Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

Trump is a huge partier from the 80's and even later admitting he partied with Epstein. I said in another thread that I bet his behavior is from untreated syphilis. I stick by that. Does he probably have a mental disorder as well? Yes, probably. No one acts like he does without one.
As for having a problem with STD's, when you cant keep your dick out of interns mouths, eventually immoral actions catch up with you.

Before After

View attachment 101041 View attachment 101042

Yeah except there is what? A 20 year difference in pictures there?
20 years of cheating on your wife or longer, will take its toll on you, especially when married to Hillary Goddamn Clinton.

He's 70 years old... and have you seen before and after pictures of U.S. Presidents? Trump will look like absolute shit in just 4 years, if he lasts that long.

POTUS BEFORE AND AFTER: Look What Having The World's Toughest Job Did To These 10 Men

Are you upset that you didn't get a chance to have a Cuban Cigar put where the sun doesn't shine from the HIV ex president? Sure seems to be defending his actions, that we all know about, could it be that you participated with that 70 year old? Now that would make me sick.

How am I defending his actions? People get old, their looks change. That's it. Just because you don't like someone, to hope they have a disease is pretty sick. I bet if I said I hoped Trump got hit by a bus you would be all over me. So get over yourself. I've said many times I wished he would have gotten thrown out of office for his actions, but I'll never wish that he has AIDS.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

They also use the word I all the time, instead of we.
I have not heard Trump say I, like our current President does.

Every morning in the White House...

Wait....but that's me! ;)

Full disclosure....Yes, I copied your obvious narcissism from another thread.;)
Just wait and see what happens. You will be internetally destroyed.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

They also use the word I all the time, instead of we.
I have not heard Trump say I, like our current President does.

Every morning in the White House...

Wait....but that's me! ;)

Full disclosure....Yes, I copied your obvious narcissism from another thread.;)
Just wait and see what happens. You will be internetally destroyed.

Maybe I should have photoshoped Obamas head on the Mr. Atlas picture.
That would be my guess.

But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success.

I just pray that his disorder does not start WWIII. He has already pissed off China. But he is so desperate for everyone's admiration that he will bend to whoever tugs on his ear. Unfortunately, he has as his top adviser an admitted Alt-Right racist.

But, let's hope he turns the economy into an economic powerhouse and we revisit the 2005-06 economic vitality.
China seems to have his number, based on their extremely measured, pretty much "ignore the bombast" approach they took after Trump's tweets knocking China after their diplomatic protest to the Taiwan call. Just because they're foreign doesn't mean they're stupid. They have narcissists over there, too.
This has been a great election process this year, its been a constant game of "Guess the Illness" with both Hillary and Donald.

When dealing with national-level politicians, it's probably safe to start with significantly elevated narcissism and go from there.
Any personality disorder is defined along a spectrum, from displaying some traits in a way that don't affect the person's life or relationships in any significant way, to having marked traits that disrupt the person's ability to cope with others in personal or work relationships. Trump is somewhere in the middle. Maybe you can see narcissism in most politicians, but to me an inflated ego is not the same as a PD.
That would be my guess.

But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success.

Usually, I'm okay with, "Avoids war and doesn't have a recession" as a standard.

But when you get into office through enabling open racism and misogyny, "not fucking it up" is too low a standard. You've already fucked it up by making the unacceptable acceptable.

NYC sees spike in reported hate crimes since Trump election

Lighten up Snowflake.... let your delusions go.
"They say over 3 million illegals voted in this election. No telling how many dead people voted or how many Democrats voted more than once."

They say the election was rigged by Trump.

We know Trump lost by eleven million votes to his opponents' number of votes.

Trump will get the same chance as did Obama from his opponents. Count on it. it's 11 million.

Obama is a narcissist who is telling our troops no foreign terrorist organization has helped plan or carry out any terrorist attacks on US soil during his time in office, Hillary is documented as being dain bramaged, has been described by her own staff as 'often confused', and both have engaged in psychological pathological lying even when they KNOW the lies they are telling will not be believed by a large majority of sane, rational people, and liberals have overlooked all of this....

...funny how the letters 'GOP' or 'R' makes so much of a difference to them when 'professionally diagnosing' mental illness.

For those who missed it earlier......

In the Wisconsin Day 5 Recount Update 32,423 votes for Hillary Clinton were erased resulting in a 28,830 vote net increase for Donald Trump.
Update: In Michigan, over 1/2 of Hillary Clinton’s Detroit vote count is faces disqualification.

Trump officially won Wisconsin by over 22,000 votes in Wisconsin but thanks to Jill Stein a recount is currently underway.

After day 3 of the recount the official updated recount results for Day 3 on Wisconsin Board of Elections upate page showed Hillary Clinton losing 18,422 votes while Donald Trump lost 3,289 resulting in a net increase of 15,133 votes.

Today the recount results for day 5 were released and it now shows Hillary has lost 32,423 votes and Donald Trump has lost 3,593 votes resulting in a net increase of 28,830 votes for Donald Trump in results reported so far, which includes counties that are still reporting results.

The corporate media is currently only reporting counts from the 23 of 72 counties that have completed counting so far, which exclude Milwaukee county, in which President-elect Donald Trump has officially picked up 143 net votes on Hillary Clinton due to the discovery of 105 total net votes for Trump and the removal of 41 net votes for Clinton.

