Does the President-elect have a mental disorder?

Trump is a huge partier from the 80's and even later admitting he partied with Epstein. I said in another thread that I bet his behavior is from untreated syphilis. I stick by that. Does he probably have a mental disorder as well? Yes, probably. No one acts like he does without one.
As for having a problem with STD's, when you cant keep your dick out of interns mouths, eventually immoral actions catch up with you.

Before After

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"They say over 3 million illegals voted in this election. No telling how many dead people voted or how many Democrats voted more than once."

They say the election was rigged by Trump.

We know Trump lost by eleven million votes to his opponents' number of votes.

Trump will get the same chance as did Obama from his opponents. Count on it.

"They say...." "They say....." "They say...."
Interpreted, "I am lying, but I have followers that will believe me."
Jim, I'm beginning to think you may have a mental disorder, you are going to have a rough 4-8 years. Just remember we're here for you snowflake.

Speak for yourself Breeze.

JimH, I'm NOT here for you. I hold you and traitors like you in the deepest contempt. You're a mindless parasite and the only positive impact you will ever have on the world, is when your rotting corpse fertilizes the ground you were left on. Trump, and all his alt-right brownshirts will soon be tearing down your door to beat the shit out of you and your butt buddy and sell you into slavery on the coast of Liberia.

There is a way out though, and it will allow you too zero out your carbon footprint. I suggest going out in the deep woods with a black plastic bag and some duct tape. Seal the bag around your neck to trap in all the CO2 you exhale for just 12 hours. The next day I promise the world will be a better place and the collective intelligence of our society will spike up a notch.

The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!

Can't POSSIBLY be worse than the Marxist Barrypuppet, the ultimate ego-manic that has never produced anything in his life but debt.

Oh Dale, I expected better from you. So is Trump a reptilian or a grey?

My expectations of reading a thought provoking post from you are always low. You are just another butthurt leftard that is pissed that YOUR team didn't win because it's all about tribalism with you. Your kind will ignore any and all evidence that doesn't paint your "champion" in a good light. I don't know if Trump can change anything for the better even if he wanted to but we know what we would be getting with the globalist Hildebeast.....suck it up, buttercup..... or you are going to be miserable for the next 4 to 8 years.
Trump is a huge partier from the 80's and even later admitting he partied with Epstein. I said in another thread that I bet his behavior is from untreated syphilis. I stick by that. Does he probably have a mental disorder as well? Yes, probably. No one acts like he does without one.
Naw......I think Trump's problem is a syndrome of a biased press. I figure they plan on taking Bush Derangement Syndrome to another level.
I also figure that the voters will stop watching the news.
Voters don't need to watch the Dinosaur, called Lame Stream Media. With Twitter, news comes out without any liberal bias, and that is why the likes of Martha Ratbitch and Chris(thrill up the leg, no mo) Mathews are foaming at the mouth. No one believes them anymore, just like people don't believe a liberal anymore. Liars all the same.

That would be my guess.

But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success.

Usually, I'm okay with, "Avoids war and doesn't have a recession" as a standard.

But when you get into office through enabling open racism and misogyny, "not fucking it up" is too low a standard. You've already fucked it up by making the unacceptable acceptable.

NYC sees spike in reported hate crimes since Trump election

To think that that many people voted for someone who made a habit of lying and immediately denying it is pretty scary. You got to wonder if Germany also followed a leader with fanatical zeal in the early 1930's?
To think that that many people voted for someone who made a habit of lying and immediately denying it is pretty scary.
Yeah, those that voted for the slimy vagina candidate, who is a habitual liar and denied her involvement in the murdering of 4 US citizens, is PRETTY SCARY. But then when you understand that they also voted twice for the Stutterer in Chief, you see why they voted for her. Liberals definitely have a mental disorder.

Without question Donald Trump is not all there. He is a conman who actually believes he is a genius.

A con man, who runs a successful con, is, by definition, smarter than his mark.

Con men who get found out, aren't

We see the little far right wing cons above who have been conned by Trump mouthing their nonsense.
I hope none of you have sons or daughters that will be called up when Donnie starts the next Republican war. But if you be it.
I hope none of you have sons or daughters that will be called up when Donnie starts the next Republican war. But if you be it.
Better wake the fuck up JimtwitH52. There was a war started, it happened when 4 US citizens were butchered(at this point what difference does it make) and then it spread all over the middle east, Europe, and the US. Of course if you are Gay, and live in Orlando, that war hit you just this year. You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.


The Mayo Clinic explains “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

They add that “a narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life.” The sufferer “may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.”

Yes, this may have been published before, but I want to be on record that we can expect some bizarre decisions from a very conflicted individual in 2017. God Save America. This country is soon to be in Big Trouble!
Sounds like obuthole does.
Without question Donald Trump is not all there. He is a conman who actually believes he is a genius.
Blowing the whistle on that description. It was patented in 2009 to reveal to the morons, the man they had just put in the Oval Office. You could be heavily fined for that.
LOL After Obungles you're worried about a narcissistic disorder? Ears is the poster child for it

Oh wait, I've been waiting to do this...."bbbbuuuut Obamaaaaaaaaaa"

Like that "bbbbuuuut Booooooooosh!"

Your boy is not even sworn in yet and his has made China mad and made a butt buddy of a murdering Philippine president. Yeah, he is a mentally stable individual...
More stable than hillary.
LOL After Obungles you're worried about a narcissistic disorder? Ears is the poster child for it

Oh wait, I've been waiting to do this...."bbbbuuuut Obamaaaaaaaaaa"

Like that "bbbbuuuut Booooooooosh!"

Your boy is not even sworn in yet and his has made China mad and made a butt buddy of a murdering Philippine president. Yeah, he is a mentally stable individual...
And did everything but offer to suck off the Prine Minister of Pakistan during a telephone call. So much for a foreign policy with some backbone.
That would be my guess.

But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success.

I guess that depends on the definition of success. I would love nothing more than to see real progress for the bulk of Americans.
His cabinet picks so far don't seem to reflect a serious intention to that end. His fantasy billionaire team is completely out of step with the average American and takes us closer to plutocracy then ever before. I truly hope I'm wrong but it doesn't look good.
That would be my guess. But maybe he'll still do a good job and we can all celebrate the success..
I guess that depends on the definition of success. I would love nothing more than to see real progress for the bulk of Americans. His cabinet picks so far don't seem to reflect a serious intention to that end. His fantasy billionaire team is completely out of step with the average American and takes us closer to plutocracy then ever before. I truly hope I'm wrong but it doesn't look good.

I'd love to be proven wrong.

I'm wrong all the time. Just ask my wife.
I hope none of you have sons or daughters that will be called up when Donnie starts the next Republican war. But if you be it.
Better wake the fuck up JimtwitH52. There was a war started, it happened when 4 US citizens were butchered(at this point what difference does it make) and then it spread all over the middle east, Europe, and the US. Of course if you are Gay, and live in Orlando, that war hit you just this year. You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
You are drinking early. The war began long before that with radical jihadism. You need to grow up.
Trump is a huge partier from the 80's and even later admitting he partied with Epstein. I said in another thread that I bet his behavior is from untreated syphilis. I stick by that. Does he probably have a mental disorder as well? Yes, probably. No one acts like he does without one.
As for having a problem with STD's, when you cant keep your dick out of interns mouths, eventually immoral actions catch up with you.

Before After

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Yeah except there is what? A 20 year difference in pictures there?

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