Does the RNC Have a Legal Obligation to Nominate a Winning Fall Candidate?

Is the RNC legally obligated to nominate:

  • A candidate who polls losing in the Fall to Hillary, but who is popular nevertheless.

  • A candidate who polls winning in the Fall to HIllary, but who isn't as popular as this one ^^ ?

Results are only viewable after voting.
In this case you confuse 'legally' with 'rules'.

The RNC can make - and break- its own rules as it wants- there is no legal obligation for the RNC to do anything.

I truly hope there will be an open convention- just to watch the mayhem- but frankly- the GOP can do whatever it wants
Which suicide would you choose for the RNC? The one where Trump gets the nod and kills the general by losing to Hillary by double digits? Or the one where Kasich gets the nod and wins the general by winning against Hillary by double digits?

The former "I hate women and Hispanics" candidate is dead in the water before the general even begins. The RNC could nominate him and hold a concession speech to Hillary all at the same convention.

The latter "I have a plan and seek to unite my party" Kasich has been consistently projected to win against Hillary by double digits.

Since Trump's "support numbers" are artificially inflated by democrat crossovers (see OP) who have no intention of voting for him this Fall, wouldn't the RNC be better off going with the polls instead of fake primary results?
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.

Finish last. But the RNC has other plans. So prepare for your losing candidate to not get the nod, no matter what. If that would be suicidal, so would nominating Trump. At least the Kasich nomination would be a "suicide" that might be recovered from by the Fall. Especially given that the numbers of Trump supporters are and have been skewed to ball the herd by democrats crossing over to insure he has victories.

Ever notice how weird it is that democrats (the ones not hired by George Soros to polarize more Trump support by protesting) are super into Trump "getting a fair shake a the RNC convention"? Ever notice how much of a paradox that is: to hate him but to insist he get a fair shake at the RNC convention? In fact, I'll bet you that some of those protestors against Trump left those rallies and went straight to the polls after and crossed over voted for Trump. I'll bet the house on it.

Weird....It's almost like the entire democratic party is playing roles to be certain Trump gets the RNC nod no matter what. It's almost like they're sure a Trump nomination would mean a Hillary win....
If the RNC cuts Trumps throat the RNC will NEVER see power again.

Trump would walk and start his own "Trump I am the Greatest Party"- which would split the GOP and ensure a Democratic majority.

Unless Sanders did the same thing.
Which candidate is the RNC legally bound to nominate according to their rules??

You are confused- as usual.

In this case you confuse 'legally' with 'rules'.

The RNC can make - and break- its own rules as it wants- there is no legal obligation for the RNC to do anything.

I truly hope there will be an open convention- just to watch the mayhem- but frankly- the GOP can do whatever it wants
Which suicide would you choose for the RNC?

I think I have been fairly consistent in stating my enjoyment in watching this GOP primary.

I don't see anyway the GOP convention ends well for the GOP.
Trump would walk and start his own "Trump I am the Greatest Party"- which would split the GOP and ensure a Democratic majority.

Unless Sanders did the same thing.

Unless he was "encouraged" to step down... He'll lose anyway. Would be a shame for him to lose and also experience the pain of administrations and politicians not willing to work with his and his family's latest aspirations for new hotels in iffy zoning areas etc. He's always greased the wheels to get what he wants. Remove that grease and not only will Trump lose the election by splitting off, (he'd lose even with the nomination), he'll lose many perks he'd otherwise have.

He knows about the art of the deal and that life goes on after 2016..
Trump would walk and start his own "Trump I am the Greatest Party"- which would split the GOP and ensure a Democratic majority.

Unless Sanders did the same thing.

Unless he was "encouraged" to step down... He'll lose anyway. Would be a shame for him to lose and also experience the pain of administrations and politicians not willing to work with his and his family's latest aspirations for new hotels in iffy zoning areas etc. He's always greased the wheels to get what he wants. Remove that grease and not only will Trump lose the election by splitting off, (he'd lose even with the nomination), he'll lose many perks he'd otherwise have.

He knows about the art of the deal and that life goes on after 2016..

'Encouraged how'?

