Does Obama read the tea leaves? Promises to work with GOP if reelected

He did that before..most of the initiatives that Obama was involved in, incorporated Republican ideas.

Republicans on the other hand..held a meeting to devise a policy to make Obama a one term President. And that was before he was inaugurated.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

How soon they forget..
Huh? I thought Barry's gonna be working with Putin if reelected? You know, exercising the new flexibility he told him he'd have.
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This is going to before or after he declares martial law,suspends congress and the constitution and imprisons the republicans top leadership? I will believe this shit if and when it happens...why would he compromise in a 2nd term? He has no reason to..he will be a lame duck president and won't need to campaign to get re elected this would be the perfect time for him to declare martial law or use a false flag attack to do so.
He did that before..most of the initiatives that Obama was involved in, incorporated Republican ideas.

Republicans on the other hand..held a meeting to devise a policy to make Obama a one term President. And that was before he was inaugurated.

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

How soon they forget..

You can't talk to a President about job opportunity, when he pushes ideas and legislation based upon more Government dependency. What was Obama's greatest priority in 2009? Remember, he abandonded jobs and the economy when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed bogged down Congress for a year on Obamacare. How soon the democrats forget.

It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Repubicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

Neither party gives a shit about the American people. They care about 2 things. Money and Power. That's it.
Did obama say he would compromise? Or, did he say that he expected compromise from republicans?
I hear this President yapping all the time...
Why should this term be different.
I don't expect a whole lot from this man.

Not after this....

If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

That told us all how this guy feels about the American people

It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Repubicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

He passed ObamaCare against the will of the people, he robbed us taxpayers of a 800 BILLION stimulus and the beat went on...SO THE PEOPLE put the Republicans in the house in 2010 TO STOP this idiot..And there's no sense trying to compromise with WITH A THUG
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It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Repubicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

Bull shit. Obama ignored the GOP almost completely, and harry Reid has blocked or ignored everything the GOp has sent him.
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Did he promise to work with the GOP, or does he expect the GOP to work with him? He expects more compromise. He has no intention of compromising himself. He will compromise with the Russians when he shows more flexibiity.

If the GOP has backbone, they'll betray him first. They'll start making their own alliances.

It was the GOP who refused to work with Obama. They made their position clear. They wanted to beat Obama at any cost, and didn't give a flying fuck about the American people.

When the Repubicans get trounced again, I expect they'll be more willing to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION and actually COMPROMISE.

Bull shit. Obama ignored the GIOp almost completely, and harry Reid has blocked or ignored everything the GOp has sent him.

You have to love how they like to IGNORE the ass kicking the people gave the Democrats in 2010 to give the house back to the Republicans...they really have to believe it's everybody's fault but Obama's...
On the day of President Obama's inauguration, Republicans were miles away at a dinner...plotting how to oppose the President. The President should be saying FUCK YOU to the GOP.

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