Does the first amendment mean we can discriminate?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I was giving this a lot of thought and I wonder if taking away the freedom to discriminate against people of different races actually takes away our ability to make moral choices for ourselves. I know it is wrong to discriminate on this basis but taking away that choice from others might take away the right to make moral choices for themselves. The freedom of religion implies that we have the right to pursue what we think is right since two different religions might have opposite moral codes example: satanism vs Christianity. Clearly we can choose either religion (or none at all) which means we can decide what we think is right based on our freedom to associate with our church. What if someone really doesn't think there is nothing wrong with discriminating based on race? Does the first amendment mean that anti discrimination laws are unconstitutional.?
I was giving this a lot of thought and I wonder if taking away the freedom to discriminate against people of different races actually takes away our ability to make moral choices for ourselves. I know it is wrong to discriminate on this basis but taking away that choice from others might take away the right to make moral choices for themselves. The freedom of religion implies that we have the right to pursue what we think is right since two different religions might have opposite moral codes example: satanism vs Christianity. Clearly we can choose either religion (or none at all) which means we can decide what we think is right based on our freedom to associate with our church. What if someone really doesn't think there is nothing wrong with discriminating based on race? Does the first amendment mean that anti discrimination laws are unconstitutional.?

It's more than just the first amendment, but yes, I think some anti-discrimination laws should be considered unconstitutional.

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Some liberals believe that we have no rights at all. Some liberal teachers even took away children's choice regarding who they could play with at recess. If they saw kids making friends and becoming best friends, they separated them and made each play with other children. They saw it as discrimination because by having a best friend, they weren't giving the other kids an opportunity to play with them.

Liberals have also started bussing children to different schools than their parents choose for them. They did it to balance out the color. Parents who choose to live in neighborhoods where they liked the area and the schools were discriminating and that had to stop. So, their children were forced to take long bus rides so the schools could all be equally diverse.

It's a matter of time before liberals start bitching about towns or neighborhoods not being diverse enough and they will decide for us where we should live. If there are too many whites in a neighborhood, the residents will be accused of discrimination.

Liberals believe in the first amendment as long as you believe as they do. Otherwise, the first amendment becomes a problem.
I was giving this a lot of thought and I wonder if taking away the freedom to discriminate against people of different races actually takes away our ability to make moral choices for ourselves. I know it is wrong to discriminate on this basis but taking away that choice from others might take away the right to make moral choices for themselves. The freedom of religion implies that we have the right to pursue what we think is right since two different religions might have opposite moral codes example: satanism vs Christianity. Clearly we can choose either religion (or none at all) which means we can decide what we think is right based on our freedom to associate with our church. What if someone really doesn't think there is nothing wrong with discriminating based on race? Does the first amendment mean that anti discrimination laws are unconstitutional.?
There is no Constitutional prohibition of discrimination. Right or wrong, according to the Constitution, I (personally) can discriminate against you because of your skin color, religion or sexual orientation. You are free to criticize me for thator be offended by my prejudice, but that's pretty much tough shit.
The fact that the Founders decided we needed a "Bill of Rights" and put Freedom of religion first on the list makes it very clear they intended that that right was paramount to all others.
If I don't want to sell you a wedding cake based on my moral convictions, your moral convictions matter not one bit.
I try to live my life according to Christian principles. One of those principles is that marriage is the spiritual union of one man and one woman.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof period; end of discussion.

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?
Is the privately owned bakery giving away cakes for free?
Sorry, no.
Well hey you can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink. :dunno:

That's because the horse has a right to discriminate.
The horse also has the right to eat its own poop. In fact, knowing Ernie I think that might be the case!
Wow, you are learning. Freedom means that others have the right to do things you don't agree with.
Well I don't agree with terrorism. So do Muslims have the right to commit acts of terrorism?
Sorry, no.
Well hey you can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink. :dunno:

That's because the horse has a right to discriminate.
The horse also has the right to eat its own poop. In fact, knowing Ernie I think that might be the case!
Wow, you are learning. Freedom means that others have the right to do things you don't agree with.
Well I don't agree with terrorism. So do Muslims have the right to commit acts of terrorism?
No, but they have the right to eat there own poop, and so do you. (And so do I, but I'm not going to exercise that right).
Well hey you can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink. :dunno:

That's because the horse has a right to discriminate.
The horse also has the right to eat its own poop. In fact, knowing Ernie I think that might be the case!
Wow, you are learning. Freedom means that others have the right to do things you don't agree with.
Well I don't agree with terrorism. So do Muslims have the right to commit acts of terrorism?
No, but they have the right to eat there own poop, and so do you. (And so do I, but I'm not going to exercise that right).
Well it seems like you just contradicted yourself. Feel free to keep eating your own poop though. :thup:

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