Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

No. The baby will not get his way.

"I'm a fabulous whiner!" “I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.”- DJT in Dipers

Border security yes. The wall? Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.
Mexico's part of the $12+ Billion the Democrats just promised the corrupt oppressive violent nations of Venezuela, Argentina, & Mexico - who the illegals are fleeing - in foreign aid would have paid for the wall.

Snowflakes / Democrats are not for securing our borders and protecting Americans...Even if the US ends up needing to pay to ensure our own sovereignty, to secure our borders, to stop the massive flow of unidentified illegals into the US, and to protect Americans, why are Democrats and snowflakes so against funding all of that?

Democrats spent many times what President Trump is asking for on over 7,000 self-serving/benefiting pieces of tax payer-funded DNC-ONLY pork on the failed $1 trillion non-Stimulating Obama stimulus bill whose voiced intent was to, among other things, fund non-existent shovel ready projects.

Our tax dollars are worth spending on that kind of self/party-benefiting wasteful crap, but ensuring our sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens is not?

The Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue, standing with illegals instead of with Americans, because of their uncontrolled partisan hatred for the President.
We have spent over a billion dollars on a virtual wall 3 times, and each time it failed.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
Border Security has always been a Democratic party concern. Even the hateful rightwing admits this when accusing Dems of being...whatever.

But, Border Security doesn't translate into a wall along the whole border, or even most of it

Right, you don't need a wall to keep people out.

Why my neighbor has a dog and has one of those handy dandy fenceless boundaries.

The dog never leaves the yard.

How can illegals get fitted for this?
We don't need people fitted with things like that. Experts and those involved already told the Congress and Dopey Donald what technology they need or could use to make the job easier.
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of that community could be against that.
except -- nobody is against controlling the southern border. Even rightwigers have admitted this by posting links to Obama and the Clintons and other Democrats calling for, funding and building security long the border

Border security does not equal a Trump wall
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of that community could be against that.
except -- nobody is against controlling the southern border. Even rightwigers have admitted this by posting links to Obama and the Clintons and other Democrats calling for, funding and building security long the border

Border security does not equal a Trump wall

The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.
The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.
The overwhelming work hard and pay taxes. I'd say deport the native born Americans who are strung out on drugs and booze begging for handouts while refusing a hand up.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

Trump and Republicans have allied themselve's with Russian KGB, and Saudi Arabian terrorist murderers, and domestic neo nazi terrorists.

And you're accusing Democrats of being enemies?


The American people just elected Democrats by the largest margin since the 70s. And soundly rejected the border wall.

What Nancy Pelosi has, is a mandate. A mandate of epic proportions to do whatever she thinks is necesarry to check Trump at every corner. That was the mandate given to her by overwhelming numbers of Americans. To reign in a traitor, and domestic enemy that ae Trump and Republicans.

God speed Nancy Pelosi. Slow walk these enemies down and cut their heads off.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
She is willfully in breach of that oath because of her extreme hatred for Trump.

This is why a mother whose son was murdered by an illegal has asked Pelosi and Schumer to love America more than they hate the President and do the right thing to protect American lives so no more Americans like her son are killed by violent illegals like the Democrats now stand with...
stop please! too funny. The haters whining and projecting hate onto everyone in sight. too funny


Like you accusing the GOP of hatred despite the fact that Democrats have engaged in a traitorous witch hunt for 2 years, inspired an assassination attempt of GOP politicians, attempted to destroy a judge's entire life through false accusations, their ex-Presidential candidate paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters and more recently called for incivility and increased violent intolerance, and their latest freshman extremist exposed herself as a Muslim Anti-Semite who wants to see our ally destroyed after going on a vulgar disrespectful rant against the President...

You're 'special'... :p
Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.

Wrong yet again.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. We've had the same situation we've had on the border for 60+ years or so. The "third world" status has never taken root here (except in South Carolina and other red states). No sale.

