Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance?

Michelle Obama will run against Trump.
Mark my words.
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I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?
Not a chance, he has stated the unvaccinated should be imprisoned.
I have listened to Robert Kennedy Jr's political views on several YouTube videos. He seems very compassionate and sincere. His approval numbers with voters are high. Some folks think the DNC will not allow him to win the primary, because they want Joe Biden to be the only viable nominee for 2024. I hope this is not true.
What do you all think? Does Robert Kennedy Jr have a chance? Would he make a good President?
He sounds saner than Biden. Admittedly that’s the lowest bar ever
I think his anti-vaccine views will make him unlikely to seriously contend for the Democrat nomination.

180 degrees the opposite, gaining momentum every day as more and more Americans die and get maimed from Murderous Fraud Vax. The media can and will censor this truth, but Americans see it at the local level.

A guy from my gym, mid 30s, absolutely great shape, quality diet.... stroke. Admitted getting MFV and knows that is the ONLY POSSIBLE CAUSE...
Let’s see…

Kennedy name….PLUS
Candidate other than Biden…..PLUS

Connections to Venezuela…..Minus
Anti-vax views…….MINUS
Dismissing Global Warming….MINUS
Poor speech…….minus

Anti Vax = massive PLUS and gaining steam every day
Dismissing Global Warming = TRUTH, as Co2 does NOTHING = massive PLUS

Not Joe = starting at 60%+++ and rising

Going forward in time

More and more truth comes out about Hunter and Traitor Joe
More and more people realize MFV is deliberate intentional mass murder

Democrats understand 911 was a fraud too....

RFKjr wins Dem Primary in an absolute landslide if it is just him vs Traitor Joe
Anti Vax = massive PLUS and gaining steam every day
Dismissing Global Warming = TRUTH, as Co2 does NOTHING = massive PLUS

Why Republicans support him, not Democrats
Why Republicans support him, not Democrats

61% approval of Republicans
59% approval of Dems

likely higher amongst independents, who are now clearly the most educated and most intelligent voter block

Have faith in Traitor Joe, he'll stop RFKjr from opening up all the Zionist Fascism in America's past...

Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates and all the others who want us to own nothing and be happy will simply not allow it.
Sorry he was saying that climate deniers should be jailer

RFKjr has made a lot of stupid comments in the past, but not recently. His past 20 years have been discovering what killed his father. He now understands that, which is why Zionist Fascism will try to stop him. If ZF expects Traitor Joe to do that, they are badly mistaken...

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