Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Why is it Dims are experts at everything?
... especially when they refused to take security briefings and listen to the real experts. Nancy Pelosi said it best when she said / admitted she rejects facts.

Real experts, that is a good one. The facts are showing that Trump and agencies like Homeland Security are lying
Trump is the only one who is in breach of his oath. He swore to uphold the Constitution and he has done everything he can to undermine it.
Like WHAT?

Use FACT and EVIDENCE to specifically list what he has done to undermine the country...while Democrats have engaged in conspiracy, sedition, and an attempted soft coup - as Schumer said, 100% committed to obstructing, resisting, and undermining this Presidency for the last w years.
Trump is the only one who is in breach of his oath. He swore to uphold the Constitution and he has done everything he can to undermine it.
Like WHAT?

Use FACT and EVIDENCE to specifically list what he has done to undermine the country...while Democrats have engaged in conspiracy, sedition, and an attempted soft coup - as Schumer said, 100% committed to obstructing, resisting, and undermining this Presidency for the last w years.

The House passed a bill that had border security in it. The Senate is not doing anything with it.
Real experts, that is a good one. The facts are showing that Trump and agencies like Homeland Security are lying
You are the one lying here.

Yes, real experts like Obama's own hand-picked chief of the Border Patrol:

"The chief of U.S. Border Patrol during Barack Obama's presidency said Monday that President Trump is right in his view that border walls are effective.

Mark Morgan said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that walls "absolutely work" and that there is no real argument against building and implementing one.

He added that although he was removed from his position by President Trump's administration, Trump's stance on border security makes sense.

"The president is right. ... That's based on historical data and facts that can be proven," Morgan said.

"I cannot think of a legitimate argument why anyone would not support the wall as part of a multi-layered border security issue," noting his experience with the FBI in Texas.

People are too concerned about the president's style and the delivery of his case for a border wall as opposed to the substantive issues at hand, Morgan said.

He added that Trump is correct in calling the issues at the border a national security problem, and that border security professionals think the same."

'The President Is Right': Former Border Patrol Chief Under Obama Says Walls ‘Absolutely Work’

Pelosi, Schumer, Democrats...they are standing with criminal illegals instead of the President and American people out of pure HATE for the President, ignoring all data, all facts, and all experts on the issue.

To them, preventing the President from 'getting a win' and getting power back are more important than ensuring our sovereignty, securing our borders, ending illegal immigration, and protecting Americans.

Not without unbiased, factual justification that any money spent on said wall is money well spent...which Trump has not provided.

And Trump's latest metal fence looks like a joke. As I have said before, any decent welder could probably cut through the thing.

Simply throwing money at a problem is not a responsible way to run government....and is DEFINITELY not Pelosi's 'moral obligation'.
You are projecting your side's hive mind.

Some conservatives like to focus on the issues you cite, not me. YOu are talking to me.

Your racism is noted. We white people will not be stepping aside. We will be in your face, forever. And the bigger the bitch you are to US, the more in your face we will be.

The choice is yours.
I'm white. My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

You spoke of whites as "You", ie as other.

My point stands. We will be here forever. YOu get to choose how well we get along with you.
You people. I log ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity

get with it stupid

I doubt Hannity thinks of whites as "you people".

My point stands. We will be here forever. It is up to you, how much in your face, we will be.
What is it with you people and reading and comprehension?

I wrote: "You people. I long ago picked that up from a-holes like Hannity" meaning the phrase. It's a way of addressing people.

And it implies that you see that group as other than you. YOu don't say, "you people" when talking about a group you are part of.

The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

Yup and a fiscal responsibility as well. Those illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Pelosi is an idiot.
We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.
really? Where do you live?

I find that most who make your claim live in areas with few immigrants

I live in a Rust Belt city that has a lot of immigrants.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need any more.
Not wanting to invite people to become part of your community, does not mean you hate them.

I have never invited... say, John Bolton to come and live in my house as part of my family. That does not mean I hate him.

Your words are too stupid to be believed. You are lying.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.

Nope. Right.
It’s not even that. We welcome them when they come through proper channels and are fully vetted. Sort of like hiring someone to work for us, they are vetted before hired.

I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.

Nope. Right.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.
Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

A liar, huh?

And Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the wall was...what?

It is interesting that instead of denying that Pelosi is working against the interests of the American people, that you instead try to deflect from that.

Indeed, you know that she is working against the interests of the American people, and you are on her side.

That is a far different kettle of fish, than the much discussed and well known fact of Trump use of hyperbole in all aspects of communication.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.
Nancy's bull$hit characterization of The Wall as "immoral" is laughable.

