Does The Left Value Truth?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
There are conservatives who lie and there are liberals who lie. Neither blue nor red has a monopoly on truth-tellers.

However, unless one denies that there are distinctive values on the right and on the left — a proposition that no serious liberal or conservative would deny — how much truth is valued may be different for the right and the left.

In the hierarchy of leftist (as opposed to traditional liberal) values, truth is below other values, such as equality, opposition to war, the promotion of secularism and a number of other highly regarded values on the left.

This does not mean that the number of truth-tellers among individuals on the left is necessarily smaller than the number of individual truth-tellers on the right. It means that truth-telling is not high on the left’s list of values.

Since this is, obviously, a generalization, and a negative one at that, anyone who makes this generalization is obligated to provide arguments and examples.

The first example is what is known as political correctness. Leftist denial of what is true is so widespread that we have a term for it, political correctness. There is no comparable right-wing political correctness, i.e., denying truths so as not to offend right-wing values or certain groups.

For example, among many on the left, especially academics, it has been almost impossible for decades to tell the truth about the innate differences between men and women because of the leftist dogma of innate similarities between the sexes. So deep is the left’s hostility to truth regarding the sexes that a president of Harvard University was forced from office after suggesting that men’s and women’s brains process math and some science differently.

Similarly, many leftist professors at Duke University used the false rape charges against three white lacrosse players to reinforce the left-wing belief (itself not true) that America is racist. The truth was not nearly as important to them as proving how racist whites are.

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But when the left ceaselessly repeats the mantra “Trump lied,” it may simply be projecting onto Donald J. Trump what comes quite naturally to the left — when it offers false Iraqi death statistics, false homeless data, false rape statistics, false secondhand smoke statistics, false claims about the percentage of gays in the population, and false claims of just about everything else the left cares about.

Does the Left Value Truth? - The Dennis Prager Show
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If the leftardz were even half as true to their stated 'values and to the truth as they claim to be, they would be rioting in the streets against abortion rather than against a flag or a statue that (to them) represents nothing more than crimes that occurred two hundred years ago.

As it is, they not only drive by and March by the abortion clinics on their way to protest their feigned butthurt of the day. . . They live in denial of children and their rights and defend the slaughters as well.

They see a more direct link to humanity in a whale, spotted owl or even in a tree than they do in the actual human face of a child in the womb.

There is no greater aversion to the truth than what a typical leftard has.
The right put the a President in power that has broken all records for lying, telling a stunning average of five lies every day. They voted for a pathological serial and habitual liar. A guy so dishonest that he is mocked, ignored, disrespected and publicly shamed on a daily basis for his dishonesty and aversion to truth. His followers ignore all of this and march behind him like lemmings like a cult inspired zombie base of support.
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
Liberalism is a philosophy not a political party, it isn't a left/right paradigm..That is the fallacy of the OP's author and many posters on USMB...Just like conservative is a political philosophy, it is not a political party..You can have liberals in all political parties just like conservatives..
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
I don't have any savoirs, that is your fallacy of getting emotionally involved with liars...I am not going to convince you of anything since you have proven yourself to be blind to half the people in power that do lie...Good day..
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
I don't have any savoirs, that is your fallacy of getting emotionally involved with liars...I am not going to convince you of anything since you have proven yourself to be blind to half the people in power that do lie...Good day..

You're equating Trump's "lies" to the bullshit Barry and Hillary spewed is disingenuous. And you're complaining about Trump being a liar?
Intellectual honesty is now entirely optional in American political discourse.

Ideologues can simply no longer be believed.

Pretty much everyone here is an ideologue, no? We're all opinionated and passionate about politics. The true moderates are the people that pay little to no attention to politics and who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump.
Don't worry about the left telling lies. They are minor and irrelevant compared to the lies told by the right in support of the Liar in Chief PINO.

You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
I don't have any savoirs, that is your fallacy of getting emotionally involved with liars...I am not going to convince you of anything since you have proven yourself to be blind to half the people in power that do lie...Good day..

