Does one have to join a Christian denomination church in order to worship Christ?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
No, of course not. Since you said "we" just remember that wherever two or more are gathered....
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
My relationship with God/Jesus is a personal one. No one else has a need to know anything about it and a church definitely has no place in it. Which church is right for crying out loud. We have over 200 Christian religions in the world and they don't agree on much.
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
My opinion is that everyone should make their own decisions based on their own circumstances. Simply because most can now return does not mean that all should.

I have a horrible time with masks--Fifteen minutes and I am nauseated and close to vomiting. The churches in my county have another mask mandate. Churches in the next county do not. So I am going to church in the next county, which fortunately is not that much further away. If it were, I would be with you--back online simply because I am one of a small minority that cannot manage the mask.

(Also, I have no faith that masks actually work. I wore a mask for a quick trip into a pet store with cats. I am allergic to cats and the mask did not do a thing to protect me from cat allergens.)

Anyway, I am certain you have prayed about this before reaching a decision. Go with that, and my own prayers are with you.
initforme religion is man made--you can do anything you want ..worship anything you want--even a pole--whenever you want
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
You can belong to God and never walk into another church again. Worship is the important word there in your post. Where you go about it is still counted as righteousness in God's eyes.
The downside to that is church is where you are with like minded people to lift you up and help in times of despair. Where there are two or more, then that is also where Christ is:
MATTHEW 18:20 KJV "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

You are fine. Praise God wherever you are comfortable. He'll hear you, dance over you, and bless you.


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I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.

Gee, what would Christ say?
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.

Please ignore those who are not Christian flinging about answers in this thread--you probably know that.

It is very, very important that Christians gather together to worship, pray, learn, and fellowship. Bible verses abound, but notice the two "greatest commands" Jesus gave were both relational to God and to each other: "...and love your neighbor as yourself".

And then there's this from Hebrews: "And let us consider how to stir one another up to good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."--Hebrews 10:24-25

You are important to the Body of Christ! Here:

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.--1 Cor 12:12-13

Really important to get to church now because who knows what risk is coming? In many nations gathering together to worship is illegal. Would you do it even then? That's a question for me too--would I? Hard to think about. I pray for wisdom, guidance, and strength!
But at our age and the variant it would be anti beneficial for us to attend in person. That goes against gods will

Does one have to join a Christian denomination church in order to worship Christ?​

A resounding NO. Don't pay attention to the thumpers like StupidSue that judges and bears false witness while claiming they are christian.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) is the ninth commandment (the designation varies between religions[1]) of the Ten Commandments.

Matthew 7:1-3

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Christ knows your heart, regardless of where you are....or are not.
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Does one have to join a Christian denomination church in order to worship Christ?​

A resounding NO. Don't pay attention to the thumpers like StupidSue that judges and bears false witness while claiming they are christian.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" (Exodus 20:16) is the ninth commandment (the designation varies between religions[1]) of the Ten Commandments.

Matthew 7:1-3

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Christ knows your heart, regardless of where you are....or are not.

People that quote the judge verses are almost without fail the ones doing the judging, ever notice that? Gracie you're BIG MAD at me for pointing out that the Bible actually means something. The words written there mean something. They're not written in invisible ink, or with blank pages you can write whatever you want to write on.

Why big mad at me for pointing out the obvious?
People that quote the judge verses are almost without fail the ones doing the judging, ever notice that? Gracie you're BIG MAD at me for pointing out that the Bible actually means something. The words written there mean something. They're not written in invisible ink, or with blank pages you can write whatever you want to write on.

Why big mad at me for pointing out the obvious?
One has to care about someone else to be "mad" at them. You mean diddly squat to me, so therefore...oh. Wait. You are not smart enough to figure it out.
I have not judged you for your beliefs. YOU have judged ME for not going along with what YOU want me to believe. How many times have you said as a christian you would call me out if I said anything against your book or your beliefs? How many times have you accused me of following you around? How many times have you said I cannot be christian if I did not believe all that is in your book? And finally, how is that NOT judging ME?
You are a very stupid person. Some of the shit you post that is NOT scripture is flat out idiotic. And judge. I posted those scriptures just to show you that I, too, can quote the book you worship. I don't worship it. Which pisses YOU off. So any remark I make to anyone else, you automatically ASSume it's all about you. Dream on, cat shit. It isn't all about you or your constant thumping while your nose is in the air. I am not "mad" at you. I just think you are a moron.

Case in point:

People that quote the judge verses are almost without fail the ones doing the judging

followed by:

the Bible actually means something (in your opinion, not mine). The words written there mean something. They're not written in invisible ink, or with blank pages you can write whatever you want to write on.

You just too damn stupid to see the irony.
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One has to care about someone else to be "mad" at them. You mean diddly squat to me, so therefore...oh. Wait. You are not smart enough to figure it out.
I have not judged you for your beliefs. YOU have judged ME for not going along with what YOU want me to believe. How many times have you said as a christian you would call me out if I said anything against your book or your beliefs? How many times have you accused me of following you around? How many times have you said I cannot be christian if I did not believe all that is in your book? And finally, how is that NOT judging ME?
You are a very stupid person. Some of the shit you post that is NOT scripture is flat out idiotic. And judge. I posted those scriptures just to show you that I, too, can quote the book you worship. I don't worship it. Which pisses YOU off. So any remark I make to anyone else, you automatically ASSume it's all about you. Dream on, cat shit. It isn't all about you or your constant thumping while your nose is in the air. I am not "mad" at you. I just think you are a moron.

Case in point:

People that quote the judge verses are almost without fail the ones doing the judging

followed by:

the Bible actually means something (in your opinion, not mine). The words written there mean something. They're not written in invisible ink, or with blank pages you can write whatever you want to write on.

You just too damn stupid to see the irony.

You can believe what you want, obviously. This does not make me mad. Plenty of people do not believe what I do. However what you seem to be doing is calling the Book that has all the Truth about my Savior a bunch of bunk-and you don't want to be called out on it.

Words on a page are not opinion. You can do what you like with them, but they're not opinion.

Also, if you want to be clear as to whom you're responding, you might try the reply or @ function.
God does not want us to get sick or sacrifice our health to attend church Sue. He is a loving God who simply wants our faith in him to be unwavering. Where we worship has zero bearing on our faith. This is unarguable.
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.

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