Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

Operation garden plot?

Is that where you buried your meds?
View attachment 101160

Being fluent in conspiracies doesn't make you informed. It makes you nutty.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!
Even if he does, he's still better than Hillary. ;)

BTW, did the psychologist write another article on Hillary's paranoia and penchant for telling tall tales?

Tell that to South Carlolinians that just watched the President Elect take out their newest industry, Boeing by tweeting to the WORLD that Boeing is ripping them off on the cost of airplanes. That's a way to create some American jobs--LOL They probably want a recount about right now too.

How do you like Trump now, Nikki Haley--LOL

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But, let's hope he turns the economy into an economic powerhouse and we revisit the 2005-06 economic vitality.

2005-06 economic vitality?????? The economy was shedding jobs. Only the huge numbers of military overseas kept the unemployment rate down.

2005 saw the double whammy of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Parts of Louisianna, Mississippi, and Florida were utterly destroyed. Over a million people were displaced, and thousands of jobs disrupted or destroyed. Federal response to the disaster was so bad the Republicans have subsequently blamed Obama for the lousy he job he did, even though it was 3 years before he was elected.

Employment was higher than today. The stock market was substantially lower than today. Energy prices were double what you're paying now. Inflation was 3.3%, but car sales were dropping.

It's actually kind of sad how upbeat economists were at the end of 2005, given what we know went down. The U.S Economy: 2005 in Review and Prospects for 2006

U.S. Economy Slowed Sharply at End of 2005

But by the end of 2006, the bloom is off the economy, as per this from the :

Specific economic statistics in 2006 are as disconcerting as the overall picture as we head into 2007.

The U.S. Economy in Review: 2006 – Center for American Progress

I love it when you guys recall the "good old days", which really weren't very good at all, and pale in comparison to what the reality is today.

And you're in the process of handing the government back to the same guys who brought you the Great Recession of 2008, and the crap Reagan economy of the late 80's. And since Republicans are now in power "Deficits don't matter".
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But, let's hope he turns the economy into an economic powerhouse and we revisit the 2005-06 economic vitality.

2005-06 economic vitality?????? The economy was shedding jobs. Only the huge numbers of military overseas kept the unemployment rate down.

2005 saw the double whammy of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Parts of Louisianna, Mississippi, and Florida were utterly destroyed. Over a million people were displaced, and thousands of jobs disrupted or destroyed. Federal response to the disaster was so bad the Republicans have subsequently blamed Obama for the lousy he job he did, even though it was 3 years before he was elected.

Employment was higher than today. The stock market was substantially lower than today. Energy prices were double what you're paying now. Inflation was 3.3%, but car sales were dropping.

It's actually kind of sad how upbeat economists were at the end of 2005, given what we know went down. The U.S Economy: 2005 in Review and Prospects for 2006

U.S. Economy Slowed Sharply at End of 2005

But by the end of 2006, the bloom is off the economy, as per this from the :

Specific economic statistics in 2006 are as disconcerting as the overall picture as we head into 2007.

The U.S. Economy in Review: 2006 – Center for American Progress

I love it when you guys recall the "good old days", which really weren't very good at all, and pale in comparison to what the reality is today.

And you're in the process of handing the government back to the same guys who brought you the Great Recession of 2008, and the crap Reagan economy of the late 80's. And since Republicans are now in power "Deficits don't matter".

There is no doubt that the American job market, mainly manufacturing has been shedding jobs due to trade deals. Trade is a double edged sword. While we're not paying 10K for laptops, or 7K for iphones, and we can buy shirts for $12.00--it also cost us in manufacturing jobs. Also automation has a lot to do with job loss's.

That's the real issue with the job market. How to fix it is to renegotiate trade deals to make it fairer to Americans. If we build a plant overseas, then the foreign country should give us jobs back. We have a few Toyota plants in this country. I would like to see us take over the windmill industry in the world, putting Americans back to work on those, for here an abroad. I am sure there are many other ideas, but this would be a great start.

Tariff's and threatening American corporations with a 35% penalty tax is insanity, and they're dead on arrival in the congress anyway. They've never worked, they just make it worse by draining the economy of jobs, and the cost of the product goes up to American consumers.
That would be my guess.

But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success.

I just pray that his disorder does not start WWIII. He has already pissed off China. But he is so desperate for everyone's admiration that he will bend to whoever tugs on his ear. Unfortunately, he has as his top adviser an admitted Alt-Right racist.

But, let's hope he turns the economy into an economic powerhouse and we revisit the 2005-06 economic vitality.

