Does obama abuse his powers worse than lincoln?

Well you agreed when one of the posters said that Obama was a great president. What kind of fool do you take me for?

The special kind. The kind who deserves to be mocked. I suspect TNHarley will do so. You idiot.

Right? I am sitting here talking shit about both of them
That takes a special kind of <insert any synonym for idiot>


Thank you for proving my point. Agreeing with two liberal board trolls. Case closed.

Well you agreed when one of the posters said that Obama was a great president. What kind of fool do you take me for?

Why do you dislike humor?
I think both presidents suck!!
It shouldn't matter to you what I like. I like things for different reasons.
You remind me of the NSA and FBI getting all up in my shit, and shit :tongue:

There is a political satire subforum for that.

When you make your opinions and preferences known on a board like this, it does matter. Secondly, you're making it easy.

As for the FBI and NSA, did you do something to piss them off?
you need to get out more
Bammy is a black man raised by radicals who believed that whitey raped and stole EVREYTHING from yes the nigga is coming for us.
Bammy is a black man raised by radicals who believed that whitey raped and stole EVREYTHING from yes the nigga is coming for us.

Your avi is sooo deceiving :)
Bammy is a black man raised by radicals who believed that whitey raped and stole EVREYTHING from yes the nigga is coming for us.

makes you feel strong to be a racist?


My strength lies in my ability to interpret reality.

Bammy called his Grandmother a "typical white person".
He called his grandfather " a house ******".

That makes bammy a racist nigga.
You have YET to mention the OP, you freakin TROLL:eek:

You lost me at "Obama is a great president"

I believe you. In fact, I believe it was pre-
You really have proven you cant comprehend shit

You have proven your sense of humor is absolutely atrocious. If you really want to know, Lincoln lived in a completely different era, he did things that would be seen now as abuses of power, since we now have laws that forbid some of the things he did. Did he abuse his power? No. Did Obama abuse his? You bet your ass.
Using military rule to justify the robbery of the south suggests greed and evil, not far from that of fellow tyrants stalin, hitler, chairman mao, fidel castro, and obama.
You lost me at "Obama is a great president"

I believe you. In fact, I believe it was pre-
You really have proven you cant comprehend shit

You have proven your sense of humor is absolutely atrocious. If you really want to know, Lincoln lived in a completely different era, he did things that would be seen now as abuses of power, since we now have laws that forbid some of the things he did. Did he abuse his power? No. Did Obama abuse his? You bet your ass.

I wonder if the word dumbass meant the same back in the 1800's
You lost me at "Obama is a great president"

I believe you. In fact, I believe it was pre-
You really have proven you cant comprehend shit

You have proven your sense of humor is absolutely atrocious. If you really want to know, Lincoln lived in a completely different era, he did things that would be seen now as abuses of power, since we now have laws that forbid some of the things he did. Did he abuse his power? No. Did Obama abuse his? You bet your ass.

Jake just threatened me via email...I am so frightened!!!!!
I believe you. In fact, I believe it was pre-
You really have proven you cant comprehend shit

You have proven your sense of humor is absolutely atrocious. If you really want to know, Lincoln lived in a completely different era, he did things that would be seen now as abuses of power, since we now have laws that forbid some of the things he did. Did he abuse his power? No. Did Obama abuse his? You bet your ass.

I wonder if the word dumbass meant the same back in the 1800's

Hey man.....if you REALLY WANT TO KNOW.....Lincoln lived in a completely different era than Obama.

Did you hear that sucking sound? That was Captain Obvious hitting "submit" on another gem.
I think it is pretty damn close.
I think Lincoln was a greedy, manipulative asshole; Him suspending Habeas Corpus, expanding the Union army,(granted, it did get approved by Congress LATER) arresting anyone that opposed his views etc.
Basically, he just threw away the COTUS to get what HE wanted
I was doing some reading on it a couple of weeks ago, and honestly, I don't think he gave 2 shits about the slaves. More along the lines of industrialization and the countries economic interests!!
AND Obama; obamacare, drone surveillance, suppressing opposition, assault on the BoR etc
So what say you?
Do you think it was Lincoln or Obama?
Do you think lincolns abuse was justified because of the war? Why?

We all know why you hated lincoln. Really we do.
Now is Obama bad....well, he did not have a 9/11 happen on his watch. He did not start a war on a lie and he did not put us in a repression. Almost depression.

NOw Buh on the other hand..well, we all are still paying for those 8 horirible years.
I think it is pretty damn close.
I think Lincoln was a greedy, manipulative asshole; Him suspending Habeas Corpus, expanding the Union army,(granted, it did get approved by Congress LATER) arresting anyone that opposed his views etc.
Basically, he just threw away the COTUS to get what HE wanted
I was doing some reading on it a couple of weeks ago, and honestly, I don't think he gave 2 shits about the slaves. More along the lines of industrialization and the countries economic interests!!
AND Obama; obamacare, drone surveillance, suppressing opposition, assault on the BoR etc
So what say you?
Do you think it was Lincoln or Obama?
Do you think lincolns abuse was justified because of the war? Why?

We all know why you hated lincoln. Really we do.
Now is Obama bad....well, he did not have a 9/11 happen on his watch. He did not start a war on a lie and he did not put us in a repression. Almost depression.

NOw Buh on the other hand..well, we all are still paying for those 8 horirible years.

Do you swallow obamas cyber-cum?
That stuff you just said was 3/4 democrats
Can we get back to the OP? Does anyone have a credible argument?
Using military rule to justify the robbery of the south suggests greed and evil, not far from that of fellow tyrants stalin, hitler, chairman mao, fidel castro, and obama.

Using the military to launch unnecessary wars on people are about as bad too, for your information. And what did he rob from the South? They were rebelling against the government! He robbed them of their will to fight. And he freed innocent people from bondage! Are you calling Abraham Lincoln a fascist?! Oh boy.
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