political rhetoric! You Barack Obama had a plan to fix the economy?

Romney's really a moderate Republican who fixes broken things, works well with others and has a history of getting the job done. All that other stuff was just BS from the Obama camp so you'd ignore the fact that Barry's so far over his head on this job his Presidency has taken on the appearance of a Monty Python skit.
I'm curious...when you think of the word "felonious"...does Mitt Romney's face pop into your head?
No. When I hear 'Mitt Romney' I think "unscrupulous".

Yeah, those Mormons sure are a despicable bunch! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Oh, let me actually BOUGHT that nonsense about Romney being a "vulture capitalist"? :lol::lol::lol: Didn't you get the memo...that was just political rhetoric! You Barack Obama had a plan to fix the economy?

Romney's really a moderate Republican who fixes broken things, works well with others and has a history of getting the job done. All that other stuff was just BS from the Obama camp so you'd ignore the fact that Barry's so far over his head on this job his Presidency has taken on the appearance of a Monty Python skit.
Off shore bank accounts lead me to the 'unscrupulous' conclusion.

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