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Does the rest of the world think we are crazy?

We are one of the few nations on earth that still kills its citizens. Joining us in our affection for Capital Punishment are Muslim nations, China and North Korea. We are the only country in North America to use it. All of Europe has dropped it, so has Russia
It does not make us safer and puts the US into the company of barbarians

that may be true RW.....but there are some assholes out there who deserve to be executed just because of the cold bloodiness of the murder(s) they have committed...

Most of the free world has moved past the eye for an eye justice of capital punishment

They consider us to be barbarians

No, they consider us to be stupid to give life sentences to barbarians and then set them free after 10 or 15 years to murder again.

sorry, RW, but some crimes deserve the death penalty.
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

they have been in the Corporations pockets a lot longer than Citizen United "Dottie"...you would know this yourself if you would disengage your lips from the Democrats backsides and take a look around....
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

6. The Repub are threatening to shut down the government over ObamaCare even though the shut down will not impact ObamaCare. They are threatening to take food away from away from our military and their families, the handicapped, the elderly, children if they don't get their way.

It is insane that half the congress refuses to do their job unless they get their ransom demands met.

This is the same party who hoots and hollers about the Constitution and then does not follow it while screeching that the other side is not following.

A very tiny group of raving loons controls the R party and our government.

shutting down the govt will not affect military pay....nice try though.....

and when Gov Brown out here signed his budget the handicapped, the elderly and the children all took good hits.....i did not see you in the threads on that topic bitching about that Dudley....why?...
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

they have been in the Corporations pockets a lot longer than Citizen United "Dottie"...you would know this yourself if you would disengage your lips from the Democrats backsides and take a look around....

GE, Goldman, Chrysler, the UAW, the SEIU, Soros---------controlling obama like a puppet

Do you really think that the dems are not in the pockets of corporations and unions? don't be such a fricken loon.
The decline began during the Reagan years, with the implementation of failed rightist fiscal policy. It was also at that time we saw America become more mean spirited, where compassion and human dignity were vilified by most conservatives.

^ that

The gipper is when the moral decline began along w/ Randian policies that punish the poor.

And, it was Reagan who made us a debtor nation.

he was a better "leader" than Bush and Obama....the Country after his 8 years was still basically together.....just political differences.....since Clinton left.....now look at it....now it has evolved to personal hostility. .....these last 2 guys are some of the worst "leaders" this Country has ever seen....
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^ that

The gipper is when the moral decline began along w/ Randian policies that punish the poor.

And, it was Reagan who made us a debtor nation.

he was a better "leader" than Bush and Obama....the Country after his 8 years was still basically together.....just political differences.....since Clinton left.....now look at it....now it has evolved to personal hostility. .....these last 2 guys are some of the worst "leaders" this Country has ever seen....

It started when the dems refused to admit that Bush beat their clowns twice in close elections. The personal destruction machine that has divided the country began in earnest after Bush/Gore.

For some fricken reason the media fell in love with the prophet of AGW and have been trying to get revenge. and the country has been the ultimate victim.

sad but true.
Hell, I don't like our govt either anymore. It has very little in common with what the founders envisioned.

And to top you off, I don't like either party! All the Dems and GOP do is play politics and impede America moving forward.:mad:

i wish they both would walk out of Congress and never be seen again....and no one could walk through the doors to take their place unless they put the Country ahead of everything else...
Hell, I don't like our govt either anymore. It has very little in common with what the founders envisioned.

And to top you off, I don't like either party! All the Dems and GOP do is play politics and impede America moving forward.:mad:

i wish they both would walk out of Congress and never be seen again....and no one could walk through the doors to take their place unless they put the Country ahead of everything else...

we agree :lol:
Hell, I don't like our govt either anymore. It has very little in common with what the founders envisioned.

And to top you off, I don't like either party! All the Dems and GOP do is play politics and impede America moving forward.:mad:

We may not like our parties but we are stuck with them

because so many of you "party" people feel that you cant survive without the 2 parties and will continue voting for them no matter how bad they are doing and no matter how incompetent the people running are they will be backed just because they are from one of the 2 parties.....and then bitch about them for another 4 years for the same shit you have been bitching about the last 4......what an attitude.....
Our political system has never been, and was not designed to be, harmonious and without rancor. Quite the opposite. And in every generation there have been ignorant hysterics screeching, "Oh my gosh! It's never been this bad!"

Our military is unmatched.

Our economy is still the largest and most important in the world. We innovate, we produce, we export, we import, we educate, and we influence the rest of the world.

Private, competitively-based education in the US is the best in the world.
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

1. yes, the govt is broken. It is broken by corruption, incompetence, and partisan bickering. It is broken by a system that allows people to make a career out of being in congress. recently it is broken because our petty president refuses to negotiate in the best interests of the citizens

2.what would you do with a serial murderer? give him a villa in la jolla? capital punishment is the only punishment applicable to some crimes. The war on drug is a fiasco, we agree on that.

3. gun violence is a by-product of poverty and the welfare state. the Second amendment is there for a reason and must remain

4.man is not destroying the planet and causing the oceans to rise. AGW is a failed religion.

5. blame the teachers union and the liberal mindset that everyone deserves a diploma whether they can read and write or not. Bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator is destroying our kids futures.

