Does Hillary speak for MOST liberals,"I don't believe you change hearts"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"I Don’t Believe You Change Hearts...
you change laws, you change allocation of resources, you change the way systems operate."

Hillary Clinton to BlackLivesMatter in Video I Don t Believe You Change Hearts... GOOD

This is totally contradicting the "Golden Rule" which is the biblical rule of
“do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12).

Amazing confession of the leading "progressive" leader!
The only way we have progress is by brute force, i.e. laws, rewarding with resources.

How many of you "compassionate" liberals really feel that way?
"I Don’t Believe You Change Hearts...
you change laws, you change allocation of resources, you change the way systems operate."

Hillary Clinton to BlackLivesMatter in Video I Don t Believe You Change Hearts... GOOD

This is totally contradicting the "Golden Rule" which is the biblical rule of
“do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12).

Amazing confession of the leading "progressive" leader!
The only way we have progress is by brute force, i.e. laws, rewarding with resources.

How many of you "compassionate" liberals really feel that way?

Based on Hillary's response if it is indicative of all progressive/liberals what a contradiction with the perception put up by liberals,etc.

Remember Obama told us just as Hillary has indicated... the ONLY way to get your way is by brute Obama said:

from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

You can't depend on people like Hillary/Obama to tell the truth and to depend on the facts and truths to change people.
Depends on lies, laws,brute force.
Holy crap. Well, there it is.

I see that here all the time. The hardcore lefties aren't trying to change hearts and minds, they're trying WIN by FORCING people to behave in certain ways.

Wow. No doubt this is how they feel, although I'm sure she didn't want that getting out.
Socialism basically believes that people have to be forced to do things but because Americans have an aversion to this they have thought of morally acceptable ways tondo this such as ending racism. To end racism we can force people to attend whatever racial sensitivity class that is needed to achieve this goal.
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!

The laws of nature say, do whatever you think you can get away with.
Maybe the conservatives are right. Maybe we should try to appeal to the tender side of ISIS.
Well one thing we conservatives know about ISIS that it appears Obama still doesn't grasp is the abbreviation ISIS contains "Islamic"!
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!

The laws of nature say, do whatever you think you can get away with.

So, you support run away Capitalism?
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!

The laws of nature say, do whatever you think you can get away with.

So, you support run away Capitalism?

Learn to read.
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!

The laws of nature say, do whatever you think you can get away with.

So, you support run away Capitalism?

Capitalism does NOT run away!
This is how ignorant people like you are of business and economics!
Dummy! If a company constantly screws the customer how long will they customer do business?
If I tried to sell the consumer poison food how long would I have a customer?
Obviously you haven't thought your idiocy through because before there were laws people did business on handshakes because they knew
especially in small business that they needed the customer to be alive to do business!
That's a law of nature!
Did we change the hearts of Southern segregationists, or did we change the laws?

You can change any law you like. So long as the enemies heart is against you there will be no peace. Gay marriage is an excellent analogy. Up until quite recently the majority of people didn't like it. Now, even religious people, the majority of them any way, are realizing that gay people aren't evil monsters. It is those people who are allowing gay marriage to finally occur.

There are very loud lunatics fighting against it....but the majority of the religious types have had a change of heart and so things change. Not the laws...but the hearts that promulgate those laws.

Were you anything even approaching a thinking creature, you would understand that fact.
If laws weren't necessary there'd be no traffic signs.
You are so right! The problem with irresponsible people like you is YOU depend on laws telling what is right from wrong!
No question about it though as more and more people believe like you that the womb to tomb management of their lives by government is the ONLY way to live there will be more and more laws and less responsibility by people.
Which came first by the way man made laws or laws of nature?
Here is my point.
Man made law. You can't drive 50 mph in a 20 mph sign.
Nature law: You can't stop a car going 50 mph fast enough to keep from hitting a kid running into the street. Law of physics came first but
obviously ignorant people that don't know that (you maybe?) depend on man made laws...Sad!

The laws of nature say, do whatever you think you can get away with.

So, you support run away Capitalism?

Capitalism does NOT run away!
This is how ignorant people like you are of business and economics!
Dummy! If a company constantly screws the customer how long will they customer do business?
If I tried to sell the consumer poison food how long would I have a customer?
Obviously you haven't thought your idiocy through because before there were laws people did business on handshakes because they knew
especially in small business that they needed the customer to be alive to do business!
That's a law of nature!

Define crony capitalism.
"Does Hillary speak for all liberals"

No one speaks for 'all liberals.'

Unlike most on the right, 'liberals' are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves, of forming their own opinions, and expressing those opinions independently.

'Liberals' aren't subject to the same herd mentality as are most conservatives.
"Does Hillary speak for all liberals"

No one speaks for 'all liberals.'

Unlike most on the right, 'liberals' are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves, of forming their own opinions, and expressing those opinions independently.

'Liberals' aren't subject to the same herd mentality as are most conservatives.

Unlike most liberals I can admit I was wrong in stating "all liberals" as being a realist I made the common liberal mistake of "generalization", hyperbolic statement. I am sorry. Also something "MOST" liberals can't do i.e. admit they were wrong.

My point is common sense says you can't stop a car going 50mph in a 20mph zone. Law of nature/physics. But since a FEW idiots, generally "liberals" think they can skirt the law of physics (see who has the most skateboarding, mountain climbing etc., type of accidents!!!) they do have to have a "man made " law.

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