Does New York's Governor Know How House Vacancies are Filled?

You're still vermin. Unlike you , she'll listen to reason and hold a special election.
She has no choice, despite her misguided belief she would get to “fill the vacancy”, vermin.
She has no choice, despite her misguided belief she would get to “fill the vacancy”, vermin.
And it's no.big deal. People make mistakes all the time
Only creeps try to rub people's faces in an honest mistake.
She was saying she was going to personally pick someone to run...
It is a very infrequent occurrence. That is one possibility , the other is she was misinformed about how the replacing occurs. We shouldn't assume either way. Her actions will tell us all we need to know.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It’s not like there are any stupid NY voters. They mean, nobody would vote in an AOC or a Schumer. Or a Hillary. Or a Weiner.
It is a very infrequent occurrence. That is one possibility , the other is she was misinformed about how the replacing occurs. We shouldn't assume either way. Her actions will tell us all we need to know.
She will be reminded tomorrow after she comes down.
She seems like a real dumb fuck. Maybe the people of New York can just her that her term is over and she will just go home. Its worth a try.
As Governor, is her job to fill the vacancy. She will consult with Secretary of State and set the date for a special election. The person who wins that race will the seat until the election.
No, the vacancy will be filled by the voters, vermin.

The NY governor is an idiot,
It is a very infrequent occurrence. That is one possibility , the other is she was misinformed about how the replacing occurs. We shouldn't assume either way. Her actions will tell us all we need to know.
Her actions are dictated by law. But she exposed her ignorance for all to see.
I read the initial report, she did not definitely imply anything except her resolve to remedy the situation.
Who said she “implied “ anything, Simp?

She flat out said it was her duty to “fill the vacancy”.

No amount of moronic spin by you will change that fact, vermin.
Who said she “implied “ anything, Simp?

She flat out said it was her duty to “fill the vacancy”.

No amount of moronic spin by you will change that fact, vermin.
You see what you want to , I see the truth of the situation. Assuming things isn't my style. And yes she does have the most say as to whomever is nominated by her party. Santos won the district by only 8 percentage points and this disaster has no doubt left a bitter taste in the mouth of New Yorkers , it's very unlikely another Republican could be elected again.

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