Does the NRA really spend THAT much money on lobbying?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
The NRA spent roughly $30-35 million in 2012 on political lobbying and ads. In the context of the 2012 elections, where Obama and Romney both spent upwards of $1 billion apiece, and the combined campaign spending for all House elections, this seems, contextually, a REALLY small number. There are many groups that spend an awful lot more, so how come the NRA is the big boogeyman in Washington?
What is the secret of this association? Where is the catch?
Chicago especially makes it seem like "If you don't follow the NRA, they will make sure you aren't re-elected". Is the NRA just inherently more polarizing?
Because anti-gun advocates need a scape goat for all the measures they continually try and get passed yet immediately die. Recent years has seen the tolerance for those unconstitutional measures drop.

The arguments just do not stand up to scrutiny so they need a bad guy to finger.
I love how they don't point out that NRA gets more money from the people than the industry. $50 Million seems like a lot until you realize they bring in $300M a year.
It sounds like...

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