Does the RNC Have a Legal Obligation to Nominate a Winning Fall Candidate?

Is the RNC legally obligated to nominate:

  • A candidate who polls losing in the Fall to Hillary, but who is popular nevertheless.

  • A candidate who polls winning in the Fall to HIllary, but who isn't as popular as this one ^^ ?

Results are only viewable after voting.
Now if the rules are changed for this convention well that's something else I guess.
But all I have been hearing for months is that the candidate needs the 1237.
And there better be an explanation if that turns out not to be true.

May I offer a potential explanation?: If Trump has offended large numbers of voters, like women and Hispanics, to have effectively disqualified himself from winning the general election in the Fall. The RNC is an inclusive body. Actively and openly offending key constituents of its membership might be a cause for disqualification.

Another explanation is if he is polling losing to Hillary by double digits for the Fall. Which he has been. Consistently. California's riots at Trump's rally only underscores the lack of support he's going to get facing off with Hillary there and elsewhere. I would say the most excellent explanation of all is "this candidate has offended so much of the base that it would be impossible for him to carry our party to a win this Fall." To nominate him would be one and the same as a June concession speech by the GOP. We might not bother at all with the expense of the Fall election. Just nominate Trump and concede the election all at the same RNC convention.

Saves time. Saves money.
How about letting Trump face Hillary one on one or are you afraid of that? He is just about to wrap up a 17 to 1 battle.
Even if that guarantees a loss in the Fall.

OK, gotcha. You a democrat by any chance? Or do you just relish the idea of losing to Hillary? :popcorn:

What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.
It would be suicide if they change the rules now.

Which is ironic because it will be suicide if they don't. If I were them, I'd do whatever it takes to get a winning nominee and damn the torpedoes. When it comes to a choice of "the guy the RNC picked over Trump" vs Hillary in the Fall, especially if that guy polls consistently beating Hillary by double digits, I'd say between the two suicides, that's the one to pick..
How about letting Trump face Hillary one on one or are you afraid of that? He is just about to wrap up a 17 to 1 battle.

Yes, losing to the democrats is frightening, given they're now trying to force women to have men in their bathrooms. Bingo. You are a smart guy. You figured out that Trump running against Hillary is frightening for the GOP because it's one and the same as just giving a concession speech to Hillary at the RNC convention.

Golly you're astute!

What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.

If THE PEOPLE want Trump, why does he keep polling consistently losing to Hillary in the Fall by double digits? And if THE PEOPLE don't want Kasich, why does he consistently poll winning against Hillary in the Fall by double digits?

I guess when you have a lot of democrats crossing over to insure a Trump primary victory (a Hillary win) things get a little wonky on what THE PEOPLE actually want..
The one with the most delegates.

The one with 1237 and if it falls short of that then the one the Delegates want...

I agree...The candidate needs the 1237 otherwise what is the point of all the primaries.
I don't agree with the notion that if Trump is 100-200 shy that the nomination should just be given to
him because he got close enough.

If Trumps team can negotiate with delegates before the convention then that's it.
But he needs the 1237.

Now if the rules are changed for this convention well that's something else I guess.
But all I have been hearing for months is that the candidate needs the 1237.
And there better be an explanation if that turns out not to be true.

It would be suicide if they change the rules now.

The reality is Trump is going to get the 1237 he need to clinch the nomination and once he does the GOP has two choices and that is embrace Trump or embrace a third party candidate instead and pull the resources from Trump.

I believe the GOP thought just like I did that Trump was some kind of Joke but the Joke has made it impossible for them to get rid of him without destroying the party.

1237 is the mark and the RNC can change the rules and throw it to the floor for a vote but it would be suicide and it will not only mean this election but also 2018, 2020 and most likely 2022 elections will be gone.

If they do not want Trump then let him win the nomination and back someone like Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party and put resources into his run so that is will draw votes away from Trump.

It will be the lesser of two evils and might save the Senate and House come this November...

If Trump gets the nomination, all the things you mentioned will probably happen. A third party can't win, and it doesn't matter who the third party candidate is or who votes for him.
Now if the rules are changed for this convention well that's something else I guess.
But all I have been hearing for months is that the candidate needs the 1237.
And there better be an explanation if that turns out not to be true.

May I offer a potential explanation?: If Trump has offended large numbers of voters, like women and Hispanics, to have effectively disqualified himself from winning the general election in the Fall. The RNC is an inclusive body. Actively and openly offending key constituents of its membership might be a cause for disqualification.

Another explanation is if he is polling losing to Hillary by double digits for the Fall. Which he has been. Consistently. California's riots at Trump's rally only underscores the lack of support he's going to get facing off with Hillary there and elsewhere. I would say the most excellent explanation of all is "this candidate has offended so much of the base that it would be impossible for him to carry our party to a win this Fall." To nominate him would be one and the same as a June concession speech by the GOP. We might not bother at all with the expense of the Fall election. Just nominate Trump and concede the election all at the same RNC convention.

