Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

Usually, I'm okay with, "Avoids war and doesn't have a recession" as a standard.

But when you get into office through enabling open racism and misogyny, "not fucking it up" is too low a standard. You've already fucked it up by making the unacceptable acceptable.

But we're not talking about Obama, Comrade Stalin... Obama has and continues to be openly racist, but his time is done, thank heavens.

Again... you Trump bots fail again. I didn't vote for Hillary. I can prove as far back as April of 2015 that I said I would never vote for her.

Trumpbots have some sick fascination with Clinton. They just can't get her out of their mouths.

Dale a "trump bot?" :eek:


Lewd, you are one dumb motherfucker. You are Bodecea stupid!

Again... you Trump bots fail again. I didn't vote for Hillary. I can prove as far back as April of 2015 that I said I would never vote for her.

Trumpbots have some sick fascination with Clinton. They just can't get her out of their mouths.

Dale a "trump bot?" :eek:


Lewd, you are one dumb motherfucker. You are Bodecea stupid!

Yes, yes he is. Trump is a fucking conspiracy theory nut.
As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......
I've come to the conclusion you are a retard.
I can't get from my house to the nearest 7-Eleven without having to go around one of those fucking 600 FEMA concentration camps.

And whenever I shop at Walmart, I have to show three forms of ID and provide a blood sample to the Jade Helm guard the door.
Yes, yes he is. Trump is a fucking conspiracy theory nut.

Look, I grasp that the average gold fish has a far longer attention span than you, but you might want to check his posts during the campaign,,,

Wait, so you can remember what he says, but not a fucking single one of you guys can remember I've said a thousand times I didn't vote for Clinton?

Wait, so you can remember what he says, but not a fucking single one of you guys can remember I've said a thousand times I didn't vote for Clinton?

Most people just don't believe you. Personally I don't give a shit. You voted for Stein and think that's an improvement? Stein is just another in the pocket stooge of George Soros, as these moronic recounts prove.
As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......
I've come to the conclusion you are a retard.

The best thing is???? That at the end of the day, I know more than you....I comprehend more than you....infinitely more. I would have to actually respect your insight and weigh your opinion versus mine in order to give it due diligence. Sadly, you fail on all counts........

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Hopefully it didn't take you this long to notice that Trump has a mental disorder called narcissism. In fact he's a text book example of it.

To a narcissist the world revolves around them. They are most important person in that world. They thrive on constant attention and that attention has to be in the form of adoration. The one thing a narcissist cannot tolerate is criticism of any kind.

This is why Trump will flip-out, & get on his tweety account. 1. To get the attention that he craves, and 2. to defend himself against critics. Knowing that a President gets criticized 24 hours a day 7 days a week, coming from every direction, you're already getting an advance preview of what the next 4 years are going to look like.

Trump will spend more time fighting & arguing with his critics and SNL (trying to defend himself,) than actually working on policy. He can't stop himself, this is a mental/personality disorder. There is no pill or Psychiatrist that can help him. Nor can anyone else control or stop him, they've already tried that.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Trump was on the Today Show this morning complaining about Saturday Night Live.
JUST IN: Donald Trump Appears On “The Today Show” To Complain About SNL, ‘Who Knows How Long That Show’s Gonna Be on For?’ [WATCH HERE]

This is going to make for a very entertaining next 4 years--LOL Enjoy it--we don't get to many Narcissists in full view of the American public that often.
Last edited:

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Hopefully it didn't take you this long to notice that Trump has a mental disorder called narcissism. In fact he's a text book example of it.

To a narcissist the world revolves around them. They are most important person in that world. They thrive on constant attention and that attention has to be in the form of adoration. The one thing a narcissist cannot tolerate is criticism of any kind.

This is why Trump will flip-out, & get on his tweety account. 1. To get the attention that he craves, and 2. to defend himself against critics. Knowing that a President gets criticized 24 hours a day 7 days a week, coming from every direction, you're already getting an advance preview of what the next 4 years are going to look like.

Trump will spend more time fighting & arguing with his critics and SNL (trying to defend himself,) than actually working on policy. He can't stop himself, this is his disorder. No one else can stop him, they've already tried.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Trump was on the Today Show this morning complaining about Saturday Night Live.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Appears On “The Today Show” To Complain About SNL, ‘Who Knows How Long That Show’s Gonna Be on For?’ [WATCH HERE]

Fake news.........................

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!
Even if he does, he's still better than Hillary. ;)

BTW, did the psychologist write another article on Hillary's paranoia and penchant for telling tall tales?

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

O was already diagnosed with that disorder.
Perhaps a touch of narcissism.

But surely less dangerous than the current narcissistic sociopath at the helm......

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single steps, right liberals? Or do you deny your deity's words?

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

Operation garden plot?

Is that where you buried your meds?
Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.

You didn't answer my question. Is Trump a reptilian or a grey? Where are you FEMA killing camps? Why are you still here if the FEMA camps were made just for thinkers like you?

I'm tired of hearing it was up to Trump or Hillary. NO, it was not. Republicans could have elected Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, or Bush in the primaries. You didn't. Now you got Trump. Quit excusing your stupid decision by using Clinton as your excuse.

You are punching at you punch or kick your mother? Makes as much sense as your lame argument. As far as FEMA camps go? Do a little research about the C.O.G program, REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot and all the E.O's that put all resources into the hands of your beloved federal "gubermint".........let me know what conclusion you come to......

Operation garden plot?

Is that where you buried your meds?
Most politicians have some for of personality disorder.

After years of Mad Duck Obabble's Narcissism, Trump looks thoroughly SANE.

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