Given her ambition to populate the country with little brown people from south of the border, to garner more votes...

I'd say that she was darned-near as amoral as The Creature in the White House.

They're polar-opposite amoral critters... perfect for each other.
I support reducing immigration legal and illegal. We need time to assimilate the massive numbers of immigrates we have already. If we ever can.

I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.

Nope. Right.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.

Your post ignores the fact that wages have been lagging for generations, and are only starting to show some life.

We've been flooding the labor market with cheap foreign labor for generations, and we have only BEGUN to tighten that up.

I want DECADES OF RAPID WAGE INCREASES for the American worker.
I agree with reducing the number of people we take in and tying it to metrics of employment and other statistical criteria. As for assimilation...don't be stupid.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.

Nope. Right.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.

Your post ignores the fact that wages have been lagging for generations, and are only starting to show some life.

We've been flooding the labor market with cheap foreign labor for generations, and we have only BEGUN to tighten that up.

I want DECADES OF RAPID WAGE INCREASES for the American worker.

In that case you want unions. Perhaps you could endeavor to wrap your brain around the obvious-to-all fact that wage stagnation and the decline of unions happened at about the same time. But it’s easier to blame someone else right?
We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.

Nope. Right.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.

Your post ignores the fact that wages have been lagging for generations, and are only starting to show some life.

We've been flooding the labor market with cheap foreign labor for generations, and we have only BEGUN to tighten that up.

I want DECADES OF RAPID WAGE INCREASES for the American worker.

In that case you want unions. Perhaps you could endeavor to wrap your brain around the obvious-to-all fact that wage stagnation and the decline of unions happened at about the same time. But it’s easier to blame someone else right?

The wage stagnation started not long after our immigration laws were changed to encourage massive Third World Immigration.

And yes, Unions, if they were not stupid and lazy and corrupt, would be in a perfect position to rebound AND contribute.

Instead they will support the dems, and their high immigration, free trade policies and thus work to hurt the interests of the American worker, and continue their decline.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.

Your post ignores the fact that wages have been lagging for generations, and are only starting to show some life.

We've been flooding the labor market with cheap foreign labor for generations, and we have only BEGUN to tighten that up.

I want DECADES OF RAPID WAGE INCREASES for the American worker.

In that case you want unions. Perhaps you could endeavor to wrap your brain around the obvious-to-all fact that wage stagnation and the decline of unions happened at about the same time. But it’s easier to blame someone else right?

The wage stagnation started not long after our immigration laws were changed to encourage massive Third World Immigration.

And yes, Unions, if they were not stupid and lazy and corrupt, would be in a perfect position to rebound AND contribute.

Instead they will support the dems, and their high immigration, free trade policies and thus work to hurt the interests of the American worker, and continue their decline.

Not according to you…stagnation has been going on for 60 years or so; about the same time the Wal*Marts of the world came around and Union was a bad word.
The Congressional Oath of Office

This is the Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Dems have allied themselves with various foreign and domestic enemies such as the Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, Gangs and the Racist Aztlan Nationalist. Tens of thousands of Americans are being killed and dying from heroin every year.

You are so much bullshit. Our domestic enemies are garbage racists like you. Americans agree with Democrats that we do not need to build a wall. Except among the hillbilly Republican states. Ronald Reagan talked about tearing down walls not building them. You are a ignorant asshole.
yea, Democrats are racist cretins, and that is why they want open borders
Nope. Right.

Your post ignores the unemployment statistics as well as the oft repeated chorus from large business that they can't find enough skilled employees. But you keep believing your's your only commodity.

Your post ignores the fact that wages have been lagging for generations, and are only starting to show some life.

We've been flooding the labor market with cheap foreign labor for generations, and we have only BEGUN to tighten that up.

I want DECADES OF RAPID WAGE INCREASES for the American worker.

In that case you want unions. Perhaps you could endeavor to wrap your brain around the obvious-to-all fact that wage stagnation and the decline of unions happened at about the same time. But it’s easier to blame someone else right?

The wage stagnation started not long after our immigration laws were changed to encourage massive Third World Immigration.

And yes, Unions, if they were not stupid and lazy and corrupt, would be in a perfect position to rebound AND contribute.

Instead they will support the dems, and their high immigration, free trade policies and thus work to hurt the interests of the American worker, and continue their decline.

Not according to you…stagnation has been going on for 60 years or so; about the same time the Wal*Marts of the world came around and Union was a bad word.

1965 immigration act. About 5 years later, wages stopped rising.

Cause. Effect. What part of that was confusing to you?

And it implies that you see that group as other than you. YOu don't say, "you people" when talking about a group you are part of.

repeat ... I'm white.
My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

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