Does Israel really belong to the Jews?

YES!!! GOD GAVE THE LAND TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE=And the Lord appeared unto Abram and said, “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” And there built he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him. genesis 12:7=He smote great nations, and slew mighty kings:

11 Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan;

12 and gave their land as a heritage, a heritage unto Israel His people.
Psalm 135:10-12===

Well God appeared to me and said he didn't. We can all say whatever we want, and then we can justify what we do.

I can win the lotto and say God blessed me.

What you cant argue with is provable INTERNATIONAL LAW that stated the land ownership was transferred from the Ottoman Empire to the League of Nations as reparations of war in 1919. The LoN then transferred land ownership to the Jewish people as a NEW NATIONAL HONE FOR THE JEWS. The arab muslims never owned the land and had not done so for 1,000 years.

Unless you can find a treaty signed by the arab muslims that shows the Ottomans or the LoN gave them the land ?
Europeans removing people from their land and homes in the Middle East because some fairy tale says these Europeans own the land is ridiculous.

As a European diplomat once said. "How can you negotiate with a fellow with long curls wearing a silly hat who says a 3,000 old book he is holding proves he owns land he nor his ancestors has ever seen."

G-d does not negotiate. He is G-d and He doesn't have to negotiate. You don't get it your way. You get it His way or no way at all.

Oh just shut the hell up you ignorant p.o.s. I could be a Hindu and your God would mean nothing to me.

Instead you are an ISLAMONAZI and your god is just on of the minor pantheons elevated by a psychotic child rapist and thief to a status that is not deserved. This is why your symbol is the crescent moon
Oh just shut the hell up you ignorant p.o.s. I could be a Hindu and your God would mean nothing to me.


Well, you are an example of the type of maniac that supports Israel. If you are a Christian, you should be ashamed of yourself.

How so as Chritianity is just an offshoot of Judaism, as is islam
Stop lying about there being no Palestine, and being such a hypocrite, you who have no blood right to be in the land yourself. Herodotus, the Father Of History, wrote about Palestine over 2460 years ago.
Cool, now show us where he describes Ramallah.
i'm just going to point out that the question posed by the o/p is irrelevant. there were wars. the pals lost. end of story.

the question is no more valid than asking is saudi arabia really belongs to muslims.

of course, no one ever questions such things.... or the other dozen muslim countries.
There is a very fundamental FACT----I learned----over many years ---from the many
many muslims I have encountered (hundreds) and from listening to interviews of muslim leaders---
----a few dozen. -----the ISSUE IN THE MIDDLE EAST is simple --------


it does not matter of non muslims purchase land or lived there for millenia----

for the record---the same is true of south east asia

For those who do not know-----there is a LAW OF THE UNIVERSE----called shariah law----
According to shariah law-----NON MUSLIMS CANNOT OWN LAND

thus-----hindus cannot own land, jews cannot own land, Zoroastrians cannot own
land, Christians cannot own land

once you understand TRUTH AND REALITY------you can understand the political situation
in the middle east
Stop lying about there being no Palestine, and being such a hypocrite, you who have no blood right to be in the land yourself. Herodotus, the Father Of History, wrote about Palestine over 2460 years ago.
Cool, now show us where he describes Ramallah.
el Quds - is the Qura'n name for Jerusalem based on Arabic, the literal meaning is 'The Holy' which means it is holy for some reason or people, and this is where Mohammad landed with his Buraq (Pegasus-like mythical animal-Flying Horse) in the Western Wall (Also called Buraq by Arabs) The Western Wall is an ancient relic of the Second Temple (Beit el Quds)
Around the 60-70 CE.
Centuries after Israelites/Jews established Jerusalem.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


There is no such thing a 'Palestine' So Britian had nothing to give to the Jews to start with. It was a foreign force that had nothing to look for in those lands, and it needed to leave both the Jews and the Arabs alone.

Stop lying about there being no Palestine, and being such a hypocrite, you who have no blood right to be in the land yourself.

Herodotus, the Father Of History, wrote about Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Herodotus wrote about Palestine and he wrote nothing about Jews being in Palestine.

What did he write about arab muslims and Palestine ?
Only in their written book and then its still iffy. He gave all the lands to King Cyrus as well.

The Jewish Bible was wrote by men and is their view of God. Indians probably thought God gave them the USA , but found out differently.

And the muslims have it as part of their beliefs that allah gave the whole world to them and they had to take it from its rightful owners by violent means. If you want the verses from the Koran you will have to wait

MY response below:

The New Testament says the meek shall inherit the land. That is what followers of Jesus believe, those who believe the words of Jesus.