Saves time. Saves money.
How about letting Trump face Hillary one on one or are you afraid of that? He is just about to wrap up a 17 to 1 battle.

Trump vs Hillary? You should be afraid. Very afraid.
How about letting Trump face Hillary one on one or are you afraid of that? He is just about to wrap up a 17 to 1 battle.

Yes, losing to the democrats is frightening, given they're now trying to force women to have men in their bathrooms. Bingo. You are a smart guy. You figured out that Trump running against Hillary is frightening for the GOP because it's one and the same as just giving a concession speech to Hillary at the RNC convention.

Golly you're astute!

What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.

If THE PEOPLE want Trump, why does he keep polling consistently losing to Hillary in the Fall by double digits? And if THE PEOPLE don't want Kasich, why does he consistently poll winning against Hillary in the Fall by double digits?
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.
It would be suicide if they change the rules now.

Which is ironic because it will be suicide if they don't. If I were them, I'd do whatever it takes to get a winning nominee and damn the torpedoes. When it comes to a choice of "the guy the RNC picked over Trump" vs Hillary in the Fall, especially if that guy polls consistently beating Hillary by double digits, I'd say between the two suicides, that's the one to pick..

So you will circumvent the voter will?

Also polls are meaningless at this point when it come to the General Election and you should know this.

Trump will be the candidate and if you believe Ted Cruz can beat Hillary Clinton, well think again, and Kasich would be looked at as the Establishment candidate that could not win the Primary season but was given the nod because the Establishment was afraid of losing with Trump...
How about letting Trump face Hillary one on one or are you afraid of that? He is just about to wrap up a 17 to 1 battle.

Yes, losing to the democrats is frightening, given they're now trying to force women to have men in their bathrooms. Bingo. You are a smart guy. You figured out that Trump running against Hillary is frightening for the GOP because it's one and the same as just giving a concession speech to Hillary at the RNC convention.

Golly you're astute!

What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.

If THE PEOPLE want Trump, why does he keep polling consistently losing to Hillary in the Fall by double digits? And if THE PEOPLE don't want Kasich, why does he consistently poll winning against Hillary in the Fall by double digits?
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.

So how far have you actually come? You cornered the market on crazies, but that's not the demographic you need for the general election. There aren't enough crazies to elect either republican nominee.
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.

Finish last. But the RNC has other plans. So prepare for your losing candidate to not get the nod, no matter what. If that would be suicidal, so would nominating Trump. At least the Kasich nomination would be a "suicide" that might be recovered from by the Fall. Especially given that the numbers of Trump supporters are and have been skewed to ball the herd by democrats crossing over to insure he has victories.

Ever notice how weird it is that democrats (the ones not hired by George Soros to polarize more Trump support by protesting) are super into Trump "getting a fair shake a the RNC convention"? Ever notice how much of a paradox that is: to hate him but to insist he get a fair shake at the RNC convention? In fact, I'll bet you that some of those protestors against Trump left those rallies and went straight to the polls after and crossed over voted for Trump. I'll bet the house on it.

Weird....It's almost like the entire democratic party is playing roles to be certain Trump gets the RNC nod no matter what. It's almost like they're sure a Trump nomination would mean a Hillary win....
Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November (Politico, Apr. 29, 2016)

In the swing states that matter most in the presidential race, Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer against Hillary Clinton in the general election. That’s according to top operatives, strategists and activists in 10 battleground states who participated in this week’s POLITICO Caucus. Nearly 90 percent of them said Clinton would defeat Trump in their home states in a November match-up.

Republicans are only slightly more bullish on Trump’s prospects than Democrats: More than three-quarters of GOP insiders expect Clinton to best the Republican front-runner in a general-election contest in their respective states. Among Democrats, the belief is nearly universal: 99 percent of surveyed said will Clinton will beat Trump.

In three of the biggest swing states—Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida—Republicans were particularly downbeat about the prospect of a Trump-Clinton contest.

“There is positively no way for Trump to win in Pennsylvania,” said a Republican from that state.

“Trump cannot and will not carry Ohio,” a Republican from that state insisted. “He will do well in Appalachia and in the Mahoning Valley but he will get killed in the rest of the state. The danger for the GOP is losing Rob Portman which is a very real possibility under this match-up.”

Added a Florida Republican, who like all participants was granted anonymity in order to speak freely, “Trump is grinding the GOP to a stub. He couldn't find enough xenophobic, angry white Floridians to beat Hillary in Florida if he tried.”

“I not only think [Hillary] will win Florida in November if Trump is the nominee, I think she'll win 30+ states,” said another Florida Republican. . .
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.

Finish last. But the RNC has other plans. So prepare for your losing candidate to not get the nod, no matter what. If that would be suicidal, so would nominating Trump. At least the Kasich nomination would be a "suicide" that might be recovered from by the Fall. Especially given that the numbers of Trump supporters are and have been skewed to ball the herd by democrats crossing over to insure he has victories.

