Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

This is not funny. The country is really, really in trouble. We can only hope that he doesn't go off and eliminate another country. Maybe the WH doctors can prescribe something or take away his rights to Tweet.

No, this is hilarious.... totally hilarious.
Jesus! I thought the ploy of labelling your opposition insane died with Joe Stalin.

Oh well, Marx wasn't working out too well for The Democrat Party so maybe they think Stalin might be more influential?

My bet is Stalin won't.

So what will they try next, Mao?
Everybody knows that Trump is impervious to radiation, fallout and nuclear blasts... so it is a no brainer that he will start a nuclear holocaust!
Anybody stepping into the presidency has much to prove in displaying they're up to the job. It'll be up to Trump to display he's up to the challenges of Washington and isn't the caricature he has helped the media paint him.
They say over 3 million illegals voted in this election. No telling how many dead people voted or how many Democrats voted more than once.

Guy, why do you keep posting fake news like it's real?

No, 3 million illegals didn't vote in this election.
You have not shown your evidence for your silly claim, so no one has to show you anything yet.

'fake news' on your part
It's only fake if it does agree with your opinion, right?

Obama Encourages Illegals to Vote: It's 'Strictly Confidential' - The Geller Report

President Obama, in a shocking interview replayed on Fox News by host Neil Cavuto, actually seemed to suggest that illegals should vote – that if they did, they wouldn’t be caught and deported.

The story unfolds with a woman asking Obama: “Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens – and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country – are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

And Obama’s response: Not to worry – not at all.

“Not true,” Obama said. “The reason is when you vote, you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over and people start investigating et cetera. The sanctity to vote is strictly confidential.”

Holy cow. Did Obama just encourage illegals to get in the voting game?

This, from a tweet from @HankRearden, alongside a photo of the woman who asked the bold question: “Disgraceful. Obama encourages illegals to vote on live TV. Now we know what Democrat opposition to voter ID was about. #Never Hillary.”

A woman interviewing President Obama asks if illegals would be deported if they vote. And Obama’s response? No, he said.

Meanwhile, a jaw-dropped Cavuto said he couldn’t believe what he heard the president say.

Cavuto’s response, on Fox News: “I can’t believe I heard what I heard. The president’s even questioning whether the person who is an illegal is voting … that if you’re a citizen you vote, but it’s very clear that the question that was being asked was about illegals voting and afraid that they might be deported to border security. You’re illegal. You cannot vote. And the president of the United States is saying, ‘don’t worry. No one will be spying on you, catching you … you are ignoring the fact that the question about illegal voting, which you can’t do, why? Because you’re not a citizen of this country.”

Report: 3 Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens | Opinion - Conservative

Vote fraud using ballots cast in the name of dead people and illegal alien voters was a huge concern before the election.

On the morning of the election there were 4 million dead people on U.S. voter rolls.

Some states require some form of ID before voting. But the following states require NO ID whatsoever before voting…

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia
Washington, D.C.

And thanks to Bill Clinton’s 1993 Motor Voter Act, no proof of citizenship is required to register to vote. Just a checkbox asking if they are legal. No ID, no checks, no penalties enforced.

Hillary Clinton “won” Nevada — a state with a very large illegal alien population — by only 26,000 votes. And populous blue states like California, New York and Illinois have run up Clinton’s popular vote totals. Again, with no proof of ID to vote

The post REPORT: 3 MILLION Votes in Presidential Election Cast by ILLEGAL ALIENS, Non-Citizens appeared first on The Geller Report.​

Straight up dopey fake news. All of it.
If you believe it, that makes you a dope right along with Trump.

Tell us some more about how Obama and
Clinton "founded" ISIS. :laugh2:
Everybody knows that Trump is impervious to radiation, fallout and nuclear blasts... so it is a no brainer that he will start a nuclear holocaust!
Everybody knows that Trump is impervious to radiation, fallout and nuclear blasts..
Just like a cockroach
Lefties whined about "fake-news" for weeks after the election and what do you know, they are the ones who are guilty and the post is a picture perfect example.
Anybody stepping into the presidency has much to prove in displaying they're up to the job. It'll be up to Trump to display he's up to the challenges of Washington and isn't the caricature he has helped the media paint him.
The media didn't "paint him" anything--they just report his own words.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!
The problem is that there is no law banning a psychopath from the office of President of the US.

In fact, I hope this point of view doesn't become too popular because I would like him to be a tried in a court of law as "sane".
Anybody stepping into the presidency has much to prove in displaying they're up to the job. It'll be up to Trump to display he's up to the challenges of Washington and isn't the caricature he has helped the media paint him.
The media didn't "paint him" anything--they just report his own words.

The media reports them and then he denied he ever said them...get the point?
Considering the alternative ...

The alternative would have been a woman with years of experience in government bringing back the people who guided us through the greatest period of prosperity in my lifetime.

I'm good with that. So were the majority of people who voted for her.

Now we've got TRump draining the swamp right into his white house.

Greatest period of prosperity in your lifetime? So I'm guessing you're like 10 years old?

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......
Jim, I'm beginning to think you may have a mental disorder, you are going to have a rough 4-8 years. Just remember we're here for you snowflake.

Jim, when the time comes and you need a pallbearer, I'll volunteer unless there's a ballgame on television, it's raining, or the fish are biting.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?
Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?

If you don't realize that we have been living under a police state since the false flag event that was 9/11/01? There isn't much for us to talk about. I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than you.
Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?

If you don't realize that we have been living under a police state since the false flag event that was 9/11/01? There isn't much for us to talk about. I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than you.

Illusions of grandeur. You and Trump have a lot in common. :laugh:
My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?

If you don't realize that we have been living under a police state since the false flag event that was 9/11/01? There isn't much for us to talk about. I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than you.

Illusions of grandeur. You and Trump have a lot in common. :laugh:

Hitlery didn't win....and it chaps your ass royally....that's enough for me........Trump may end up being just another puppet....but leftard butthurt whine is music to my ears.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?

If you don't realize that we have been living under a police state since the false flag event that was 9/11/01? There isn't much for us to talk about. I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than you.

Illusions of grandeur. You and Trump have a lot in common. :laugh:

Hitlery didn't win....and it chaps your ass royally....that's enough for me........Trump may end up being just another puppet....but leftard butthurt whine is music to my ears.


Again... you Trump bots fail again. I didn't vote for Hillary. I can prove as far back as April of 2015 that I said I would never vote for her.

Trumpbots have some sick fascination with Clinton. They just can't get her out of their mouths.
You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

How's it a Strawman Dale? What theory do you believe in? I mean there are so many theories with so many different types of aliens. One of the major ones is the reptilians against the insect aliens. Though throughout the years, it seems most people agree of the race of reptilians... so is that the one you are going with?

These FEMA camps, the police state, and such... why hasn't it happened yet? When's it going to happen? Do you think Trump isn't involved?

If you don't realize that we have been living under a police state since the false flag event that was 9/11/01? There isn't much for us to talk about. I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than you.

Illusions of grandeur. You and Trump have a lot in common. :laugh:

Hitlery didn't win....and it chaps your ass royally....that's enough for me........Trump may end up being just another puppet....but leftard butthurt whine is music to my ears.


Again... you Trump bots fail again. I didn't vote for Hillary. I can prove as far back as April of 2015 that I said I would never vote for her.

Trumpbots have some sick fascination with Clinton. They just can't get her out of their mouths.

She is a disgusting pile of shit......apparently you have some affection for her or you wouldn't be so offended by the ass-kicking she

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