Does the RNC Have a Legal Obligation to Nominate a Winning Fall Candidate?

Is the RNC legally obligated to nominate:

  • A candidate who polls losing in the Fall to Hillary, but who is popular nevertheless.

  • A candidate who polls winning in the Fall to HIllary, but who isn't as popular as this one ^^ ?

Results are only viewable after voting.
Their function does not include a legal obligation to nominate a winning candidate.

Then why do they exist at all? Shouldn't it just be a straight rendering of the primary delegates voted in by the states? What's the purpose of the convention if not to regulate the choice of candidates?
The far hard right has no or little morals, decency, or values, period. We will take the defeat in order to expel the trash.

LOL. The establishment Republicans have more in common with the Democrats than anything else. Throw the Conservatives out and your party is nothing more than wannabe Democrats.
The mainstream has nothing in common with the Anathemas and Corrells.

We don't want to have anything in common of them.

We want a 21st century party looking forward not backwards.
Their function does not include a legal obligation to nominate a winning candidate.

Then why do they exist at all? Shouldn't it just be a straight rendering of the primary delegates voted in by the states? What's the purpose of the convention if not to regulate the choice of candidates?
The conference is to ratify a nomination. The process, however, is not required by its rules to nominate the one with the most number of delegates.
The mainstream has nothing in common with the Anathemas and Corrells.

We don't want to have anything in common of them.

We want a 21st century party looking forward not backwards.

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket? Or a gerbil in your...

Yes, looking forward to depriving children of either a mother or father for life as a matter of contract (gay marriage)...looking forward to allowing men into women's segregated hygiene retreats....looking forward to lowering the age of consent for sex of minors with adults....looking forward to teaching kids in school about deviant sex acts "as normal, healthy, OK"; essentially promoting spreading HIV/AIDS to younger and younger demographics..

All these wonderful things to "look forward to"!

And incidentally, we're talking about delegate rules and conventions. So what's up with these DNC "superdelegates"? Don't the voters' votes count in the primaries with democrats? :popcorn: Or do the democrats also have a convention and a "pick a winner" mandate for the Fall using weighted tactics that defy the state primary results?...
The mainstream has nothing in common with the Anathemas and Corrells.

We don't want to have anything in common of them.

We want a 21st century party looking forward not backwards.

Yes, looking forward to depriving children of either a mother or father for life as a matter of contract (gay marriage)...looking forward to allowing men into women's segregated hygiene retreats....looking forward to lowering the age of consent for sex of minors with adults....looking forward to teaching kids in school about deviant sex acts "as normal, healthy, OK"; essentially promoting spreading HIV/AIDS to younger and younger demographics...

And Silhouette pulls out her homophobic hat.

But now we know that she is looking forward to lowering the age of consent.....
And Silhouette pulls out her homophobic hat.

But now we know that she is looking forward to lowering the age of consent.....

Your source?

Any comments on superdelegates and democrats lamenting "how unfair the RNC convention will be!" when their own convention is mortally skewed to diminish the power of states' primary votes?

No? Didn't think so.
The mainstream has nothing in common with the Anathemas and Corrells.

We don't want to have anything in common of them.

We want a 21st century party looking forward not backwards.

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket? Or a gerbil in your...Yes, looking forward to depriving children of either a mother or father for life as a matter of contract (gay marriage)...looking forward to allowing men into women's segregated hygiene retreats....looking forward to lowering the age of consent for sex of minors with adults....looking forward to teaching kids in school about deviant sex acts "as normal, healthy, OK"; essentially promoting spreading HIV/AIDS to younger and younger demographics.. All these wonderful things to "look forward to"! And incidentally, we're talking about delegate rules and conventions. So what's up with these DNC "superdelegates"? Don't the voters' votes count in the primaries with democrats? Or do the democrats also have a convention and a "pick a winner" mandate for the Fall using weighted tactics that defy the state primary results?...
What do democrats have to do with your silly OP? We are talking about the RNC and the convention. And who are "you" to be discussing anything, Sil. You are mortally crazy, as we all know. Your assault on those with whom you disagree is biased, non-factual, morally corrupt. You are trolling your own thread.
And Silhouette pulls out her homophobic hat.

But now we know that she is looking forward to lowering the age of consent.....

Your source?

Any comments on superdelegates and democrats lamenting "how unfair the RNC convention will be!" when their own convention is mortally skewed to diminish the power of states' primary votes?

No? Didn't think so.

Here is the direct quote from your post:
"looking forward to lowering the age of consent for sex of minors with adults...."
What do democrats have to do with your silly OP? We are talking about the RNC and the convention. And who are "you" to be discussing anything, Sil. You are mortally crazy, as we all know. Your assault on those with whom you disagree is biased, non-factual, morally corrupt. You are trolling your own thread.

I disagree with your cult, as you all know. Crazy people calling me crazy is actually a compliment. Think about it. And, thank you for the compliment!

