Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

Pence will now be publicly exposed for the deranged religious nut that he is. He may not have thought this through...

Oh, no doubt you tolerant types will disparage him to the point of psychosis.

It will be great fun because it will not bother him a bit.. or any of his supporters. We'll just laugh at you as you meltdown and throw your support behind that POS Hildebeast.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
So leading the fight again baby murder upsets you? Good, it should scare the hell out of you liberals because we are coming....
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
SUMMATION: Pence opposes abortion and is a Christian therefore, according to leftist extremists, is somewhere along the line of the 'anti-christ', if one believes in that sort of thing.

Wouldn't have expected anymore from the 'Lakhota Left Wing' of the DNC.

Solution: Don't vote for Trump/Pence.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
So leading the fight again baby murder upsets you? Good, it should scare the hell out of you liberals because we are coming....

I think libs get pregnant just so they can have an abortion and brag about it to their lib friends so they look cool.
Seriously who cares? You are electing a woman who is literally one of the most corrupt and incompetent politicians in the history of the united states. That doesn't bother you but apparently a potential VP not believing in a completely irrelevant and unproveable theory is absolutely damning.

Stop being such a lemming and clean up your own house before you start whining about others
Pence tried to destroy the economy of Indiana going after gays. Remember Romney? I will only represent some of America?

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Liberty: It's enemy #1 for the Khmer Rouge democrats. :thup:

You are at war to end civil rights once and for all.
We know Republicans want to end civil rights once and for all. They tried it under Bush. They try it with their kill the gays rallies. They try it voter suppression. We need to fight the enemy within. The GOP. They've done more damage to the country than al Qaeda and Isis put together. Don't let them finish the job they started under Bush.

Really? How did Republicans try to end civil rights?
Ask the gays.

Or the blacks.

Or the Muslims.

Or women.

Or Hispanics.

Why must Republicans pretend to be such ignorant fucks. They know the truth. We know the truth. Can't they ever just be honest?

Which State Had the Longest Voting Lines in 2012?

2012 Voting Lines Study Shows Minorities Faced Longer Average Wait Times To Cast Ballots
Pence is a Christian. Being a Christian does not make one 'anti-science' but does make anyone who thinks so the 'idiot'. (Neither does questioning disputable 'undeniable' global warming', but that's a whole separate thread...).

Matthews even suggests himself that God created the heavens and the earth utilizing the process 'pro-evolutionists' call 'evolution'. The Bible says God created the heavens and the earth but does not say HOW. Perhaps he did so through the process called 'the big bang theory', perhaps not.

Anyone seeking to claim Pence is not qualified to be VP based on the fact that he believes God created the heavens and the earth is as ridiculous as someone saying another candidate is not qualified because they DON'T believe God created the heavens and the earth.

Is anyone really afraid that Pence as VP might actually force the US to adopt a Christian belief system or be punished by the DOJ (like Obama/Lynch considered doing with global warming)? Anyone concerned PENCE as VP will force any radical Christian legislation through into law HIMSELF? That's laughable.

This is little more than Christian 'haters' hatin' on Pence because of his religious beliefs.


....Obama's racist, anti-American, hate-spewing 'pastor' MENTOR led Barry in 'Christian' faith in their Black Liberation Theology church, where Wright taught 'wonderful' messages such as 'God D@mn America' for decades, and Barry's Christian faith never seemed to be a problem for why is Pence's?
There seems to be abject terror in some minds that someone, somewhere, just might hold a religious belief. I think they would never leave their homes if they knew how many of them are walking the streets right now, completely uncontrolled. And they'd crap themselves if they realized how many are in positions of power.
Pence tried to destroy the economy of Indiana going after gays. Remember Romney? I will only represent some of America?

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Liberty: It's enemy #1 for the Khmer Rouge democrats. :thup:

You are at war to end civil rights once and for all.
We know Republicans want to end civil rights once and for all. They tried it under Bush. They try it with their kill the gays rallies. They try it voter suppression. We need to fight the enemy within. The GOP. They've done more damage to the country than al Qaeda and Isis put together. Don't let them finish the job they started under Bush.

Really? How did Republicans try to end civil rights?
Ask the gays.

Or the blacks.

Or the Muslims.

Or women.

Or Hispanics.

Why must Republicans pretend to be such ignorant fucks. They know the truth. We know the truth. Can't they ever just be honest?

Which State Had the Longest Voting Lines in 2012?

2012 Voting Lines Study Shows Minorities Faced Longer Average Wait Times To Cast Ballots

Gee, that certainly answers my question.

Pence tried to destroy the economy of Indiana going after gays. Remember Romney? I will only represent some of America?

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Liberty: It's enemy #1 for the Khmer Rouge democrats. :thup:

You are at war to end civil rights once and for all.
We know Republicans want to end civil rights once and for all. They tried it under Bush. They try it with their kill the gays rallies. They try it voter suppression. We need to fight the enemy within. The GOP. They've done more damage to the country than al Qaeda and Isis put together. Don't let them finish the job they started under Bush.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.

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