Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

What I love most, is watching people who support Trump speak about the need for morals
I know, right?

You know....why doesn't somebody ask PeLousy if the wall around her mansion is immoral?

Pathetic character that she is!

What exactly does PeLousy keep chewing? disgusting!
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
She is willfully in breach of that oath because of her extreme hatred for Trump.

This is why a mother whose son was murdered by an illegal has asked Pelosi and Schumer to love America more than they hate the President and do the right thing to protect American lives so no more Americans like her son are killed by violent illegals like the Democrats now stand with...

Lot of truth here. And why do they hate him so much? Besides seeing him as a traitor to the ruling class...

trump after me.jpg
I think that maybe Pelosi does have an obligation to give in. She's facing a psychopathic trump who seems to want to get his way no matter what the cost. It's like a criminal who tells the bank manager to open the money vault or he will kill all the bank customers and employees one by one till the vault is open. The government workers need get back to work even though quite a few members of trump's fan club seem to think that most of those workers are unnecessary.
Did Obama want to get his way, no matter the cost, as well, and Clinton? His went on for 21 days. Obama’s went on for 17 days. This is one is 16.
Do you think Republicans worked well with Obama for the Good of America?

Cuz that's not what they say they did.

You know....why doesn't somebody ask PeLousy if the wall around her mansion is immoral?

Pathetic character that she is!

What exactly does PeLousy keep chewing? disgusting!
If walls are so racist and immoral why aren't the Democrats publicly demanding the miles of existing fence / wall be torn down?
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
Real Americans don't sell out America for $140+ million from the KGB Bank and / or pay President-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and Russians for their help in trying to win a US Presidental election, as Hillary was proven to have done.
You know....why doesn't somebody ask PeLousy if the wall around her mansion is immoral?

Pathetic character that she is!

What exactly does PeLousy keep chewing? disgusting!
equating a privacy wall with a national border?


and what about the Berlin wall? How did it work?

land mines, machine guns and the people kept trying. Do you propose murdering people trying to cross the border?
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of that community could be against that.
except -- nobody is against controlling the southern border. Even rightwigers have admitted this by posting links to Obama and the Clintons and other Democrats calling for, funding and building security long the border

Border security does not equal a Trump wall

The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.

Illegals are no real threat
Illegal immigration is down
Apprehensions at the border are down
1. Illegals are part of that, that is why you support them.

2. Dems and liberals do not support border security. They lie and claim they do, and then let millions in.
yet you people have highlighted how many illegals Obama deported. How much of a fence he had built ... you people are all over the place. I say white people need to step aside. You are ruing America

You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

You spoke of whites as "You", ie as other.

My point stands. We will be here forever. YOu get to choose how well we get along with you.
You know....why doesn't somebody ask PeLousy if the wall around her mansion is immoral?

Pathetic character that she is!

What exactly does PeLousy keep chewing? disgusting!
equating a privacy wall with a national border?


and what about the Berlin wall? How did it work?

land mines, machine guns and the people kept trying. Do you propose murdering people trying to cross the border?
A wall to keep someone out is a wall to keep someone out....if one is 'immoral' then the other is.
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of that community could be against that.
except -- nobody is against controlling the southern border. Even rightwigers have admitted this by posting links to Obama and the Clintons and other Democrats calling for, funding and building security long the border

Border security does not equal a Trump wall

The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.

Illegals are no real threat
Illegal immigration is down
Apprehensions at the border are down

Said the man that has admitted to wanting demographic shift to bring this country to a period of defacto One Party Rule, with formal government discrimination and oppression of white people.
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of that community could be against that.
except -- nobody is against controlling the southern border. Even rightwigers have admitted this by posting links to Obama and the Clintons and other Democrats calling for, funding and building security long the border

Border security does not equal a Trump wall

The 30 million illegals living in this country, shows that the border is not controlled, and has not been controlled for a long time.

Anyone fighting for the status quo, ie you dems, is thus against controlling the Southern Border.

Illegals are no real threat
Illegal immigration is down
Apprehensions at the border are down
somebody posted: it is very amusing on some level
Forums > US Discussion > Current Events >
Julia Ainsley obliterates Sarah Sanders report about the 4000 terrorists coming across the border
We can't have every poor person on the planet immigrating to America. We need to limit it to those with money and keep out the riff raff.
No one is saying they want that. And you may want to check with Europe before you start imagining everyone is coming here

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