Does Susan Rice have a legitimate case of amnesia.... and will this hold up under investigation?


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2017
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...
disseminating the names of US citizens

You have no idea if that's true.
She read about her requesting unmasking of Intel with Zero Intelligence Value on The News.

She Never Knowed Nothing About Nobody!
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...
disseminating the names of US citizens

You have no idea if that's true.
That's right... in her own words.... " I leaked nothing to nobody " OK sorry for starting such a pointless post... Nothing to look into here folks...
Why did she lie 2 weeks ago?

2 weeks ago, she knew NOTHING about anything having to do with Trump staffers surveillance...

Then yesterday she says what she requested from NSA on Trump staffers was perfectly legal.


...that is what is known as a "FUCKING LIE."
Somewhere between here overt unmasking and it appearing in the media
Why did she lie 2 weeks ago?

2 weeks ago, she knew NOTHING about anything having to do with Trump staffers surveillance...

Then yesterday she says what she requested from NSA on Trump staffers was perfectly legal.


...that is what is known as a "FUCKING LIE."
Then you take into consideration the Farkas revelation... something fishy there... and somehow the media got a hold of the most sensitive of "masked" intelligence data that never should have gotten past NSA level clearance...

At least Bannon got some closure...

“Susan Rice operationalized the NSC during the last administration. I was put on to ensure that it was de-operationalized,” Bannon said in a statement to the Wall Street Journal.
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Then you take into consideration the Farkas revelation... something fishy there... and somehow the media got a hold of the most sensitive of "masked" intelligence data that never should have gotten past NSA level clearance...

Simple solution. Let's just declassify everything. It if was totally innocent, we all owe Mike Flynn an apology.

If it isn't and he was conspiring with the Russians.....ooops.
I don't think
Then you take into consideration the Farkas revelation... something fishy there... and somehow the media got a hold of the most sensitive of "masked" intelligence data that never should have gotten past NSA level clearance...

Simple solution. Let's just declassify everything. It if was totally innocent, we all owe Mike Flynn an apology.

If it isn't and he was conspiring with the Russians.....ooops.
Definitely NOT worth a response....
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief
Just put Rice's statements together with Farkas's desire to broadly disseminate the 'leakage'... Consciousness of guilt is best proved by false exculpatory statements. That’s a genre in which Susan Rice has rich experience. Two weeks ago, she was asked in an interview about allegations by Nunes that the Obama administration had unmasked Trump-team members. “I know nothing about this,” Rice replied. “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.” Well, at least she didn’t blame it on a video.
Nothing will come of this. The Senate may haul her in, she'll answer some softball questions, everything will be forgotten.
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief

It's not a conspiracy theory when they are admitting their actions on live interviews.

Nor is it a conspiracy theory when the director of the FBI testifies that the leaking of the names from FISA wiretaps was a felony and complete abuse of power.
susan rice frenzy won't stop Turmp's Russian collusion investigation, nor it's outcome

sucks for the trump suckers, but especially for those incarcerated
Expect to see Obama admin. and Clinton staffers investigated. Or perhaps those who worked for both camps (Farkas)... sitting in front of the House Intelligence Committee getting reamed by Gowdy....
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...
who told you she disseminated them? THAT PERSON, THAT MEDIA.... is LYING to you....
Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...
who told you she disseminated them? THAT PERSON, THAT MEDIA.... is LYING to you....
When Nunes told the public that information about the Trump team had been collected, unmasked, and widely disseminated, many media figures questioned the legitimacy of his claim. With the news that no less than Susan Rice requested unmasking of political operatives, it appears that Nunes was onto something.

Also of note, Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member on the committee, had been very upset with Nunes for telling the public and the White House about the reports he’d seen before briefing the committee. However, after Schiff saw the information, he more or less went quiet. He didn’t say the reports were a distraction or unimportant, unlike other Democratic operatives.

Rice had no reason to act within the purview of the NSA as she did... The information she 'had' unmasked for her made its way to the media and the likes of Farkas... When there is a "2" "+" "2" you can reasonably extrapolate "4".... don't hold your breathe on this not panning out before your eyes....
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Fox News 'The Five' had an interesting report yesterday on Susan Rice that has raised some spirited debate...

Greg Gutfeld rips Susan Rice’s ‘amnesia’: ‘She’s pulling a Sgt. Schultz’

How is Susan Rice going to explain her way out of this one; in the face of the evidence of her accessing the federal database, unmasking US citizens, disseminating the names of US citizens and the recent corroborating assertions put forth by Evelyn Farkas?

This is all after disregarding the 'minimization rules' put in place that are supposed to protect the 4th amendment rights of US citizens...

Greg Gutfeld is a part state run media. The only honest people at Fox is Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Shepherd Smith. The fact is that she committed no crime in viewing the names. She has denied releasing any names publicly and there is no evidence that she did.
OK... she entered the database, she had 'Trumponian' names unmasked, of the 'Trumponian' names unmasked they were disseminated ending up "on the Hill" in the words of Farkas and ended up in the media.

Rice had no reason to unmask those names because the two agencies that might need them, already had them... See Trey Gowdy questioning Rogers and Comey x2 wks. prior... The only motive left for a WH staffer who is NOT investigating is the motive of politics....
It's getting nearly impossible to keep up with all the crank right conspiracy theories. Even the righties don't bother trying to understand them. They simply believe them all on faith, even if they do all contradict each other. Such is the miracle of right-wing belief
The bitch told two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT stories on two different occasions. If that's a conspiracy I'm God himself.

Seriously, do you have any idea how utterly clueless you make yourself out to be?

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