Your pretense of believing the games Obama played with the numbers is noted and laughed at.

If Obama did it, then why are you so against it now? lol!!!!


Did what? Deported people? I'm all for deporting every illegal we can find. I think that the ones who have proven to be productive citizens while here should be given preferential treatment if they haven't a committed any crimes otherwise but yeah, deport every one you can find.

You really should inform yourself better.

PS: Profanity doesn't compensate for your weak mind.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

Our founders never wanted a wall
The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.
The overwhelming work hard and pay taxes. I'd say deport the native born Americans who are strung out on drugs and booze begging for handouts while refusing a hand up.

Funny, just a few posts ago, you were pretending to be all about border security, and wanting to talk about the best way to do it.

NOw, you are saying that the illegals already here, are great and you would rather deport native born Americans, than the illegals.

This is you, being caught being dishonest.

You lefties support open borders, but you lie to your fellow Americans about your intentions.
Border security does not equate a wall.

We've spent decades talking about the best way to do it,

And in those decades, there has been no emergency on the border. There isn't one now; irregardless of what your big orange blob tells you.

Your ignorance of the scale of the problem, and the costs to our society, reveals you to be a fool.

6Over the last 60 years, the tale of the tape has been a very successful nation with the allegedly open borders. You are the one who seems steeped in ignorance.

At any rate, the House has done it's job. The Senate should do it's job.

Tell it to the Rust Belt, how successful the last 60 years has been.

Tell it to the middle class, which has not gotten a real raise since the early 70s, how successful the last 60 years has been.

Hell, tell it to the White Males, who actually have a declining life span, how fucking successful the last 60 years have been.


Just using macroeconomic statistics. Blaming immigration from Mexico for China, India, and SE Asia taking our manufacturing base is, well, stupid.
Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people
She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.

Wrong yet again.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. We've had the same situation we've had on the border for 60+ years or so. The "third world" status has never taken root here (except in South Carolina and other red states). No sale.

Your pretense of believing the games Obama played with the numbers is noted and laughed at.

If Obama did it, then why are you so against it now? lol!!!!


Did what? Deported people? I'm all for deporting every illegal we can find. I think that the ones who have proven to be productive citizens while here should be given preferential treatment if they haven't a committed any crimes otherwise but yeah, deport every one you can find.

You really should inform yourself better.

PS: Profanity doesn't compensate for your weak mind.

Preferential treatment in what way? Mr, deport every illegal we can find.
I think that maybe Pelosi does have an obligation to give in. She's facing a psychopathic trump who seems to want to get his way no matter what the cost. It's like a criminal who tells the bank manager to open the money vault or he will kill all the bank customers and employees one by one till the vault is open. The government workers need get back to work even though quite a few members of trump's fan club seem to think that most of those workers are unnecessary.
We've spent decades talking about the best way to do it,

And in those decades, there has been no emergency on the border. There isn't one now; irregardless of what your big orange blob tells you.

Your ignorance of the scale of the problem, and the costs to our society, reveals you to be a fool.

6Over the last 60 years, the tale of the tape has been a very successful nation with the allegedly open borders. You are the one who seems steeped in ignorance.

At any rate, the House has done it's job. The Senate should do it's job.

Tell it to the Rust Belt, how successful the last 60 years has been.

Tell it to the middle class, which has not gotten a real raise since the early 70s, how successful the last 60 years has been.

Hell, tell it to the White Males, who actually have a declining life span, how fucking successful the last 60 years have been.


Just using macroeconomic statistics. Blaming immigration from Mexico for China, India, and SE Asia taking our manufacturing base is, well, stupid.

1. The issue of macro economic number hiding uneven prosperity, with large segments of the population suffering terrible for generations was THE center issue of the last campaign. Did you seriously miss all of that?

2. Increasing the supply of labor, decreases price, ie wages. That is at least a large part of the issue.

3. The same people that want to keep bringing in cheap labor, are the same people that attack Trump for wanting more balanced trade.

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