Does Islam have a Satan?

The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an: Ancient Arab stories starring The God of Abraham.
Irosie won't like the word 'arab' being used in this context.

You should have used the correct term 'semite'. ..... :cool:

The word "arab" in the context used by the islamo Nazi animal is incorrect. The word "semite" is not even close to precise
The word "arab" in the context used by the islamo Nazi animal is incorrect. The word "semite" is not even close to precise
Both arabs and jews are how is it not correct? ...... :cool:

I said it is not "precise" ----it is overly broad. Chinese and Japanese and Persons called Moghuls----and American Indians and Eskimos are MONGOLIANS-------but one does not describe the myths and legends of the Sioux Indians of the American planes of "Mongolian legends"
Not sure.

Do a google search for the name Dajjal , and you will see why I chose it.
Are you the antichrist?

Dajjal is not the anti Christ----he is modest and a bit self-effacing----poor schnook

Define schnook.

kinda like a MERGING of the world "schlemiel" which is really a yiddishfied----verson of "shlomiel" -----and "schmuck" a very slangy word for jerk Shlomiel was a military man under King David who managed to screw up every battle----
the combination word is just an affectionate term for a perennial victim of his own
ineptness------like Charlie Chaplin's "tramp". Dajjal is a JINN------a spirit creature-----no damn good in arabia
I said it is not "precise" ----it is overly broad. Chinese and Japanese and Persons called Moghuls----and American Indians and Eskimos are MONGOLIANS-------but one does not describe the myths and legends of the Sioux Indians of the American planes of "Mongolian legends"
Typical juden semantics......just admit you're wrong. ..... :cool:
I said it is not "precise" ----it is overly broad. Chinese and Japanese and Persons called Moghuls----and American Indians and Eskimos are MONGOLIANS-------but one does not describe the myths and legends of the Sioux Indians of the American planes of "Mongolian legends"
Typical juden semantics......just admit you're wrong. ..... :cool:

typical nabi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit
Islam is very similar to judaism and christianity.

Ancient Arab stories all.

Are they really the LAST word on God?

Really? :dunno:

you know some ancient "arab stories" ??? how ancient? how do you know them?

The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an: Ancient Arab stories starring The God of Abraham.

I don't write it, I just report it...

you are very confused. Arabs are the people who developed their very primitive
culture in the Arabian peninsula -----the language remained unwritten until about 300 AD ------which is after the scriptural writings of both Jews and Christians were already in existence. There is nothing "Arabic" about the ancient writings of jews and the slightly more recent writings of Christians regarding their respective
histories. The Koran is a recap of the writings of the "old testament" and the "new testament" albeit badly mangled

I'm not confused. I'm snarky, and I simplify things.
The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an: Ancient Arab stories starring The God of Abraham.
Irosie won't like the word 'arab' being used in this context.

You should have used the correct term 'semite'. ..... :cool:

While I appreciate the advice, I prefer my snarkeyness. Makes for more entertaining reading.
typical nazi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit

oh----I did not know that you are a muslimah shit licking bitch who eats the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mosque and REGURGITATES it into cyberspace---

I know that muslims march around and fart out shit "curses" and libels. I am familiar with the "culture" of muslims. Most of the filth they fart is actually just meaningless dirt expressing their desire to seem powerful.

It's no wonder nobody takes you seriously. You constantly resort to mindless profanity and obnoxious language when discussing religion, and it reveals you to possess a level of repulsiveness considerably higher those you speak out against.

typical nazi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit

oh----I did not know that you are a muslimah shit licking bitch who eats the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mosque and REGURGITATES it into cyberspace---

I know that muslims march around and fart out shit "curses" and libels. I am familiar with the "culture" of muslims. Most of the filth they fart is actually just meaningless dirt expressing their desire to seem powerful.

It's no wonder nobody takes you seriously. You constantly resort to mindless profanity and obnoxious language when discussing religion, and it reveals you to possess a level of repulsiveness considerably higher those you speak out against.

"nobody"??? you KNOW that which is on the mind of every person?
typical nazi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit

oh----I did not know that you are a muslimah shit licking bitch who eats the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mosque and REGURGITATES it into cyberspace---

I know that muslims march around and fart out shit "curses" and libels. I am familiar with the "culture" of muslims. Most of the filth they fart is actually just meaningless dirt expressing their desire to seem powerful.

Why is this language necessary? Religion is an awesome and epic topic. There is no need for it.

typical nazi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit

oh----I did not know that you are a muslimah shit licking bitch who eats the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mosque and REGURGITATES it into cyberspace---

I know that muslims march around and fart out shit "curses" and libels. I am familiar with the "culture" of muslims. Most of the filth they fart is actually just meaningless dirt expressing their desire to seem powerful.

Why is this language necessary? Religion is an awesome and epic topic. There is no need for it.

The language I used to describe the "language" which muslims fart is appropriate
as a description of the language they use in the "FARTATIONS" during the "holy"
exertions of the "holy" Hajj. Such language is also appropriate as a description of
many episodes of the 'holy' Kutbah jumaat-----the kind so holy that they could easily inspire your pals Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik to THEIR holy and awesome and epic exertions
typical nazi ass licking shit-----illiterate scum trying hard to associate himself with
civilization-------like that "Ishmael" descendant bullshit

oh----I did not know that you are a muslimah shit licking bitch who eats the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mosque and REGURGITATES it into cyberspace---

I know that muslims march around and fart out shit "curses" and libels. I am familiar with the "culture" of muslims. Most of the filth they fart is actually just meaningless dirt expressing their desire to seem powerful.
Why is this language necessary? Religion is an awesome and epic topic. There is no need for it.

The language I used to describe the "language" which muslims fart is appropriate as a description of the language they use in the "FARTATIONS" during the "holy" exertions of the "holy" Hajj.



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