Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

Have you ever read the psycho Old Testament? That's some crazy vicious shit.

Hate filled and stupid is no way to go through life, ShittingBull.

Being open-minded and sane is, though.

You're neither....

Well, at least I don't believe in some invisible supernatural Sky Daddy that no one has any proof of its existence. I'd call that open-minded and sane. What would you call it?


Faith? Well, I have "faith" that the sun will come up tomorrow - but I have some evidence that is likely to happen. What evidence do you have of your "faith"...?
Hate filled and stupid is no way to go through life, ShittingBull.

Being open-minded and sane is, though.

You're neither....

Well, at least I don't believe in some invisible supernatural Sky Daddy that no one has any proof of its existence. I'd call that open-minded and sane. What would you call it?


Faith? Well, I have "faith" that the sun will come up tomorrow - but I have some evidence that is likely to happen. What evidence do you have of your "faith"...?

I actually have very little of it, being a lapsed catholic at best. However I have great respect for people of faith, and even those of no faith, as long as they are not assholes about it. And these days the asshole act comes mostly from those of no faith.

Your need to be disparaging about god in general shows this. Asshole.
Creationism? Holy shit. Anyone who believe in Creationism should not even be near the White House - let alone Vice President of the United States.
If you had any brains – if only – you would understand the real debate has never been about creationism vs evolution.

If any damage is being done to this world it is the voices in science who claim evolution could have happened without intelligent design or a supreme entity guiding the process.

So which is worse, a creationist because he has serious doubts about all the “ proof” evolution claims as fact --- or an evolutionist who says there is no evidence for intelligent design, it could all have happened by chance, and there is no reason to believe God even exists?

For the record --- I only believe in creationism because I think all the claims evolution makes are totally unproven. Plus the incongruities in the fossil record are endless. If evolution occurred three things have to be true --- 1. God did it, 2. He did a fine job of hiding the evidence, and 3. Since man has been around he has stopped the process altogether. Now you can have your LOL moment.


Incidentally, here is a very lengthy and astute commentary by a Dr. David Berlinski who happens to doubt so many of what evolution claims as fact. What is interesting about this is that Dr. Berlinski is an agnostic, and so he has zero basis for claiming he doubts evolution because of any religious beliefs. The Deniable Darwin | Center for Science and Culture

And here is another doubting evolution that just was published yesterday! Imagine that. ‘Undeniable’: Darwinian Explanations Not Just Unlikely, But ‘Physically Impossible’
Religion is man-made - conjured up by ancient superstitious old goat/sheepherders. God didn't make man - man made God. So why would otherwise sane people live their lives based on such nonsense? It boggles my mind...

Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense

Gee if scientists proved it don't you think it would be all over the news and internet instead of some obscure site called the The Squib?? LMAO You're so gullible
Religion is man-made - conjured up by ancient superstitious old goat/sheepherders. God didn't make man - man made God. So why would otherwise sane people live their lives based on such nonsense? It boggles my mind...

Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense

Only your opinion, and you can't prove any of it by the rules of science you claim to hold so dear. Of course you can't prove the opposite either by those same rules, which is why the concept of faith exists.
Have you ever read the psycho Old Testament? That's some crazy vicious shit.

Hate filled and stupid is no way to go through life, ShittingBull.

Being open-minded and sane is, though.

You're neither....

Well, at least I don't believe in some invisible supernatural Sky Daddy that no one has any proof of its existence. I'd call that open-minded and sane. What would you call it?
Someone else's perspective that you have yet to attempt to understand.
Have you ever read the psycho Old Testament? That's some crazy vicious shit.

Hate filled and stupid is no way to go through life, ShittingBull.

Being open-minded and sane is, though.
It's not open-minded to bash something without first attempting to understand it. I think you just unintentionally insulted yourself.

Sloping Brow is a Huffpo hack, w.o Huffpo he's lost and helpless
Religion is man-made - conjured up by ancient superstitious old goat/sheepherders. God didn't make man - man made God. So why would otherwise sane people live their lives based on such nonsense? It boggles my mind...

Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense

Only your opinion, and you can't prove any of it by the rules of science you claim to hold so dear. Of course you can't prove the opposite either by those same rules, which is why the concept of faith exists.
Let's be realistic... anyone that holds onto the coattails of today's 'scientific' community doesn't actually hold rules of science dear.

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