Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Yep, experimenting with what works, not insanely doing the same thing over and over, spending a billion +, and expecting different results.
No, you digress. It cost us over a billion. We don’t know what the cost of the third try, as it was not advertised through the media. Unless you are claiming it cost us zero..

One of America's greatest strengths has been ignoring defeatists like you and experimenting until we succeed.
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Dude. YOu've admitted that you don't want to deport the illegals here, that you like them better than your fellow Americans, so stop pretending that you concern is the best way to secure the border.

You want the border open. Because you want to see America radically changed by demographics.


Illegals are not the problem. and you people have pointed out Democrats and Liberals supporting border security.

you people suffer a severe case of cognitive dysfunction.

1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
Did Obama want to get his way, no matter the cost, as well, and Clinton? His went on for 21 days. Obama’s went on for 17 days. This is one is 16.
Trump is standing with Americans to secure the border and protect Americans.

Obama shut down the govt to ram his lies of 'Obamacare will not cost a dime / will pay for itself / if you like your plan and doctor you can keep them' down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it.
What is your stake in this? Have you employed illegals? Run drugs? Do drugs coming over the border? Smuggle? If none of these, then tell us. What is it that is so a stake for you, that you think someone breaking the law is ok.

I wan to see the white race eradicated. I want people to be free to kill themselves with drugs.

I believe breaking the law is an American value from day one. The rebels broke the law when they set up extra-legal entities in the 1700s
It is out of Pelosi's hands. The House has sent to the Senate a bill to fund border security which the Senate is sitting on.
No, she has not sent a bill that funds the wall.

But she has sent along a bill that funds the TSA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. So try again.
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

President Trump made it clear that is is standing with Americans to secure our borders and he is waiting for Pelosi to get serious.

Funding BPAs? Pelosi refused to listen to BPAs' briefing on what's going on at the border, insinuating they are lying while Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE while aiding in the violation of federal law by supporting the existence of cop-killer-defending illegal Sanctuary Cities...

How can Democrats continue to claim they advocate enforcement of existing US Immigration law and oppose illegal immigration when they continue to operate federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities and continually get busted engaging in election fraud involving illegal immigrants voting in US elections, like recently in Broward county in the last election?

I totally agree elections do have consequences and the Constitution gives power of the purse regarding government's spending to the House of Representatives. From Founding Father:

Congress—and in particular, the House of Representatives—is invested with the “power of the purse,” the ability to tax and spend public money for the national government. Massachusetts’ Elbridge Gerry said at the Federal Constitutional Convention that the House “was more immediately the representatives of the people, and it was a maxim that the people ought to hold the purse-strings.”​

Next please.
Ah ha! Actually not an American, are you?
What is your stake in this? Have you employed illegals? Run drugs? Do drugs coming over the border? Smuggle? If none of these, then tell us. What is it that is so a stake for you, that you think someone breaking the law is ok.

I wan to see the white race eradicated. I want people to be free to kill themselves with drugs.

I believe breaking the law is an American value from day one. The rebels broke the law when they set up extra-legal entities in the 1700s
Did you think that when the gop held the House?
It is out of Pelosi's hands. The House has sent to the Senate a bill to fund border security which the Senate is sitting on.
No, she has not sent a bill that funds the wall.

But she has sent along a bill that funds the TSA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. So try again.
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

President Trump made it clear that is is standing with Americans to secure our borders and he is waiting for Pelosi to get serious.

Funding BPAs? Pelosi refused to listen to BPAs' briefing on what's going on at the border, insinuating they are lying while Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE while aiding in the violation of federal law by supporting the existence of cop-killer-defending illegal Sanctuary Cities...

How can Democrats continue to claim they advocate enforcement of existing US Immigration law and oppose illegal immigration when they continue to operate federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities and continually get busted engaging in election fraud involving illegal immigrants voting in US elections, like recently in Broward county in the last election?

I totally agree elections do have consequences and the Constitution gives power of the purse regarding government's spending to the House of Representatives.

Next please.
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

I'll take one for the team: Yes! You win. Elections only have consequence when Democrats win. feel better?

Why should I be happy about your / the Democrats proven hypocrisy and double-standards?

As Hillary said, those who refuse to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy. Democrats and snowflakes have spent the last 2 years proving how right she was / is.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
Wait a second, you think Republicans defend the constitution?
What on earth ever gave you that idea?
Certainly not by their actions.
Ah ha! Actually not an American, are you?
What is your stake in this? Have you employed illegals? Run drugs? Do drugs coming over the border? Smuggle? If none of these, then tell us. What is it that is so a stake for you, that you think someone breaking the law is ok.

I wan to see the white race eradicated. I want people to be free to kill themselves with drugs.

I believe breaking the law is an American value from day one. The rebels broke the law when they set up extra-legal entities in the 1700s
My family history is tied to American history. You people who came through Ellis Island need to stfu
No, you digress. It cost us over a billion. We don’t know what the cost of the third try, as it was not advertised through the media. Unless you are claiming it cost us zero..

One of America's greatest strengths has been ignoring defeatists like you and experimenting until we succeed.
If you tax my meager earnings more with your insanity, I and millions of others will watch and even direct one of your progressive socialist Islamic friends detonate a radiation bomb in one of our areas. You will watch how you succeed when hundreds of thousands are suffering. And that will be a win.
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

I'll take one for the team: Yes! You win. Elections only have consequence when Democrats win. feel better?

Why should I be happy about your / the Democrats proven hypocrisy and double-standards?

As Hillary said, those who refuse to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy. Democrats and snowflakes have spent the last 2 years proving how right she was / is.
Yea, listen to Hillary.

The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

Pelosi feels she has a duty only to her Democratic base overseas. Remember she has the advantage of a shutdown which puts pressure only on Americans while not harming her foreign constituents. So she needs to be broken this time. Once and for all. Let the invaders storm the border in caravans to support her all they like..its good optics for Trump to be seen upholding his oath to Americans while Pelosi upholders hers to Mexicans.

Trump may just have to run things by EO from here on out.
Oh, got it. I’d be willing to sacrifice California to you...
Ah ha! Actually not an American, are you?
What is your stake in this? Have you employed illegals? Run drugs? Do drugs coming over the border? Smuggle? If none of these, then tell us. What is it that is so a stake for you, that you think someone breaking the law is ok.

I wan to see the white race eradicated. I want people to be free to kill themselves with drugs.

I believe breaking the law is an American value from day one. The rebels broke the law when they set up extra-legal entities in the 1700s
My family history is tied to American history. You people who came through Ellis Island need to stfu
It is out of Pelosi's hands. The House has sent to the Senate a bill to fund border security which the Senate is sitting on.
No, she has not sent a bill that funds the wall.

But she has sent along a bill that funds the TSA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. So try again.
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

President Trump made it clear that is is standing with Americans to secure our borders and he is waiting for Pelosi to get serious.

Funding BPAs? Pelosi refused to listen to BPAs' briefing on what's going on at the border, insinuating they are lying while Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE while aiding in the violation of federal law by supporting the existence of cop-killer-defending illegal Sanctuary Cities...

How can Democrats continue to claim they advocate enforcement of existing US Immigration law and oppose illegal immigration when they continue to operate federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities and continually get busted engaging in election fraud involving illegal immigrants voting in US elections, like recently in Broward county in the last election?

I totally agree elections do have consequences and the Constitution gives power of the purse regarding government's spending to the House of Representatives.

Next please.
Next what? Democrats now have the power of the purse. When are Pelosi and the Democrats going to pass something? What are they waiting for?

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