Does God Exist?

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Don’t bother; it’s bad enough the Septuagint and KJV were purposely written by the Rabbis so every yeshiva educated Jew would know they’re not the real thing.

Nevertheless, the question of His existence I don’t ponder. And l’m not perplexed.

About other matters, definitely.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.
That depends on what is meant by ‘god,’ of course.

There is a ‘god’ as created by man, a religious concept.

But there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

There is no extraterrestrial omnipotent deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of men, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors suffer eternal damnation.

That ‘god’ does not exist.
So you are saying that trying to define god is sort of pointless? I tend to agree. Definitely if one is trying to use the Scientific method. They will never agree; they argue from different premises.

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Don’t bother; it’s bad enough the Septuagint and KJV were purposely written by the Rabbis so every yeshiva educated Jew would know they’re not the real thing.

Nevertheless, the question of His existence I don’t ponder. And l’m not perplexed.

About other matters, definitely.
Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion.
I know “Observant“ Jews who are atheists.
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.
I dont believe in man made gods.
I dont doubt there is a supreme intelligence though.
For all we know, we are nothing more than pets for a supreme intelligence.
Haven’t met one of those as yet. Not that many to choose from in my diaspora. Although one of my friends practises Shamanism. She travels to Berlin to do it.

I have certain views and theories about atheism. But no time now to indulge them. Have to go out into the brave new world.
Just musing; someone said to me many years ago that "religious people" are IN the world but not OF it. I think they were trying to say that Science deals with what is in the world, while Religion deals with what is not OF it.

Curious how that just jumped out of the ether.

^ More on that:

Don’t bother; it’s bad enough the Septuagint and KJV were purposely written by the Rabbis so every yeshiva educated Jew would know they’re not the real thing.

Nevertheless, the question of His existence I don’t ponder. And l’m not perplexed.

About other matters, definitely.
Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion.
I know “Observant“ Jews who are atheists.
"Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion."

That sounds pretty good as long as it's not illegal, immoral or fattening.

^ More on that:

Don’t bother; it’s bad enough the Septuagint and KJV were purposely written by the Rabbis so every yeshiva educated Jew would know they’re not the real thing.

Nevertheless, the question of His existence I don’t ponder. And l’m not perplexed.

About other matters, definitely.
Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion.
I know “Observant“ Jews who are atheists.
"Atheism is the desire to indulge in unbridled passion."

That sounds pretty good as long as it's not illegal, immoral or fattening.

If it wasn’t illegal, etc..., nobody would need to claim they’re an atheist.
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..there it is again--the theists thinking ''atheists'' are unhappy..hahahahahahhaha
....this is more proof of your bullshit

Dying and the atheists and liberals is that all there is complaint doesn't sound like joy to me. All you get are little bits of happiness, if that, but mostly it's about liberals and atheists always complaining about something. Can you show me to one recent post of yours that is thankful and uplifting? that the Judgement Day you people have been predicting for THOUSANDS of years?

We all have to wait in Hades for Judgement Day. The only ones who do not have to wait are those living when the end times come. No one knows when the end will be. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it to be around 2060. I think that's a good estimate; God will destroy the world when the false god of atheism is put before him and enough is enough.

..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

This post of yours is a perfect example. This does not sound joyous nor happy. Sad :(.
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Any of you that claim God exists are suffering from a mental issue and need to seek professional support.

Those that say the concept provides them with support need to think hard:

1. Does believing in a "God" provide you with strength to do what you know to be morally correct? Like helping those less fortunate than yourself.

2. Does it give you "justification" to act on your preducies? No matter how obscene.

Are you a 1. or a 2. ??
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..there it is again--the theists thinking ''atheists'' are unhappy..hahahahahahhaha
....this is more proof of your bullshit

Dying and the atheists and liberals is that all there is complaint doesn't sound like joy to me. All you get are little bits of happiness, if that, but mostly it's about liberals and atheists always complaining about something. Can you show me to one recent post of yours that is thankful and uplifting? that the Judgement Day you people have been predicting for THOUSANDS of years?

We all have to wait in Hades for Judgement Day. The only ones who do not have to wait are those living when the end times come. No one knows when the end will be. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it to be around 2060. I think that's a good estimate; God will destroy the world when the false god of atheism is put before him and enough is enough.

..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

This post of yours is a perfect example. This does not sound joyous nor happy. Sad :(.

Here’s an uplifting post from a religious extremist:

“God will destroy the world when the false god of atheism is put before him and enough is enough.”

Whoopee. Let’s celebrate the gods destroying the world.
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

Judging others isn’t very helpful or useful to anyone.

I got from scriptures too, alang1216 and BreezeWood.

How did our universe begin? I've no clue so there may have been an intelligent creator behind it. That makes me an agnostic.

Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.
The question is rather, if God is true then how can this piece of truth be conveyed to man kind along the history of humanity.

Any other questions or answers seem to be shallow and even irrelevant.
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..there it is again--the theists thinking ''atheists'' are unhappy..hahahahahahhaha
....this is more proof of your bullshit

Dying and the atheists and liberals is that all there is complaint doesn't sound like joy to me. All you get are little bits of happiness, if that, but mostly it's about liberals and atheists always complaining about something. Can you show me to one recent post of yours that is thankful and uplifting? that the Judgement Day you people have been predicting for THOUSANDS of years?

We all have to wait in Hades for Judgement Day. The only ones who do not have to wait are those living when the end times come. No one knows when the end will be. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it to be around 2060. I think that's a good estimate; God will destroy the world when the false god of atheism is put before him and enough is enough.

..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

This post of yours is a perfect example. This does not sound joyous nor happy. Sad :(.

hahhahahahah---again--the laughs from you never stop coming
I ''''''SOUND''' sad????!! on a inet discussion forum--with NO sound????!!!
I really am laughing

..tell us what hell is, please
Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.

It would be amusing to be there, when you finally stand before Him to be judged, and have the opportunity to tell Him to His face that there's not a chance that He exists.
As a non-believer, I'm completely unafraid of death. I'm terrified of dying but being dead, no problem with that since I don't believe in any afterlife. Now if I was a Christian, I'd be terrified of the possibility of a hell, a place of eternal torment. You have no guarantee where you'll end up, God may turn out to be a Mormon or a Muslim and ask why you didn't believe when you had the chance. You may end up before Satan where he'd thank you for unknowingly serving him so well. Face it you don't know for sure.

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