Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Trump and Republicans have allied themselve's with Russian KGB, and Saudi Arabian terrorist murderers, and domestic neo nazi terrorists.
Speaking of 'projecting'...

Obama sent the message to Putin through Medvedev in 2012 that he would be more 'flexible' after his re-election, and 2 years later he and Hillary gave Putin 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, top secret data off of Hillary's illegal server, and 2 years of unchallenged interference in the US in exchange for $140+ million from the KGB Bank for Hillary and Putin's permission to Barry to invade Syria.

Evidence has proven in 2016 Hillary colluded with and paid a Trump-hating foreign spy working for Obama's FBI and the Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election, in the specific form of a Russian-authored debunked document that the Obama administration used to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump and his team during a Presidential election.

And Hate-driven Democrats have spent the last 2 years NOT finding any evidence to support their false claims but instead exposing evidence of their own crimes.


You snowflakes are funny as hell....
We have spent over a billion dollars on a virtual wall 3 times, and each time it failed.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
Border Security has always been a Democratic party concern. Even the hateful rightwing admits this when accusing Dems of being...whatever.

But, Border Security doesn't translate into a wall along the whole border, or even most of it

Right, you don't need a wall to keep people out.

Why my neighbor has a dog and has one of those handy dandy fenceless boundaries.

The dog never leaves the yard.

How can illegals get fitted for this?
We don't need people fitted with things like that. Experts and those involved already told the Congress and Dopey Donald what technology they need or could use to make the job easier.
Key word is 'virtual', not 'REAL' ... much like the Democrats' claimed love, support, and loyalty to this country and Americans...
Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
didn't you claim "over a billion dollars on a virtual wall 3 times?"

over = more than a billion

3 times = over a billion 3 times

but we digress with your stupidity

How the Virtual Border Fence Works

you have the bonehead union gut at National Border Patrol Council, slamming everything.

'Virtual fence' gets second chance on U.S. border


and September 2018 Parts of a ‘Virtual’ Border Wall, Built With the Tech Behind Driverless Cars

why you people hate looking for ways to secure the border is despicable. All you care about is Trump's hurt feelings over a silly wall, which would prove ineffective

The only reason the Berlin Wall worked was because they put in land mines, and used machine guns to kill people trying to get around the wall .. and yet people kept trying
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

Tens of thousands are not dying from heroin. They're dying from abusing legal opioid painkillers prescribed by the family doctors. You cannot lay the blame for the opioid crisis on lax border security, but you can blame it on lax scutiny of Big Pharma by successive federal governments from both parties.

This problem started back in the late1970's, when people who were prescribed pain killers by their physicians after back injuries, first started getting addicted to the pain drugs their doctors prescribed. But Big Pharma kept pushing for more and more uses for opiod painkillers, claiming they were safe.

Overprescribing started in a big way under George W. Bush. Instead of limiting or prohibiting the marketing by pharmaceutical comanies of these of highly addictive drugs, both the Bush and the Obama Administrations actually loosened reporting restrictions on these drugs aimed at catching "pill mills" and physicians who made their living prescribing opiods to addicts, even as the death toll mounted.

Trump is trying to convince Americans that solving the "border crisis" will end the flow of drugs into America. It won't. The drugs are flown across the border using drones, or transported amongst legitimate cargo not carried on the backs of refugees carrying their food water and possessions with them, making dangerous desert crossings, or passing by drug sniffing dogs at border crossings.

The idea that America's opiod crisis has anything to do with drug cartels or drugs coming across the southern border show the depth of ignorance about the opioid crisis, and that conservatives truly will believe anything. The drug pushers killing 100,000 Americans every year, are now pedalling the life saving antidote to their poison at $4500 per shot.
It is out of Pelosi's hands. The House has sent to the Senate a bill to fund border security which the Senate is sitting on.
No, she has not sent a bill that funds the wall.

But she has sent along a bill that funds the TSA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. So try again.
didn't you claim "over a billion dollars on a virtual wall 3 times?"

over = more than a billion

3 times = over a billion 3 times

but we digress with your stupidity

How the Virtual Border Fence Works

you have the bonehead union gut at National Border Patrol Council, slamming everything.

'Virtual fence' gets second chance on U.S. border

and September 2018 Parts of a ‘Virtual’ Border Wall, Built With the Tech Behind Driverless Cars

why you people hate looking for ways to secure the border is despicable. All you care about is Trump's hurt feelings over a silly wall, which would prove ineffective

The only reason the Berlin Wall worked was because they put land mines, machine guns and killed people trying to get around the wall .. and yet people kept trying

Dude. YOu've admitted that you don't want to deport the illegals here, that you like them better than your fellow Americans, so stop pretending that you concern is the best way to secure the border.