He has money. He has fame- a third party run would provide even more camera time for Donald- and he loves camera time. Donald doesn't care about the GOP- he is only nominally a Republican anyway- so he doesn't care whether the GOP does well in the election(look at how he complains about how corrupt the GOP is)- he wants to either
a) win and become President or
b) if he can't win- he wants to have lots of camera time complaining about how it is all rigged against him.

There is no downside for Donald going third party.
His family would no longer get special zoning wavers in key GOP areas. That would hurt business. Politicians are under no obligation to grant his family enterprises special exemptions so their projects can go forward. If he destroys the GOP's chances in 2016, they'll not thank him for that. I'm sure that's already been made plain and clear to him though, if it isn't evident and obvious upon its face.. Businessmen, including his sons and daughter(s) understand that life goes on after 2016.
The one with the most delegates.
Even if that guarantees a loss in the Fall.

OK, gotcha. You a democrat by any chance? Or do you just relish the idea of losing to Hillary? :popcorn:
Your panic and desperation is running deep today.
A couple of weeks ago you were proclaiming Trump doesn't have a chance at winning the nomination.
A few months ago you were claiming Trump would drop out.
We are all wondering what your 'Baghdad Bob' impersonation will be when it's President Trump?
God it would have been hilarious to watch you in front of your TV last Tuesday night. Sitting in the dark with a wet stain on your pants.
"That's it! That's right! I've got it now! All these millions of people who are voting for Trump are actually secret DEMs. That makes me feel a lot better".
What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.
You mean SOME people want Trump, a plurality of the primary voters/caucus goers of the GOP doesn't equate to "THE People".
Those millions of People are all going to turn out and vote for Trump.
Hillary's 'negro base' will do what they did in 2014. Sit on the fucking porch. Females under fifty are going shopping instead of voting for Hillary.
What you America haters can't seem to wrap your tiny pea brains around is that THE PEOPLE want Trump.
You mean SOME people want Trump, a plurality of the primary voters/caucus goers of the GOP doesn't equate to "THE People".
Those millions of People are all going to turn out and vote for Trump.
Hillary's 'negro base' will do what they did in 2014. Sit on the fucking porch. Females under fifty are going shopping instead of voting for Hillary.

LOL, What "millions of people"? the people that voted for Trump in the GOP primaries/caucuses? That's not even close to being enough people to beat the Queen of Corruption in the general election and given that currently a sizable % of registered Republicans indicate they will never vote for Trump, it's not lookin' good for his chances.

It's looking more and more like the GOP is going to hand to the Oval Office over to Hillary the Whore.
we'll see wont we. That whore is gonna be indicted and forced out. Then you'll have a new hero you claim will win.
His family would no longer get special zoning wavers in key GOP areas. That would hurt business. Politicians are under no obligation to grant his family enterprises special exemptions so their projects can go forward. If he destroys the GOP's chances in 2016, they'll not thank him for that. I'm sure that's already been made plain and clear to him though, if it isn't evident and obvious upon its face.. Businessmen, including his sons and daughter(s) understand that life goes on after 2016.

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you today?

If you are wondering about rules you might think about the potential of the democrat party nominating a candidate who is accused of multiple felonies.
Right wing accusations are usually a sign of innocence.
Those millions of People are all going to turn out and vote for Trump.

No, they're not. Considering that millions of those millions had no intentions of voting for Trump in the Fall, the numbers are false and he will lose to Hillary. That was the plan all along. Consult the OP for details..
His family would no longer get special zoning wavers in key GOP areas. That would hurt business. Politicians are under no obligation to grant his family enterprises special exemptions so their projects can go forward. If he destroys the GOP's chances in 2016, they'll not thank him for that. I'm sure that's already been made plain and clear to him though, if it isn't evident and obvious upon its face.. Businessmen, including his sons and daughter(s) understand that life goes on after 2016.

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you today?


You're right. What was I thinking? I'm sure any district controlled by republicans will forget all about how he destroyed 2016 and will grant his family's enterprise their every wish. That's how hard line politics works: forgive and forget..
The one with the most delegates.
Even if that guarantees a loss in the Fall.