You're equating Trump's "lies" to the bullshit Barry and Hillary spewed is disingenuous. And you're complaining about Trump being a liar?
If you lie about the little things, you'll damn sure lie about the big things, like his health insurance plan he don't have but claimed he did..It's still a lie.. Oblama lied, Hillary lied you've lied, I've lied. If you can't handle the truth, don't post...
Intellectual honesty is now entirely optional in American political discourse.

Ideologues can simply no longer be believed.

Pretty much everyone here is an ideologue, no? We're all opinionated and passionate about politics. The true moderates are the people that pay little to no attention to politics and who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump.
Could be. Regardless, it can't be good for a country when nothing can be believed, when people can't/won't even agree on facts.
You mean like "You can keep your doctor" or "The average family will save $2,500 per year" or "The attacks were caused by a YouTube video"?

Trump says some dumb things without thinking, but he's a LONG way from being the thoughtful, serial liar like Obama and Hillary.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
I don't have any savoirs, that is your fallacy of getting emotionally involved with liars...I am not going to convince you of anything since you have proven yourself to be blind to half the people in power that do lie...Good day..

You're equating Trump's "lies" to the bullshit Barry and Hillary spewed is disingenuous. And you're complaining about Trump being a liar?
If you lie about the little things, you'll damn sure lie about the big things, like his health insurance plan he don't have but claimed he did..It's still a lie.. Oblama lied, Hillary lied you've lied, I've lied. If you can't handle the truth, don't post...

The point is Trump is nowhere in the league of Obama and Hillary when it comes to lying or on lying on matters of substance. How about Lynch meeting with Slick Willie on the tarmac? Seriously, Obama was the most corrupt potus we have ever had and it's not close.
Intellectual honesty is now entirely optional in American political discourse.

Ideologues can simply no longer be believed.

Pretty much everyone here is an ideologue, no? We're all opinionated and passionate about politics. The true moderates are the people that pay little to no attention to politics and who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump.
Could be. Regardless, it can't be good for a country when nothing can be believed, when people can't/won't even agree on facts.

Most people are quite ignorant of basic history of even their own nation. They're more interested in "Dancing with the Stars" than government policies. They are ignorantly bliss and happy to let others rule their societies with little to no input from them. Hell, many don't even vote.
All people lie, that is a fact of life...Trump lies just as much as Oblama and Hillary, too bad you can't see it...

Trump runs his mouth off the cuff and sometimes says things that aren't exactly correct. Obama and Hillary, however, are cold, thoughtful, calculating, professional LIARS who LIED to the American people on issues of SUBSTANCE. Trump claiming he won in a "landslide" doesn't quite compare to the lies your saviors made.
I don't have any savoirs, that is your fallacy of getting emotionally involved with liars...I am not going to convince you of anything since you have proven yourself to be blind to half the people in power that do lie...Good day..

You're equating Trump's "lies" to the bullshit Barry and Hillary spewed is disingenuous. And you're complaining about Trump being a liar?
If you lie about the little things, you'll damn sure lie about the big things, like his health insurance plan he don't have but claimed he did..It's still a lie.. Oblama lied, Hillary lied you've lied, I've lied. If you can't handle the truth, don't post...

The point is Trump is nowhere in the league of Obama and Hillary when it comes to lying or on lying on matters of substance. How about Lynch meeting with Slick Willie on the tarmac? Seriously, Obama was the most corrupt potus we have ever had and it's not close.
Trump can't be judge on future events, the usual method is to wait until they have done something or completed a task....So no prognostications are necessary...
Intellectual honesty is now entirely optional in American political discourse.

Ideologues can simply no longer be believed.

Pretty much everyone here is an ideologue, no? We're all opinionated and passionate about politics. The true moderates are the people that pay little to no attention to politics and who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump.
Could be. Regardless, it can't be good for a country when nothing can be believed, when people can't/won't even agree on facts.

Most people are quite ignorant of basic history of even their own nation. They're more interested in "Dancing with the Stars" than government policies. They are ignorantly bliss and happy to let others rule their societies with little to no input from them. Hell, many don't even vote.

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