You want the border open. Because you want to see America radically changed by demographics.
I think that maybe Pelosi does have an obligation to give in. She's facing a psychopathic trump who seems to want to get his way no matter what the cost. It's like a criminal who tells the bank manager to open the money vault or he will kill all the bank customers and employees one by one till the vault is open. The government workers need get back to work even though quite a few members of trump's fan club seem to think that most of those workers are unnecessary.
Did Obama want to get his way, no matter the cost, as well, and Clinton? His went on for 21 days. Obama’s went on for 17 days. This is one is 16.
Quit with the racism meme. It doesn’t work anymore. Abused and overused. People see it for the lie it is.
Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people
She can’t have a moral obligation to do anything when she takes money from Drug Cartel Shell Corporations and she believes in Globalism and Replacement Population Policies.

The Democrat Party itself has no loyalty to America or Americans nor do they have ethics when it purchases Russian Propaganda, infects the FBI and DOJ with Russian Moles and Globalist Sycophants who knowingly filed false affidavits in a FISA court using Russian Propaganda they knew was false in order to obtain illegal wiretaps on a presidential candidate so they could cheat, lie and steal their way in to the White House.

In order to have a “Moral Obligation” you have to have a sense of morality. False morality does not count as the only purpose of false morality is for a cover for false and disguised intentions.
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Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.
Dude. YOu've admitted that you don't want to deport the illegals here, that you like them better than your fellow Americans, so stop pretending that you concern is the best way to secure the border.

You want the border open. Because you want to see America radically changed by demographics.


Illegals are not the problem. and you people have pointed out Democrats and Liberals supporting border security.

you people suffer a severe case of cognitive dysfunction.
No, you digress. It cost us over a billion. We don’t know what the cost of the third try, as it was not advertised through the media. Unless you are claiming it cost us zero...
didn't you claim "over a billion dollars on a virtual wall 3 times?"

over = more than a billion

3 times = over a billion 3 times

but we digress with your stupidity

How the Virtual Border Fence Works

you have the bonehead union gut at National Border Patrol Council, slamming everything.

'Virtual fence' gets second chance on U.S. border


and September 2018 Parts of a ‘Virtual’ Border Wall, Built With the Tech Behind Driverless Cars

why you people hate looking for ways to secure the border is despicable. All you care about is Trump's hurt feelings over a silly wall, which would prove ineffective

The only reason the Berlin Wall worked was because they put in land mines, and used machine guns to kill people trying to get around the wall .. and yet people kept trying
It is out of Pelosi's hands. The House has sent to the Senate a bill to fund border security which the Senate is sitting on.
No, she has not sent a bill that funds the wall.

But she has sent along a bill that funds the TSA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Homeland Security, etc. So try again.
As Schumer acknowledged, elections have consequences, even if Democrats only believe that applies when Democrats win.

President Trump made it clear that is is standing with Americans to secure our borders and he is waiting for Pelosi to get serious.

Funding BPAs? Pelosi refused to listen to BPAs' briefing on what's going on at the border, insinuating they are lying while Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE while aiding in the violation of federal law by supporting the existence of cop-killer-defending illegal Sanctuary Cities...

How can Democrats continue to claim they advocate enforcement of existing US Immigration law and oppose illegal immigration when they continue to operate federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities and continually get busted engaging in election fraud involving illegal immigrants voting in US elections, like recently in Broward county in the last election?
No, you digress. It cost us over a billion. We don’t know what the cost of the third try, as it was not advertised through the media. Unless you are claiming it cost us zero..

One of America's greatest strengths has been ignoring defeatists like you and experimenting until we succeed.
What is your stake in this? Have you employed illegals? Run drugs? Do drugs coming over the border? Smuggle? If none of these, then tell us. What is it that is so a stake for you, that you think someone breaking the law is ok.
Dude. YOu've admitted that you don't want to deport the illegals here, that you like them better than your fellow Americans, so stop pretending that you concern is the best way to secure the border.

You want the border open. Because you want to see America radically changed by demographics.


Illegals are not the problem. and you people have pointed out Democrats and Liberals supporting border security.

you people suffer a severe case of cognitive dysfunction.
She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

The House passed a bill with border security. Seems as though the Senate is the one laying down on the job here. She's the Speaker of the House. She's done her job. You, as always, are woefully mis-informed.

"Border security" being code, for no wall, open borders, eventual amnesty and then repeat until Third World Status is ensured.

Your lies are not fooling ANYONE.
Wall.....code word for, we hate brown people

Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

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