There are major discrepancies in the original and recount totals in the Milwaukee County wards which could indicate potential fraud.

Hillary Clinton Loses 32,423 Votes in Day 5 of Wisconsin Recount - HNN - Higgins News Network
For those who missed it earlier......

In the Wisconsin Day 5 Recount Update 32,423 votes for Hillary Clinton were erased resulting in a 28,830 vote net increase for Donald Trump.
Update: In Michigan, over 1/2 of Hillary Clinton’s Detroit vote count is faces disqualification.

Trump officially won Wisconsin by over 22,000 votes in Wisconsin but thanks to Jill Stein a recount is currently underway.

After day 3 of the recount the official updated recount results for Day 3 on Wisconsin Board of Elections upate page showed Hillary Clinton losing 18,422 votes while Donald Trump lost 3,289 resulting in a net increase of 15,133 votes.

Today the recount results for day 5 were released and it now shows Hillary has lost 32,423 votes and Donald Trump has lost 3,593 votes resulting in a net increase of 28,830 votes for Donald Trump in results reported so far, which includes counties that are still reporting results.

The corporate media is currently only reporting counts from the 23 of 72 counties that have completed counting so far, which exclude Milwaukee county, in which President-elect Donald Trump has officially picked up 143 net votes on Hillary Clinton due to the discovery of 105 total net votes for Trump and the removal of 41 net votes for Clinton.

There are major discrepancies in the original and recount totals in the Milwaukee County wards which could indicate potential fraud.

Hillary Clinton Loses 32,423 Votes in Day 5 of Wisconsin Recount - HNN - Higgins News Network

You'll confuse Jake.... he thinks Hillary won the popular vote by 11,000,000 votes. Speaking of mental illness.
They say over 3 million illegals voted in this election. No telling how many dead people voted or how many Democrats voted more than once.

Guy, why do you keep posting fake news like it's real?

No, 3 million illegals didn't vote in this election.
You have not shown your evidence for your silly claim, so no one has to show you anything yet.

'fake news' on your part
It's only fake if it does agree with your opinion, right?

Obama Encourages Illegals to Vote: It's 'Strictly Confidential' - The Geller Report

President Obama, in a shocking interview replayed on Fox News by host Neil Cavuto, actually seemed to suggest that illegals should vote – that if they did, they wouldn’t be caught and deported.

The story unfolds with a woman asking Obama: “Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens – and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country – are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

And Obama’s response: Not to worry – not at all.

“Not true,” Obama said. “The reason is when you vote, you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over and people start investigating et cetera. The sanctity to vote is strictly confidential.”

Holy cow. Did Obama just encourage illegals to get in the voting game?

This, from a tweet from @HankRearden, alongside a photo of the woman who asked the bold question: “Disgraceful. Obama encourages illegals to vote on live TV. Now we know what Democrat opposition to voter ID was about. #Never Hillary.”

A woman interviewing President Obama asks if illegals would be deported if they vote. And Obama’s response? No, he said.

Meanwhile, a jaw-dropped Cavuto said he couldn’t believe what he heard the president say.

Cavuto’s response, on Fox News: “I can’t believe I heard what I heard. The president’s even questioning whether the person who is an illegal is voting … that if you’re a citizen you vote, but it’s very clear that the question that was being asked was about illegals voting and afraid that they might be deported to border security. You’re illegal. You cannot vote. And the president of the United States is saying, ‘don’t worry. No one will be spying on you, catching you … you are ignoring the fact that the question about illegal voting, which you can’t do, why? Because you’re not a citizen of this country.”

Report: 3 Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens | Opinion - Conservative

Vote fraud using ballots cast in the name of dead people and illegal alien voters was a huge concern before the election.

On the morning of the election there were 4 million dead people on U.S. voter rolls.

Some states require some form of ID before voting. But the following states require NO ID whatsoever before voting…

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
West Virginia
Washington, D.C.

And thanks to Bill Clinton’s 1993 Motor Voter Act, no proof of citizenship is required to register to vote. Just a checkbox asking if they are legal. No ID, no checks, no penalties enforced.

Hillary Clinton “won” Nevada — a state with a very large illegal alien population — by only 26,000 votes. And populous blue states like California, New York and Illinois have run up Clinton’s popular vote totals. Again, with no proof of ID to vote

The post REPORT: 3 MILLION Votes in Presidential Election Cast by ILLEGAL ALIENS, Non-Citizens appeared first on The Geller Report.​
alt right 'fake news' ^^^ double down

I already used the HNN link to show that the votes will not be thrown out in WI.

There is absolutely no evidence for 3 million illegal votes at all in any of the links.

And we all know that Trump rigged the election.
Before its news posted almost a month ago: “REPORT: 3 MILLION Votes in Presidential Election Cast by ILLEGAL ALIENS, Non-Citizens,” By TRN,November 14, 2016:Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens and/or non-citizens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

Phillips is talking about a non-existent database, nothing more. He jumps from assertion to conclusion with absolutely no verifiable data for evidence.

Typical alt right 'fake news' nonsense.
This is not funny. The country is really, really in trouble. We can only hope that he doesn't go off and eliminate another country. Maybe the WH doctors can prescribe something or take away his rights to Tweet.

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