Does the left care about 850,000 deaths?

In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Migrants who earn mony put
that mony back into the economy and provide needed services
Bullshit. The don’t pay taxes nor do they pay for health insurance. They wire that money back to South America.
Really, how to they buy food and pay rent.? You are so full of shit. Ans so not pro life You keep proving my point over andover again
Because they live in shit holes with other Mexicans, or with family. They also illegally collect welfare, so they aren’t paying for shit. They keep what they need to get by, the rest goes to South America. Stop pretending otherwise.
You are showing your true collors pal. I am enjoying your downward spiral
Again, you can’t refute the facts.

Again, you can't deal with the topic of abortion and the public policies that I proposed that would curb the demand for it
The only policy needed to end abortion is to ban abortion.

Funny how you lefties say shit like “it will happen anyway”. Yea, murders happen even though it’s illegal. So what is your point?
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  1. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  1. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
What the fuck is so god damned funny theHawk Apparently you are at your wits end and out of amo.? I think that it's funny that there is someone on here who is even more stupid, crazy and inchoherant than you.
Last edited:
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
use protection or don't have sex. don't have sex if you don't want the results from sex.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
What the fuck is so god damned funny theHawk Apparently you are at your wits end and out of amo.? I think that it's funny that there is someone on here who is even more stupid, crazy and inchoherant than you.
Watching you moronic shitbags have a meltdown just makes my day. Keep it up.

In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
use protection or don't have sex. don't have sex if you don't want the results from sex.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant! That certainly addresses all of the the public policy issues that I raised. You are such an inspiration.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
use protection or don't have sex. don't have sex if you don't want the results from sex.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant! That certainly addresses all of the the public policy issues that I raised. You are such an inspiration.
Guess we can end the thread then.
In other words you can’t refute what I said.

You support exploiting third world immigrants to work under minimum wage, yes? ANSWER THAT.
PS I am not going to get sucked into trying to refute your red herrings about immigrants and exploitaion and allow you to avoid dealing with the social and ecconomic reasons for abortion which is the topic that you started but clearly can't finish. The more that you say, the more it becomes clear that you are not at all pro life but rather take this antii abortion position inorder to control women's bodies and pander to the religious right, while you clearly do do give a shit about families and living children.
Actually the thread is about how lefties ignore abortion yet are hysterical about WuFlu. And you’ve proven my point, you make excuses for keeping abortion legal, while you think non-vaccinated people are “killing” people.
Once again you have proven that you are a liar, a hypocrite and a fool. I presented a series of programs and policies that can curb the need and demand for abortion buy preventing unwanted pregnancies and by providing supports to women and families to help them decide to carry a child to term rather than abort which I asked you to comment on
Here it is again:
  1. Do you support meaningful realistic sex education that can result in less unwanted pregnancies?
  2. Do you support readily available and affordable birth control and requiring all health plans to cover it?
  3. Which of the following do you support- all of which might well help a woman or a family decide to have an unexpected child rather than abort-because they know that the financial and social supports will be there to help them
A) Free or affordable pre school and day care
B) Paid family leave for all employers
C) Universal health care coverage
D) Nutritional assistance programs such as school lunches and SNAP
E) Housing subsidies for low income people
F) A livable minimum wage and policies that reduce income and wealth desparity

These are the ways that we would reduce abortion.
You then dismissed, trashed or ignored each and every one of these items while offering no alternative of your own. And in doing so went off on a bizarre tangent about immigration in an attempt to divert attention away from your lack of a viable and rational policy position
NOW you have the colossal temerity to again accuse liberals of not caring about abortion while clinging to the moronic belief that the only solution is an outright ban- which I explained would only relegate abortion to the domain of back ally butchers who will perform late term abortions that are now illegal-as they should be- and put women’s lives at risk as well. Yet you had no rebuttal or even a comment on that point

You express a Pias concern for the fetus, but clearly do not gibe a rat’s hind parts about women, children or families And you continue to push your dangerous bullshit about Covid which further endangers all of us. You are a pathetic disaster!
Hey asshole, I already answered your questions. Just because you didn’t like the answer doesn’t mean I have to change my answers.

You CLAIM that lefties like you want to lower abortions. Yet when was the last time we heard anyone on the left announce this, or make it part of their campaign? Oh that’s right, never. Because all lefties want to do is expand abortion rights. You fuckers lose your shit when something like the Born Alive Protection Act is introduced. You can claim you’re different than the rest of the pro-abortion shit stains that make up the Democratic Party, and *maybe* you are (but I doubt it). But it does NOT change the fact that the media and the left have been absolutely hysterical over WuFlu deaths (which are overinflated) over one year. Now they want to inject all children and young healthy people with the non-FDA approved experimental vaccines.

And yet we NEVER hear a peep out of these same people about the 850k+ deaths each year from abortions.
Holy shit dude! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. You gave some convoluted half-baked reasons why you are against universal health coverage, a higher minimum wage and family leave. You completely avoided dealing with day care and preschool, nutritional programs, housing assistance , sex education and contraceptives, and income disparity.

I do not know what is more stupid and disturbing about you. Your insistence that abortion can be ended by outlawing it without any unintended consequences, or, your stubborn refusal to deal with the social and economic realities that sometimes necessitate abortion. And why do you oppose those programs and policies.....? Oh right. They are liberal policies. They are socialism. What fucking bovine excrement! Think man! Think if you can
We liberals do not have to go around sounding off about reducing abortion. Our policies speak to the goal of strengthening the family Policies such as those that I spelled out. And policies that strengthen reduce abortion

Your claim to being anti-abortion is complete bullshit. You are anti children and families and you devotion to protecting the fetus is a thinly veiled attempt to control women. The unborn child is –to you – just a pawn in your misogynistic attack on women and your need to pander to the far right. You just regurgitate right wing talking points and conspiracy bullshit about Covid and clearly have zero ability to think critically about the issue or to apply any degree of logic or reason. You are a zombie troll bot who does not know that he is dead. But, I won’t let you eat my brains

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
no he's a pro pay for it your damn self, individual.
He doesn't want to pay for the abortion, he also thinks it is murder.
He doesn't want to pay for the consequences of having the baby, should be the responsibility of the parents.
If you are responsible for your own actions then you don't need special classes prior to having sex explaining how to not get pregnant in the first damn place because you would do your own damn research and figure it out.
He wants people to be responsible for their own choices and actions without committing murder as a means of birth control.

You keep redefining him to fit your biased point of view and switching the argument over to something else.
What the fuck are you blathering and bloviating about? It is not about paying for anything. It's about the social and economic realities that people must deal with and the dynamic that result in unwanted pregnancies and abortion. You are totally unfocues and failing to deal with the points that I have made.
What the fuck is so god damned funny theHawk Apparently you are at your wits end and out of amo.? I think that it's funny that there is someone on here who is even more stupid, crazy and inchoherant than you.
Watching you moronic shitbags have a meltdown just makes my day. Keep it up.



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