Boy are you gullible!
Tell that to South Carlolinians that just watched the President Elect take out their newest industry, Boeing by tweeting to the WORLD that Boeing is ripping them off on the cost of airplanes. That's a way to create some American jobs--LOL They probably want a recount about right now too....
That remains to be seen. IIRC, we're talking about a proposal, not an actual order approved by Congress.
Tell that to South Carlolinians that just watched the President Elect take out their newest industry, Boeing by tweeting to the WORLD that Boeing is ripping them off on the cost of airplanes. That's a way to create some American jobs--LOL They probably want a recount about right now too....
That remains to be seen. IIRC, we're talking about a proposal, not an actual order approved by Congress.

Dumbass--he already tweeted it. Boeing has current contracts-- is trying to get new ones, and now those new contracts are going to be looking at other manufacturer's for bids (probably foreign) to see if they can get their airplanes cheaper

Business economics 101
LOL. You aren't very good at this, are you?

Perhaps some facts would help you understand, but people like you really don't give a shit about facts. This is an emotional issue for you.

Did Donald Trump tank Boeing’s stock because he was mad about a news article?

Fact Check: Trump Says New Air Force One Will Cost $4B
Trump fired a direct shot over the liberal board of directors of Boeing....

Let's just all hope they got the message....
LOL After Obungles you're worried about a narcissistic disorder? Ears is the poster child for it

Oh wait, I've been waiting to do this...."bbbbuuuut Obamaaaaaaaaaa"

Like that "bbbbuuuut Booooooooosh!"

Your boy is not even sworn in yet and his has made China mad and made a butt buddy of a murdering Philippine president. Yeah, he is a mentally stable individual...

Boy? Racism alert ^^^. Why don't you move to China and mend the relationship.
My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

Operation garden plot?

Is that where you buried your meds?
View attachment 101160

Being fluent in conspiracies doesn't make you informed. It makes you nutty.

I know more than you, with that very salient fact.
Yeah, you sure are Joe, you have 2 houses which you aren't willing to share with any of those illegals who have come here for a better life. But you sure are willing to give up everyone else's money to have those future Democrat voters stay here. Joe is a hypocrite, and that isn't Faux news.

The Illegals are perfectly willing to work for what they have. The problem is, they work harder than Willie White trash with no education who voted for Trump.
Voters don't need to watch the Dinosaur, called Lame Stream Media. With Twitter, news comes out without any liberal bias, and that is why the likes of Martha Ratbitch and Chris(thrill up the leg, no mo) Mathews are foaming at the mouth. No one believes them anymore, just like people don't believe a liberal anymore. Liars all the same.

Again, when Willie White Trash realizes that his job isn't coming back because he's been replaced by a machine, they aren't going to believe Trump, either.
You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

Operation garden plot?

Is that where you buried your meds?
View attachment 101160

Being fluent in conspiracies doesn't make you informed. It makes you nutty.

I know more than you, with that very salient fact.

You are no doubt the undisputed forum champ of useless conspiracy knowledge.
It's reality where you struggle.
Voters don't need to watch the Dinosaur, called Lame Stream Media. With Twitter, news comes out without any liberal bias, and that is why the likes of Martha Ratbitch and Chris(thrill up the leg, no mo) Mathews are foaming at the mouth. No one believes them anymore, just like people don't believe a liberal anymore. Liars all the same.

Again, when Willie White Trash realizes that his job isn't coming back because he's been replaced by a machine, they aren't going to believe Trump, either.
You mean like a Carrier worker?
Dump the Gay Marriage agenda.

Why, nobody really still cares about that. The only Republican who did badly was McCrory and his Bathroom Police. Trump didn't talk about the issue, he won NC, McCrory lost NC because he made the state a laughingstock.

Stop standing alongside Illegal Aliens instead of your own unemployed fellow countrymen.

You really think that Americans want the jobs illegals are doing? That's so cute. When you go out and pick lettuce for 10 hours a day, let me know.

Stop shoving shitty pseudo-nationalized healthcare down the country's throat.

I agree, we should have national health care like every other country has.

Stop calling your opponents racists and bigots and 'phobes'.

Stop telling your opponents that they're a shrinking demographic and no longer count.

You are a shrinking demographic, and you don't count.

For the record, Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did. If not for Stein and JOhnson splitting the vote, Hillary would have won the electoral college as well.

Step up and take ownership for your humiliating defeat, and fix what's wrong with your own camp.

Do better next time.

We aren't the ones who lied to the bigots promising them things that are never going to happen. WHat do you think is going to happen when those manufacturing jobs don't come back for the people who voted for Trump? What do you think is going to happen when you stupid rednecks lose your service jobs because companies decide to automate those, too?
Guardhouse Lawyer Time.

It's everybody's fault by my own.


Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.
Yeah, you sure are Joe, you have 2 houses which you aren't willing to share with any of those illegals who have come here for a better life. But you sure are willing to give up everyone else's money to have those future Democrat voters stay here. Joe is a hypocrite, and that isn't Faux news.

The Illegals are perfectly willing to work for what they have. The problem is, they work harder than Willie White trash with no education who voted for Trump.

Just a little bitter there, lil Joe.......(snicker)

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