Does Obama Fear Putin?

Does Obama Fear Putin?

  • Yes, Like the little bitch he is

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • No, he is too high most of the time to give a shit

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Maybe, maybe not, but what is Kim Kardashian wearing tonight?

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • dunno, donacare

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Watching how Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press, many are getting the idea that Obama is afraid of Putin.

Is this true?
Watching how Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press, many are getting the idea that Obama is afraid of Putin.

Is this true?

Yes, in my opinion. Actually I see Obama, afraid of his own shadow. This is not a courageous, decisive man.
I have found that you can easily judge a man by how he functions in his marriage.

Obama is terrorized and bullied by Michelle at home.

And that is reflected in his psychological makeup and makes him ineffectual as a world leader. .. :cool:
Obummer would get his ass kicked by Mother Teresa if she were still around.

And he would enjoy it

One wonders HOW he will survive, once, if ever, he is out of office. He will live in fear, even surrounded with a few S/S agents.
I guess its back to community organizer and making friends with America haters like Ayers and Rev. Wright. You can take a clown out of the circus, but you can't take the circus out of the clown.
Watching how Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press, many are getting the idea that Obama is afraid of Putin.

Is this true?

No. Not even close. To obama, he is god. His bizarre behavior isn't because he's afraid of Putin but because obama is bored. He's already checked out. Putin is a stubborn child that simply won't do what he's told. Obama has washed his hands of the whole world leadership thingy and is going off on his own determined to have a good time as long as the party lasts.

The reason who obama refuses to oppose Putin is because he can't. Obama thought he was a leader until he turned around and noticed that no one was following him.
I have found that you can easily judge a man by how he functions in his marriage.

Obama is terrorized and bullied by Michelle at home.

And that is reflected in his psychological makeup and makes him ineffectual as a world leader. .. :cool:
Yeah, I guess he isn't your typical chauvinist Muslim male then.
If neither fears the other, both should be replaced. One way or the other... If they're not going to fight one on one, but rather involve their militaries then they better fucking fear each other.
I have found that you can easily judge a man by how he functions in his marriage.

Obama is terrorized and bullied by Michelle at home.

And that is reflected in his psychological makeup and makes him ineffectual as a world leader. .. :cool:

Well, I did watch as Mrs. Obama told the world on the Jay Leno show in 2010, that she and Barry almost had divorced. She also wrote that in a book.

Interesting that you can judge a man by how he functions in his marriage. Never thought of that.

I judge a person's character by looking at their friends. And Barry's friends, before being elected to the highest office in the land, were the worst. Think Bill Ayers, just for starters.

Or read one of Obama's own books, declaring his friends and their radical beliefs and actions. It's all there.
Both realize the other's power, Putin's is shrinking at this point, that could change however.
I have found that you can easily judge a man by how he functions in his marriage.

Obama is terrorized and bullied by Michelle at home.

And that is reflected in his psychological makeup and makes him ineffectual as a world leader. .. :cool:

Good point. Very good point.
Barry's just in way over his head with Putin and just about everyone else on the world stage. He brought zero management, leadership, or big time negotiating experience along with his golf clubs to the White House so it's not surprising at all he comes off looking like a hopeless idiot while knocking a few strokes off his game.
Obama is the type of person that needs to be surrounded by fawning sycophants and worshipers.

That's why he loves to do fund raisers where enthralled Obamabot's hang on his every word and consider him a deity.

But when he has to confront a strong unwavering forceful personality like Putin in the political arena.

Obama is quickly reduced to a subservient Beta male. .. :cool:
Putin says the UN isn't "fair" to Russia, the little man is whining, as usual. But his country voted FOR the resolution.
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