Does releasing bodycam footage of mass shootings encourage "Copy Cats" waiting in the wings?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
My opinion is that it definitely encourages individuals who are on the "fringe" mentally to act out. I see no positive purpose in the media releasing body cam footage of the Nashville Shooter or any other mass shooter event. As always jmo, what do you think?
My opinion is that it definitely encourages individuals who are on the "fringe" mentally to act out. I see no positive purpose in the media releasing body cam footage of the Nashville Shooter or any other mass shooter event. As always jmo, what do you think?
Good point! I watched that video twice, but I didn't need to see it at all. I guess I was trying to figure out whether it was male or female. But now we know all that. Really, no useful info. I noticed the rooms were VERY clean and neat: they had an excellent janitor.

He was shot, however.
Our fucked up society makes someone famous for mass shootings. Its fucked up and needs to change.
I think a few mass shootings are entirely sponsored and orchestrated by a Deep State/CIA type agenda, essentially "working" on mentally disturbed people until they snap. And a much higher percentage are actually copycats of that. I think that's actually the whole idea behind it. It creates fear, panic, divisiveness and a vacuum for government control.
My opinion is that it definitely encourages individuals who are on the "fringe" mentally to act out. I see no positive purpose in the media releasing body cam footage of the Nashville Shooter or any other mass shooter event. As always jmo, what do you think?

depends I suppose. Releasing the footage in this case at least tells other would be shooters the Nashville PD is taking your ass down first shot they get so don't plan on walking away alive. I actually don't think I have seen body cam from a school shooting showing the kill shot(s) before. It was kind of interesting.
Video games, music, mental heath issues, anger issues etc. Those are some negative influences Transparency alwsys comes with a risk, be it a jewelry store heist or this terrorism. I dont watch such videos myself, but its important that it is reported accurately and the public knows the facts.
They need to stop pixelating the dead perp... show her bullet riddled body to everyone... let it be a lessen in what will happen to the next school shooter....
As far at the Nashville Tranny Psycho killing, I think it ought to be viewed daily by everyone because it dramatically makes the point that death by bullets is a violent, ugly way to die. There is nothing romantic about it. That dumb bitch's body was absolutely raked by those 5.56 bullets. Then, when she would not stop moving, the cop moved in like a total stud and finished her off, like you would with a bitch dog that just got hit by a car.
This twat's death was UGLY! If anything, it may make these mass shooting cowards think twice. I mean, we know these people have severe self-image problems. Imagining your lifeless, bullet riddled body helplessly laying crumpled up on the floor, the result of a righteous kill...There is nothing glorious about THAT! LOL!!
They need to stop pixelating the dead perp... show her bullet riddled body to everyone... let it be a lessen in what will happen to the next school shooter....
Amen to this. If the finished product isn't going to be shown, what is the point in showing anything that happens before the authorities leave the final mark?

God bless you always!!!

Common sense would indicate that body cam images of the demise of a mass shooter would tend to prevent other similar events. We don't know a whole lot about the Tenn. school shooter except for the fact that her manifesto indicated that she decided against attacking a better defended school.
My opinion is that it definitely encourages individuals who are on the "fringe" mentally to act out. I see no positive purpose in the media releasing body cam footage of the Nashville Shooter or any other mass shooter event. As always jmo, what do you think?
Don't you think they would only release this so fast if they were proud of the quick outcome? How long did it take for the Uvalde footage to get released?
Don't you think they would only release this so fast if they were proud of the quick outcome? How long did it take for the Uvalde footage to get released?
You are focusing on the police action and/or inaction. My point is, there is no positive benefit to releasing live body cam video of these maniacs AT ALL. And there is the potential to encourage the many other nut cases out there to do the same thing.
My opinion is that it definitely encourages individuals who are on the "fringe" mentally to act out. I see no positive purpose in the media releasing body cam footage of the Nashville Shooter or any other mass shooter event. As always jmo, what do you think?
Assault weapons availability encourages massive killings ......

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