Does Elon understand Liberals buy Teslas?


What bullshit.

You honestly believe 71% of Democrats would have changed their vote has they known the laptop was real and not disinformation??

Moron, 32% of Republicans said they too would have changed their vote, according to that article.


Only 5% of Republicans voted for Biden in the 2020 election. 1% voted 3rd party. Now 32% say they would have changed their vote? Clearly the vast majority of that 32% would be saying had they known about the laptop, they wouldn't have voted for Trump.

This is why people look at conservatives and think, that guy's a fucking idiot!

Wow, your extreme desperation is palpable. Comprehension is not your strength, is it?

NO ONE said 71% of Democrats would have changed their vote, NO ONE.

As you know, the polls did show:

  • Mar 17, 2022

FLASHBACK: 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech

Since we know that comprehension is not your strong suit, allow me to point out that this headline says BIDEN VOTERS. It does not say, Democrats. That would mean ALL voters, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

The headline also does not say WHO they would have switched their vote to, Republican, Independent, themselves.

It would have changed the winner. That angers the bejabbers out of you. Oh well.
It reveals traders are not happy with Tesla.
Which, and I'm sure you'll agree, demonstrates the tremendous character of Elon Musk. Few folks are willing to put their money where their mouth is today. Elon Musk, along with every other honest American, sees the heavy hand of the far left on the scale and set out to do something.

I understand your fear and apprehension. Transparency and honesty are the last things Democrats want.
It reveals traders are not happy with Tesla.

Try again. I'll type slowly for you this time.

Specifically, what does that have to do with transparency and full disclosure coming out from Twitter? Why are you so afraid of the facts about shadow banning, censorship, and election interference?

I should think that you would want truth and full disclosure. Especially about our elections. Or, are you afraid of those facts being disclosed? If so, why?
I like Musk, thats why I am posting.
You used to, but now you don't anymore?
I was certain Musk was a galactic level prick when he accused the cave divers who rescued the Thai kid soccer team of being pedophiles because they couldn't use his homemade submarine. He's also a scheister who exists to get government subsidies/contracts.
I'm sorry but this cannot be allowed to sail unmolested, whom do you mean by "liberals?" You, and those like yourself, along with the democrat party machine? Well you're not liberals, so who do you imply it is that is liberal, who also buy's Tesla's???

You are not liberals, you are the absolute antithesis of liberal, you are so far removed from liberal its stunning you'd even attempt the linkage, as there is none, whatsoever!

You are fascists, and no fascist ever, anywhere, has ever been a liberal.... :wink:

I always liked the term "progressive Statists" for them

Also, SJW woke twatbags.
I was certain Musk was a galactic level prick when he accused the cave divers who rescued the Thai kid soccer team of being pedophiles because they couldn't use his homemade submarine. He's also a scheister who exists to get government subsidies/contracts.
It also helps that I can't stand Twitter. So if it goes down, it helps society. 😁
Liberals used to use Twitter as well. I don't know what he thinks he's doing, but he's going to discover the consequences real soon now. Being a white guy, it won't be as soon as Kanye discovered them, but they're coming along. Twitter will fold from his astounding mismanagement and then Tesla will fold, particularly when he gets some serious competition from the major auto manufacturers. Maybe he thinks Trump and DeSantis have picked on the best business model. I'm curious to see how DeSantis' anti-vax position works in a general election after he destroys Trump in the primaries (if he's not already dropped out cause he's in jail)
Plenty of liberals still use Twitter.
I was certain Musk was a galactic level prick when he accused the cave divers who rescued the Thai kid soccer team of being pedophiles because they couldn't use his homemade submarine. He's also a scheister who exists to get government subsidies/contracts.
Ok, I am convinced. You never liked him.
I’m asking what you’re talking about. You won’t explain. I’ve read the twitter files and didn’t see one example of the FBI lying or forcing censorship. If you claim they did that then show where
Your reading and comprehension would not get through the second grade.

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