Ever notice how weird it is that democrats (the ones not hired by George Soros to polarize more Trump support by protesting) are super into Trump "getting a fair shake a the RNC convention"? Ever notice how much of a paradox that is: to hate him but to insist he get a fair shake at the RNC convention? In fact, I'll bet you that some of those protestors against Trump left those rallies and went straight to the polls after and crossed over voted for Trump. I'll bet the house on it.

Weird....It's almost like the entire democratic party is playing roles to be certain Trump gets the RNC nod no matter what. It's almost like they're sure a Trump nomination would mean a Hillary win....
If the RNC cuts Trumps throat the RNC will NEVER see power again.
Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November (Politico, Apr. 29, 2016)

In the swing states that matter most in the presidential race, Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer against Hillary Clinton in the general election. That’s according to top operatives, strategists and activists in 10 battleground states who participated in this week’s POLITICO Caucus. Nearly 90 percent of them said Clinton would defeat Trump in their home states in a November match-up.

Republicans are only slightly more bullish on Trump’s prospects than Democrats: More than three-quarters of GOP insiders expect Clinton to best the Republican front-runner in a general-election contest in their respective states. Among Democrats, the belief is nearly universal: 99 percent of surveyed said will Clinton will beat Trump.

In three of the biggest swing states—Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida—Republicans were particularly downbeat about the prospect of a Trump-Clinton contest.

“There is positively no way for Trump to win in Pennsylvania,” said a Republican from that state.

“Trump cannot and will not carry Ohio,” a Republican from that state insisted. “He will do well in Appalachia and in the Mahoning Valley but he will get killed in the rest of the state. The danger for the GOP is losing Rob Portman which is a very real possibility under this match-up.”

Added a Florida Republican, who like all participants was granted anonymity in order to speak freely, “Trump is grinding the GOP to a stub. He couldn't find enough xenophobic, angry white Floridians to beat Hillary in Florida if he tried.”

“I not only think [Hillary] will win Florida in November if Trump is the nominee, I think she'll win 30+ states,” said another Florida Republican. . .
To early for general polls Tyrone.
If the RNC cuts Trumps throat the RNC will NEVER see power again.

Not if Kasich wins, as he is projected to do over Hillary by double digits.

People are funny. They have such short memories. Especially when it comes to political fun and games. A Kasich Administration will heal all the wounds and bring folks back to the GOP in droves. If it's suicide to not nominate Trump and suicide also to nominate Trump, I'd take the suicide where the guy has a chance at winning in the Fall. All will fall into place after that.

DarkFury wants people to believe "it's too early for general polls!". That's because if we talk about them now as they have consistently been throughout the primaries, we'd have to discuss how woman/Hispanic-hating Trump would lose to Hillary by double digits. His comments aren't going to disappear off the video record Darkie. They're being mocked up into TV ads as we debate this by Team-Hillary...
If the RNC cuts Trumps throat the RNC will NEVER see power again.

Not if Kasich wins, as he is projected to do over Hillary by double digits.

People are funny. They have such short memories. Especially when it comes to political fun and games. A Kasich Administration will heal all the wounds and bring folks back to the GOP in droves. If it's suicide to not nominate Trump and suicide also to nominate Trump, I'd take the suicide where the guy has a chance at winning in the Fall. All will fall into place after that.

DarkFury wants people to believe "it's too early for general polls!". That's because if we talk about them now as they have consistently been throughout the primaries, we'd have to discuss how woman/Hispanic-hating Trump would lose to Hillary by double digits. His comments aren't going to disappear off the video record Darkie. They're being mocked up into TV ads as we debate this by Team-Hillary...
I will NOT support Kasich or Cruz. Its Trump or Johnson.
Which candidate is the RNC legally bound to nominate according to their rules??

You are confused- as usual.

In this case you confuse 'legally' with 'rules'.

The RNC can make - and break- its own rules as it wants- there is no legal obligation for the RNC to do anything.

I truly hope there will be an open convention- just to watch the mayhem- but frankly- the GOP can do whatever it wants
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I will NOT support Kasich or Cruz. Its Trump or Johnson.

Nevertheless. Kasich will still win in the Fall against Hillary. Who cares how you vote? Most Trumpsters if faced with Hillary or Kasich would vote Kasich. Especially if it was explained to them that staying home or protest voting would mean the same as voting for Hillary.
If you are wondering about rules you might think about the potential of the democrat party nominating a candidate who is accused of multiple felonies.

RWNJ's have accused pretty much every Democratic candidate of multiple felonies.

It is what the Right Wing does now.
Watch the LIB MSM come running to her aid: "She's innocent until proven guilty" refrain.

Typical Right Wing nut job- "She is guilty...until proven innocent. And even then she is still guilty. Because we Right Wing Nut Jobs take her guilt on faith"

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