OK, gotcha. You a democrat by any chance? Or do you just relish the idea of losing to Hillary? :popcorn:
How can a person come in last in the primary and expect to win the WH?

They can't. This is just an attempt by the establishment to pick who runs in their rigged election.
How can a person come in last in the primary and expect to win the WH?

They can't. This is just an attempt by the establishment to pick who runs in their rigged election.

1. Because his coming in last was the result of having to share the vote with a legal Canadian and

2. Because many millions of the Trump votes were by democrat crossovers who had/have no intention of voting Trump in the Fall.

Rigged election in your eyes or not....the RNC isn't going to pick the one of two men who is projected to lose in the Fall. It ain't happening. It would be suicidal and they should immediately give a concession speech to Hillary the moment Trump "wins" the fraudulent means...

The primaries were the ones that were rigged. The nomination will take that into account. Democrats don't nominate GOP candidates. Canadians can't be GOP candidates. I know you understand this...
How can a person come in last in the primary and expect to win the WH?

They can't. This is just an attempt by the establishment to pick who runs in their rigged election.

1. Because his coming in last was the result of having to share the vote with a legal Canadian and

2. Because many millions of the Trump votes were by democrat crossovers who had/have no intention of voting Trump in the Fall.

Rigged election in your eyes or not....the RNC isn't going to pick the one of two men who is projected to lose in the Fall. It ain't happening. It would be suicidal and they should immediately give a concession speech to Hillary the moment Trump "wins" the fraudulent means...
WE Trump supporters got this far without your advice. WE can finish thank you.

Finish last. But the RNC has other plans. So prepare for your losing candidate to not get the nod, no matter what. If that would be suicidal, so would nominating Trump. At least the Kasich nomination would be a "suicide" that might be recovered from by the Fall. Especially given that the numbers of Trump supporters are and have been skewed to ball the herd by democrats crossing over to insure he has victories.

Ever notice how weird it is that democrats (the ones not hired by George Soros to polarize more Trump support by protesting) are super into Trump "getting a fair shake a the RNC convention"? Ever notice how much of a paradox that is: to hate him but to insist he get a fair shake at the RNC convention? In fact, I'll bet you that some of those protestors against Trump left those rallies and went straight to the polls after and crossed over voted for Trump. I'll bet the house on it.

Weird....It's almost like the entire democratic party is playing roles to be certain Trump gets the RNC nod no matter what. It's almost like they're sure a Trump nomination would mean a Hillary win....
OK 'Baghdad Bob'.
If you believe the millions of people who cast their vote for Trump are really DEM you are delusional.
How can a person come in last in the primary and expect to win the WH?

They can't. This is just an attempt by the establishment to pick who runs in their rigged election.

1. Because his coming in last was the result of having to share the vote with a legal Canadian and

2. Because many millions of the Trump votes were by democrat crossovers who had/have no intention of voting Trump in the Fall.

Rigged election in your eyes or not....the RNC isn't going to pick the one of two men who is projected to lose in the Fall. It ain't happening. It would be suicidal and they should immediately give a concession speech to Hillary the moment Trump "wins" the fraudulent means...

The primaries were the ones that were rigged. The nomination will take that into account. Democrats don't nominate GOP candidates. Canadians can't be GOP candidates. I know you understand this...
How amusing you are.
You claim that Trump is really just running to help
Hillary and Bill.
Common sense then suggests that in fact Trump knows that the millions of REPs voting for him are really LIBs.
So when Trump becomes the nominee when he spends a few BILLION of HIS OWN money on negative ads against Hillary this will allow her to sneak into office and then the Clintons are somehow going to 'reward him' for his loyalty?
Are they going to pay him back the BILLIONS?
Or is Trump really so fucking stupid he'll blow those BILLIONS of dollars in attack ads against Hillary to, in your delusional mind, somehow HELP Hillary win? So he'll be invited to the Clinton Christmas dinner?
Trump bought the fucking Clinton's years ago with a few pieces of broken mirror.
Dear God but you are a fucking idiot!
You're obviously suffering from some form of schizophrenia.
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