The superdelegates on the dem side of the aisle are fair game discussing the RNC more straightforward approach. Where do dems get off criticizing how the RNC skews the primaries when the dem superdelegates are the announcement open-faced to their constituents "don't put too much stock in your vote cuz we may change its power at our whim"..
What do democrats have to do with your silly OP? We are talking about the RNC and the convention. And who are "you" to be discussing anything, Sil. You are mortally crazy, as we all know. Your assault on those with whom you disagree is biased, non-factual, morally corrupt. You are trolling your own thread.

I disagree with your cult, as you all know. Crazy people calling me crazy is actually a compliment. Think about it. And, thank you for the compliment!

The superdelegates on the dem side of the aisle are fair game discussing the RNC more straightforward approach. Where do dems get off criticizing how the RNC skews the primaries when the dem superdelegates are the announcement open-faced to their constituents "don't put too much stock in your vote cuz we may change its power at our whim"..
All of us on the Board other than you know no cult exists....You are crazy, yes, and that you think it is a compliment is your own self condemnation about yourself....Your OP is about the RNC, not the DNC, as you well know. Who cares if they laugh at us; that's not our problem.

Yes, every single person on USMB agrees that men belong in women's bathrooms and that depriving kids of either a mother or father for life as a matter of contract (gay marriage) is a good idea. That's why the poll I ran showed 90% of 100 people saying they felt it was important for a child to have both a mother and father...because "all of you on the board" here are in agreement against those notions.

Jake, many people have called you out on your trolling bullshit of recent weeks. And there's a reason for that. You spout like a preacher. You don't make sense. And you beat up on people who disagree with your cult, while demanding respect from your victims and not a peep of rebuttal.

Nobody takes you seriously. You're finished. Pack it up and come back under another name.
The RNC will run another loser, and the Democrats should praise God, the only one who knows what will be left of the GOP after yet another loss.
All of us on the Board other than you know no cult exists.

You are crazy, yes, and that you think it is a compliment is your own self condemnation about yourself.

Your OP is about the RNC, not the DNC, as you well know. Who cares if they laugh at us; that's not our problem?

One, stop trolling your own thread.

Two, why do you want to lower the age of consent?

Three, your poll was laughable. It was about only if churches should be forced to marry homosexuals, nothing else.

Four, no one on the board buys your cult nonsense.

Five, I get called out by nutters for exposing their nuttiness, nothing else.

Sil, yes, you are a nutter.
The RNC will run another loser, and the Democrats should praise God, the only one who knows what will be left of the GOP after yet another loss.
Maybe. Maybe not. Have you seen the minor girl sex abuse lawsuit filed against Donald Trump this last week? If it sticks, he's out. On ethical rules. And Cruz is out on citizenship requirements. That leaves Kasich; and Kasich has always been projected to win against Hillary..
The RNC will run another loser, and the Democrats should praise God, the only one who knows what will be left of the GOP after yet another loss.
Maybe. Maybe not. Have you seen the minor girl sex abuse lawsuit filed against Donald Trump this last week? If it sticks, he's out. On ethical rules. And Cruz is out on citizenship requirements. That leaves Kasich; and Kasich has always been projected to win against Hillary..
(1) The case is a non-starter.
(2) Cruz is a citizen eligible to run for president, and that will never change.
(3) I prefer Kasich but that won't happen. And I am pretty sure John would think you are a nutter, Sil.
The RNC will run another loser, and the Democrats should praise God, the only one who knows what will be left of the GOP after yet another loss.
Maybe. Maybe not. Have you seen the minor girl sex abuse lawsuit filed against Donald Trump this last week? If it sticks, he's out. On ethical rules. And Cruz is out on citizenship requirements. That leaves Kasich; and Kasich has always been projected to win against Hillary..
Great, only Trump voters would rather stay home to punish the GOP.
What do democrats have to do with your silly OP? We are talking about the RNC and the convention. And who are "you" to be discussing anything, Sil. You are mortally crazy, as we all know. Your assault on those with whom you disagree is biased, non-factual, morally corrupt. You are trolling your own thread.

I disagree with your cult, as you all know. ..

Because you are a crazy person who thinks that anyone who disagrees with you is part of a 'cult'
The RNC will run another loser, and the Democrats should praise God, the only one who knows what will be left of the GOP after yet another loss.
Maybe. Maybe not. Have you seen the minor girl sex abuse lawsuit filed against Donald Trump this last week? If it sticks, he's out. On ethical rules. And Cruz is out on citizenship requirements. That leaves Kasich; and Kasich has always been projected to win against Hillary..
(1) The case is a non-starter.
(2) Cruz is a citizen eligible to run for president, and that will never change.
(3) I prefer Kasich but that won't happen. And I am pretty sure John would think you are a nutter, Sil.

Kasich says Cruz is a natural born citizen

Outspoken GOP presidential candidate John Kasich said Tuesday that he's got a great deal to concentrate on while seeking his party's nomination, so he's "really not interested" in the debate over whether rival Ted Cruz is a natural-born citizen and eligible to be the president.

"I'm sure that he is, and I don't really care," the Ohio governor told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on the morning "New Day" program.

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