Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.
really? Where do you live?

I find that most who make your claim live in areas with few immigrants

I live in a Rust Belt city that has a lot of immigrants.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need any more.
you live in a shithole?

well it does go to explaining your shitty attitude.

I'd say I'm sorry, but if you were too stupid to leave and chase a better life...
A moral obligation ?.... wtf... it's a chess game between stupid and experience.

If stupid doesn't lose, experience doesn't deserve to win.

And it implies that you see that group as other than you. YOu don't say, "you people" when talking about a group you are part of.

repeat ... I'm white.
My family came to these shores in the 1600s. You people ruined it. Leave if you don't want to see the browning

Your lack of identifying with your own people is not interesting to anyone.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need anymore, skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, what have you.
really? Where do you live?

I find that most who make your claim live in areas with few immigrants

I live in a Rust Belt city that has a lot of immigrants.

We are flooded with immigrants. We don't need any more.
you live in a shithole?

well it does go to explaining your shitty attitude.

I'd say I'm sorry, but if you were too stupid to leave and chase a better life...

Your sad attempt at a Gotcha, is noted and dismissed.

My point stands, we do not need any more immigrants.

Also, you are a fucktard.
Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

A liar, huh?

And Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the wall was...what?

It is interesting that instead of denying that Pelosi is working against the interests of the American people, that you instead try to deflect from that.

Indeed, you know that she is working against the interests of the American people, and you are on her side.

That is a far different kettle of fish, than the much discussed and well known fact of Trump use of hyperbole in all aspects of communication.

Interesting how you can't admit that Trump lied.

Does Pelosi have a Moral obligation to fund border security?

Border security yes.

The wall?

Nah, some big orange blob said Mexico is going to pay for it.

She took an oath to serve and protect the American people.

And she is not doing that. She is actively working AGAINST that.

She is a vile liar.

A liar, huh?

And Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the wall was...what?

It is interesting that instead of denying that Pelosi is working against the interests of the American people, that you instead try to deflect from that.

Indeed, you know that she is working against the interests of the American people, and you are on her side.

That is a far different kettle of fish, than the much discussed and well known fact of Trump use of hyperbole in all aspects of communication.

Interesting how you can't admit that Trump lied.


Nope. What is interesting is that you do not want the people of this nation to be able to control who or what enters it.

Only an Enemy of the People could be opposed to that.

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