AND so what it does not alter the fact that islam has it as a direct command that they will dominate the world using force and violent means. Read the Koran and you will see that it commands the muslims to take over the world.
Herodotus was a greek------since there were lots of greeks and and aegeans who
---being sea faring people-----dropped themselves about the lands abutting the
Mediteranean in northern Africa-------HE decided to refer to those lands by a word actually
from Hebrew which describes those peoples ----pleshtim (something like 'other people who dropped
in') PALESTINA Greeks were remarkably ethnocentric-----the fact that Herodotus named
a large area of land (something like what is now western Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan,
Israel and whatever) PALESTINA actually reflects greek ethnocentricity----wherever there
were greek like people------he called the place PALESTINA ---since non greek like people---in
the minds of the ancient greeks------were non human. That there are jerks who use this historic
fact to justify myths of -------an ANCIENT PALESTINIAN NATIONALITY-----is mind boggling---
it is hard to believe that a person can be so much a stinking semantic sophist propagandaist

ROFLMAO------from POV of Herodotus------the HUMANS living in the vague land mass he
called "PALESTINA"-----were----ONLY the greeks and aegeans ----the rest of the humanoids
simply DID NOT COUNT. Fascist ethnocentrism----has its roots----like just about all
other aspects of todays "western civilization-----in GREEK CULTURE (to be fair---the
greeks picked up lots of stuff----especially their art and architecture from the Egyptians)
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.

Then your Jesus was not a Pharisee that was born of a Jewish mother and lived and preached in what had been Israel. Was he born of some Christian family and walked the dark and Satanic mills of Englands Jerusalem.

He was a Jewish activist that believed in the Jewish religion and preached the return of Israel as foretold in the Torah. That is what you call the Old Testament so you are worshipping a Jewish God and using Jewish scriptures to do so.

You seem to be delusional as to what you really believe and what faith you follow.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


Possession is nine/tenths of the law.

I'm getting tired of the losers in several wars whining because they lost their lands due to their own aggression.

Jordan, Syria, or Lebanon could absorb these folks into their countries, but instead they created a people out of whole-cloth and use them as a strawman to beat over the head of Jews.
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i'm just going to point out that the question posed by the o/p is irrelevant. there were wars. the pals lost. end of story.

the question is no more valid than asking is saudi arabia really belongs to muslims.

of course, no one ever questions such things.... or the other dozen muslim countries.

According to a UN proclamation in 1949 Israel is the only nation that is embodied in International law as a sovereign nation and is to be Jewish till the end of time. The arab muslims are aware of this fact and are trying to force the UN to renege on that so they can invade Israel and take the land as their own
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.

Then your Jesus was not a Pharisee that was born of a Jewish mother and lived and preached in what had been Israel. Was he born of some Christian family and walked the dark and Satanic mills of Englands Jerusalem.

He was a Jewish activist that believed in the Jewish religion and preached the return of Israel as foretold in the Torah. That is what you call the Old Testament so you are worshipping a Jewish God and using Jewish scriptures to do so.

You seem to be delusional as to what you really believe and what faith you follow.

Phoen------I think you are a brit------I was born in the USA and grew up with people
like sherri--------most of my playmates came from a background like that which was
most likely hers------I spent time in churches and sunday schools. THUS I kinda
understand sherri. I had absolutely no education in religion (other than protestant
sunday school)----but the "culture" of my family was definitely jewish and ---also I was
an avid reader. ----thus besides the Nazi literature I found around town-----I also found
jewish stuff here and there. ----in my own home---the homes of relatives ----and jewish
friends I certainly knew how jews sorta believed----and did things. As I grew up ---
like everyone else in the world-----I learned more. ----getting back to sherri---
by the time I was about ten-------if I commented to my Christian friends----JESUS
WAS A JEW ----they were INSULTED -----if when they mocked "kosher food"----
and I commented "you think jesus ate bacon and eggs for breakfast'?? they were
insulted. There is a huge portion of USA people who are just as clueless as is
sherri------they are LEFT OVERS--------In the 1960s things began to change----
along with civil rights for blacks------there were programs of "getting to know you"---
between jewish and Christian organizations--------my town was so Nazi and sherri like
in background-----that there were people who RESENTED the new "getting to know
you" campaigns------they just did not want to know. Sherri CLINGS to her ignorance
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.

Now how can that possibly be, according to your own logic--that the Jews were driven out hundreds of years before Jesus? You have said many times here that Jesus called Jews the sons of the devil, and that the Jews killed your god. How could they have killed him if they were not even there?
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.

Now how can that possibly be, according to your own logic--that the Jews were driven out hundreds of years before Jesus? You have said many times here that Jesus called Jews the sons of the devil, and that the Jews killed your god. How could they have killed him if they were not even there?

forever------try to cope------there WERE some jews living outside of Israel/Judea---2000
years ago-----some-----that is the basis for sherri's claim that Israel/Judea was really populated
by Arabic speaking arabs-----like jesus and is really a land owned by isaallah throat
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


There is no such thing a 'Palestine' So Britian had nothing to give to the Jews to start with. It was a foreign force that had nothing to look for in those lands, and it needed to leave both the Jews and the Arabs alone.

Stop lying about there being no Palestine, and being such a hypocrite, you who have no blood right to be in the land yourself.

Herodotus, the Father Of History, wrote about Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Herodotus wrote about Palestine and he wrote nothing about Jews being in Palestine.
Wow, still stuck on the same lies and false propaganda. Herodotus was referring to Philistia, not Palestine, you friggin illiterate moron.
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.
Nope, wrong again. The destruction of the temple and hence first diaspora occurred after Jesus.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


Possession is nine/tenths of the law.

I'm getting tired of the losers in several wars whining because they lost their lands due to their own aggression.


How can the Muslims and Christians that had be living in Palestine for dozens or more generations be considered aggressors? They were invaded by Europeans of the Jewish faith starting in the mid to late 1800s and have been defending themselves against the Jewish aggressor ever since.

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