Does Israel really belong to the Jews?

The only people that belong in Israel are the seed of Abraham - Abraham's children. It their inheritance. That is a truth for you. Meditate on that, Pbel. Let it sink in deep.
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. and you????

Did humans and dinosaurs live together?
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. and you????
Did humans and dinosaurs live together?
Depends on what's expedient for palistanians at the moment, of course.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


There is no such thing a 'Palestine' So Britian had nothing to give to the Jews to start with. It was a foreign force that had nothing to look for in those lands, and it needed to leave both the Jews and the Arabs alone.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


The Arabs have started every War to occupy. With all due respect if the Arabs had won the 67 War and they occupied Israel I doubt if you would be talking about it . Why Israel have ANY respect for the U.N ? Where was their moral outrage when Iraq started Shooting Missles at them in the Gulf War. Hamas initiated this violence. Where is the moral outrage ?
Why does the US support Israel so adamantly?

The Lobby controls politicians and the MSM and delusional cults like Evangelicals do the rest.

There is no such thing as "israeli." The mythical Israelites, if they ever existed which is unlikely, disappeared according to the mythology of the Bible. 720 BC.
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I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


You don't fool anyone as we know an ISLAMONAZI SHILL when one pops up

Now for the History lesson..........

Back in 1919 when the allies won WW1 the Ottoman empire was broken up and turned into mandates by the new owners. These new owners the LoN gave land to all of its allies that helped to defeat the axis powers in the M.E. So Syria was created anew along with Iraq and Lebanon. To appease the hashemites they also took 70% of the land they had promised the Jews as their NEW NATIONAL HOME and gave it to the lesser brother for his kingdom. All Britain did was run the mandate for the LoN and had no control over apportioning land. The arab muslims decided that they wanted everything and started a civil war after first massacring Jews in Hebron and Jerusalem. The British were and still are ANTI SEMITES and did not want to see the Jews settle in Palestine so tried to block the formation of the JEWISH NATIONAL HOME. When this failed they gave up the madate and it then became the remit of the NEW United Nations who decided on a botched partition plan that gave the arab muslims even more land. The muslims refused to accept the UN partition and started the war that is still ongoing.

So as you see nothing to do with Irgun or the British, all down to arab nationalism and Islamic world domination

Attempting to break out of the control of a foreign power that controls one's land borders, air space and territorial sea, is a right of people under siege. A blockade is an act of war.

So is terrorist attacks on Israeli children when they leave you to live in peace, that is what caused the blockade. The gazan scum could have had no blockade and a thriving economy but elected to engage in violence and war. Now they are paying the heavy price of that violence and war....................:eusa_boohoo:

Tiny Israel vs the powerful Palestinians? I don't follow that line of thinking.

Israel is the third smallest nation in the world and is surrounded by the nation of islam that has as one of its religious commands " KILL THE JEWS "
Israel Firsters are delusional.

Don't you mean ISLAMONAZI STOOGES like yourself. REmind me again why gaza fired over 1500 rockets between August 2005 and the end of 2006 when there was no blockade or occupation of gaza ? Could they be the reason that the LEGAL blockade was imposed and why the LEGAL separation barrier was built ?
I am pro compassion.

There is a saying: Those who are compassionate to the cruel will end up being cruel to the compassionate.

"Cruel" in this horrible conflict is a subjective term.

The conflict was completely avoidable if hamas had acted like human beings and arrested the murderers of the 3 Israeli boys and agreed to a ceasefire. As they will tell you they prefer death to life, and the propaganda they got from alleged civilian deaths was worth the hardships.
God gave it to the Jews. It's as simple as that.

Only in their written book and then its still iffy. He gave all the lands to King Cyrus as well.

The Jewish Bible was wrote by men and is their view of God. Indians probably thought God gave them the USA , but found out differently.

And the muslims have it as part of their beliefs that allah gave the whole world to them and they had to take it from its rightful owners by violent means. If you want the verses from the Koran you will have to wait for them.
I am not a Middle East scholar. I dabble and have interest. My thoughts are that the British gave a small portion of "Palestine" to the Jews because they were tired of the Irgun terrorizing them. Now legitimized, they, we, penalize the Palestinians because they use terror to attempt to gain freedom. We should all abhor terrorism.

Why does the US support Israel so adamantly? I completely agree that we need a strong ally in the Middle East. But should we look the other way while our ally continuously, with our UN veto protection, defies resolutions regarding their actions and occupation? For biblical reasons? Is the political state of Israel the "great nation" of Abraham? And does the Christian faith support occupation and blockade of a people?

I love Jews. I love Arabs. I love blacks, whites, Mexicans etc. But I'm growing weary of the one sided heavy handed treatment of the poor souls, who are not all terrorists, in Palestine.


There is no such thing a 'Palestine' So Britian had nothing to give to the Jews to start with. It was a foreign force that had nothing to look for in those lands, and it needed to leave both the Jews and the Arabs alone.

Stop lying about there being no Palestine, and being such a hypocrite, you who have no blood right to be in the land yourself.

Herodotus, the Father Of History, wrote about Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Herodotus wrote about Palestine and he wrote nothing about Jews being in Palestine.
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|
God gave it to the Jews. It's as simple as that.

Only in their written book and then its still iffy. He gave all the lands to King Cyrus as well.

The Jewish Bible was wrote by men and is their view of God. Indians probably thought God gave them the USA , but found out differently.

And the muslims have it as part of their beliefs that allah gave the whole world to them and they had to take it from its rightful owners by violent means. If you want the verses from the Koran you will have to wait

MY response below:

The New Testament says the meek shall inherit the land. That is what followers of Jesus believe, those who believe the words of Jesus.
Europeans removing people from their land and homes in the Middle East because some fairy tale says these Europeans own the land is ridiculous.

As a European diplomat once said. "How can you negotiate with a fellow with long curls wearing a silly hat who says a 3,000 old book he is holding proves he owns land he nor his ancestors has ever seen."

And I am still waiting for you to produce the evidence that the land was arab muslim in 1948 when the LoN gave the land to the Jews of the WORLD as their NATIONAL HOME. All you links do is show population densities and not actual ownership. The Britsh land registry shows that the Jews from all over the WORLD owned 7% of the land and the Christians owned 1% of the land. Then the arab muslims owned less that 1% of the land making their claim the lesser
Israel was their ancestral homeland. They were expelled by the Romans after Masada. The Romans were Europeans and Europe tried to correct a historical wrong. The Palestinians came after the Hebrews and the Romans...

...not before. :|

The Diaspora began hundreds of years before Jesus lived in Palestine. You seem to be a believer in Zionist fairytales.
Iran is arming Hamas in order to wage war against Israel.

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