So we can blame teachers in Texas that are not unionized?
The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

1. Correct, because neither party wishes to work with one another. So entrenched in their individual ideals that they are never willing to compromise. But as I see it, the ones on the left are the ones not wanting the government to honor it's obligations.

2. To some extent you would be correct. There are so many laws on the books right now that you cannot fart in one direction without breaking the law. On the other hand, what would we do with a murderer? A thief? A rapist? Are you suggesting we let them get away with clear acts of wrongdoing?

3. This is a clear exaggeration of a nonexistent problem. A plea for gun control. Nobody in their right minds are going to surrender constitutional rights based on this premise. So, if we do give up our guns, how do we defend ourselves from intruders at home or muggers on the street? Did you ever once stop to think that guns aren't the problem but people are?

4. Sigh. There has never been a clear consensus on AGW.

IPCC Lead Author Reports Flaws in Asserted 97-Percent Consensus | Heartlander Magazine

5. Our students are being encouraged to fail. In the liberal quest for that "feel good" cure for everything, they are discouraging competition in the classroom, telling those who excel to step aside and let the less proficient have a chance to succeed. We were once the pinnacle of education, when government didn't have it's hand in the classroom.

As for what the world thinks of us.... I'm inclined to agree with a few others here. Who cares?
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The US is the most powerful nation on earth. Politically, militarily and economically. Everything we do impacts the rest of the world.

What does the world think of us?

1. Politically: The US is unstable. Our government is broken. We cannot accomplish the most simple tasks let alone act as leaders of the free world. We can't pass a budget, agree to keep our government going, agree to pay our debts.

2. Justice System: We have more of our citizens in prison than any nation on earth. We are one of the few "civilized" nations in the free world that still relys on capital punishment. We continue a fruitless "War on Drugs" than encourages violence and fills our prisons

3. Gun Violence: We have a murder rate three times that of similar nations. We have endured assasinations of our leaders and an endless stream of massacres and yet we show no will to do anything other than accept it

4. Environment: We allow science to become a political issue, ignoring scientific reason because it interferes with our politics. 95% of scientists agree that manmade global warming exists and still we treat is as a political threat not a natural threat

5. Education: America used to set the standard for education but we now settle for "good enough". If our students can pass an arbitrary exam, we are satisfied with the level of education. Our students perform poorly when compared to our peers and we are unwilling to do anything about it. Our education system is disjointed and unfocused

1. yes, the govt is broken. It is broken by corruption, incompetence, and partisan bickering. It is broken by a system that allows people to make a career out of being in congress. recently it is broken because our petty president refuses to negotiate in the best interests of the citizens

2.what would you do with a serial murderer? give him a villa in la jolla? capital punishment is the only punishment applicable to some crimes. The war on drug is a fiasco, we agree on that.

3. gun violence is a by-product of poverty and the welfare state. the Second amendment is there for a reason and must remain

4.man is not destroying the planet and causing the oceans to rise. AGW is a failed religion.

5. blame the teachers union and the liberal mindset that everyone deserves a diploma whether they can read and write or not. Bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator is destroying our kids futures.

So we can blame teachers in Texas that are not unionized?

Duh, OK :cuckoo:
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

Once again this is the clearest example of Republicans being FOR making the mud then crying when it gets on them.

Want people to represent you? Take the fucking money out of politics.

Want people to ignore you? Keep giving the most access to the guy with the bigger pockets

Its that fucking simple
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

Once again this is the clearest example of Republicans being FOR making the mud then crying when it gets on them.

Want people to represent you? Take the fucking money out of politics.

Want people to ignore you? Keep giving the most access to the guy with the bigger pockets

Its that fucking simple

agree, but both parties are in it equally, to claim otherwise is just partisan bullshit.
We are one of the few nations on earth that still kills its citizens. Joining us in our affection for Capital Punishment are Muslim nations, China and North Korea. We are the only country in North America to use it. All of Europe has dropped it, so has Russia
It does not make us safer and puts the US into the company of barbarians

that may be true RW.....but there are some assholes out there who deserve to be executed just because of the cold bloodiness of the murder(s) they have committed...

Most of the free world has moved past the eye for an eye justice of capital punishment

They consider us to be barbarians
yea yea.....everyone thinks we suck until they need our help......this Country has invented and developed more technology than anyone.....more Medical advancements than anyone....we Entertain the world with our movies and TV Shows...and we have helped a lot of Countries pick themselves up....and now when we are down a bit.....everyone is kicking us.....fuck the Countries and people doing the kicking....
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

Once again this is the clearest example of Republicans being FOR making the mud then crying when it gets on them.

Want people to represent you? Take the fucking money out of politics.

Want people to ignore you? Keep giving the most access to the guy with the bigger pockets

Its that fucking simple

agree, but both parties are in it equally, to claim otherwise is just partisan bullshit.

I agree with that too but theres only one party that supports and promotes it existence publicly
This is what happens when politicians are allowed to work for corps rather than their constituents. Thanks rw'ers (Citizens United)

they have been in the Corporations pockets a lot longer than Citizen United "Dottie"...you would know this yourself if you would disengage your lips from the Democrats backsides and take a look around....

GE, Goldman, Chrysler, the UAW, the SEIU, Soros---------controlling obama like a puppet

Do you really think that the dems are not in the pockets of corporations and unions? don't be such a fricken loon.

i think you are quoting the wrong person....just sayin....

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