Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

Tell that to South Carlolinians that just watched the President Elect take out their newest industry, Boeing by tweeting to the WORLD that Boeing is ripping them off on the cost of airplanes. That's a way to create some American jobs--LOL They probably want a recount about right now too....
That remains to be seen. IIRC, we're talking about a proposal, not an actual order approved by Congress.

Dumbass--he already tweeted it. Boeing has current contracts-- is trying to get new ones, and now those new contracts are going to be looking at other manufacturer's for bids (probably foreign) to see if they can get their airplanes cheaper

Business economics 101

Business economics 101 my ass.

Boeing builds AF1 at cost. They made no profit on the 1980 order and expect to make no money on this purchase.

They have the retrofit plans from the 1980 purchase, and the same basic aircraft will be used so this will save millions in redesigning the aircraft.

The project is not over budget. Trump lied. (Are we surprised).

$4 billion for two custom designed 747's is a very good price. Cheaper than paying someone to redesign one of their planes to AF1 specifications

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Again, when Willie White Trash realizes that his job isn't coming back because he's been replaced by a machine, they aren't going to believe Trump, either.
Were you given a LTH discharge for racism?

Nope. I got out as an E-6, and my troops, even the White Trash ones, loved me because I looked out for them.

Just a little bitter there, lil Joe.......(snicker)

Naw, guy, when you are out there being unable to hold down a job because you are, you know, crazy, you are going to need people like me to support your ass.
Nope. I got out as an E-6, and my troops, even the White Trash ones, loved me because I looked out for them.
Did they know you looked down your nose at them and considered them to be "white trash" AKA dregs of society...or did you lie about it and trick them into thinking you thought more highly of them?
The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”
Older/wily narcissists rarely suffer. Especially male ones. Especially male ones who have ascended to positions of power. And of those most certainly especially ones that have ascended to THE biggest position of power....

..But the people around them always suffer... The GOP cannot control him. All they can do is placate his every whim...or else... All who doubt this will, as many others have, learn with time that every thing I've said here is 100% accurate.
Did they know you looked down your nose at them and considered them to be "white trash" AKA dregs of society...or did you lie about it and trick them into thinking you thought more highly of them?

Actually, I looked down my nose at them because I was a Sergeant and they were privates
Did they know you looked down your nose at them and considered them to be "white trash" AKA dregs of society...or did you lie about it and trick them into thinking you thought more highly of them?

Actually, I looked down my nose at them because I was a Sergeant and they were privates
I defer to JoeB on matters of mental disorders for obvious reasons. There are fewer more qualified to speak.

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