Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

You know....why doesn't somebody ask PeLousy if the wall around her mansion is immoral?

Pathetic character that she is!

What exactly does PeLousy keep chewing? disgusting!
equating a privacy wall with a national border?


and what about the Berlin wall? How did it work?

land mines, machine guns and the people kept trying. Do you propose murdering people trying to cross the border?
A wall to keep someone out is a wall to keep someone out....if one is 'immoral' then the other is.
Well the day a person can enter your home and apply for political asylum, you may have a point

equating a national border with a home is like equating a national budget with your personal budget LOL
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here

Check with Europe???????????????????:cuckoo:

Heaven forbid.
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

You spoke of whites as "You", ie as other.

My point stands. We will be here forever. YOu get to choose how well we get along with you.
You people. I log ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity

get with it stupid
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here

Check with Europe???????????????????:cuckoo:

Heaven forbid.
so you deny poor people are entering Europe?

your idiot pal wrote:
"every poor person on the planet immigrating to America"
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here
We can't fix the poverty countries without forced birth control. As long as there are unlimited desperate people wanting a better life and we give them the way out by allowing them to immigrate the problem that created them in the first damn place will never be solved.
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here

Check with Europe???????????????????:cuckoo:

Heaven forbid.
so you deny poor people are entering Europe?

your idiot pal wrote:
"every poor person on the planet immigrating to America"


I deny illegal immigration

am I being enough clear to you?
I deny illegal immigration

am I being enough clear to you?

Illegal immigration is an issue. But not in the way you fear it.

Rightwingers are always saying Democrats are hypocrites as they list all the ways Democrats fought illegal immigration.

you see how fucked up you people are?
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here
We can't fix the poverty countries without forced birth control. As long as there are unlimited desperate people wanting a better life and we give them the way out by allowing them to immigrate the problem that created them in the first damn place will never be solved.
We need forced birth control here. Round up all of the drug addicts and bums in red states and sterilize them.
I deny illegal immigration

am I being enough clear to you?

Illegal immigration is an issue. But not in the way you fear it.

Rightwingers are always saying Democrats are hypocrites as they list all the ways Democrats fought illegal immigration.

you see how fucked up you people are?


I only see how fucked YOU leftist people are!
The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.
Border security yes. The wall? Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.
Mexico's part of the $12+ Billion the Democrats just promised the corrupt oppressive violent nations of Venezuela, Argentina, & Mexico - who the illegals are fleeing - in foreign aid would have paid for the wall.

Snowflakes / Democrats are not for securing our borders and protecting Americans...Even if the US ends up needing to pay to ensure our own sovereignty, to secure our borders, to stop the massive flow of unidentified illegals into the US, and to protect Americans, why are Democrats and snowflakes so against funding all of that?

Democrats spent many times what President Trump is asking for on over 7,000 self-serving/benefiting pieces of tax payer-funded DNC-ONLY pork on the failed $1 trillion non-Stimulating Obama stimulus bill whose voiced intent was to, among other things, fund non-existent shovel ready projects.

Our tax dollars are worth spending on that kind of self/party-benefiting wasteful crap, but ensuring our sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens is not?

The Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue, standing with illegals instead of with Americans, because of their uncontrolled partisan hatred for the President.


Meanwhile back in reality; this is from December 18 of 2018....

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

That's the Trump State department giving $10.6 billion to the folks you guys call "beaners". But keep blaming the's a lie but it makes you feel like a man; obviously you're deficient in that area.
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

You spoke of whites as "You", ie as other.

My point stands. We will be here forever. YOu get to choose how well we get along with you.
You people. I log ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity

get with it stupid

I doubt Hannity thinks of whites as "you people".

My point stands. We will be here forever. It is up to you, how much in your face, we will be.
"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

You spoke of whites as "You", ie as other.

My point stands. We will be here forever. YOu get to choose how well we get along with you.
You people. I log ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity

get with it stupid

I doubt Hannity thinks of whites as "you people".

My point stands. We will be here forever. It is up to you, how much in your face, we will be.
What is it with you people and reading and comprehension?

I wrote: "You people. I long ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity" meaning the phrase. It's a way of addressing people.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

You are so much bullshit. Our domestic enemies are garbage racists like you. Americans agree with Democrats that we do not need to build a wall. Except among the hillbilly Republican states. Ronald Reagan talked about tearing down walls not building them. You are a ignorant asshole.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
She is willfully in breach of that oath because of her extreme hatred for Trump.

This is why a mother whose son was murdered by an illegal has asked Pelosi and Schumer to love America more than they hate the President and do the right thing to protect American lives so no more Americans like her son are killed by violent illegals like the Democrats now stand with...

Who gives a shit what she thinks. She wants to be a bigot then she should be kicked out of this country,.

Trump is the only one who is in breach of his oath. He swore to uphold the Constitution and he has done everything he can to undermine it.

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