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Did you vote against trump ast time, but support him now?

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The people getting busted for voter fraud all seem to be REPUBLICANS. Explain that
That's the only ones they report on. And even then we don't know if it's true. Why do you believe the proven liars in the media?
Well, when you kick out the Republican poll watchers and keep counting with only democrats the democrats lose all credibility
OK.Lets go through this particular claim one more time. Where and when do you think republican poll watchers were kicked out but counting continued?
It was a landslide victory for Biden. And that's not my standard I'm using when I say landslide. That is Trump's standard which he used in 2016 when he defeated Clinton without winning the popular vote. He called that a landslide.

Meanwhile, Biden won 7 million more votes than Trump.

A landslide of fraud. The 2020 election was OBVIOUSLY stolen.
There is video.
Everyone outside of your Cult knows.
There are lots of videos that have proven not to show what you claim they show. Answer the question or STFU. Where do you think repub poll watchers were kicked out but counting continued?
If you still refuse to accept the fact that that mule movie has been discredited so many times, it would be a waste of time explaining it to you again.
Discredited by liberals, the if you loons pull off ballot boxes again. They will be monitored.
Discredited by liberals, the if you loons pull off ballot boxes again. They will be monitored.
Ok. Monitor all you want, but just make sure your video shows what you claim it shows. Another list of false accusations won't be any more credible than your last list of false accusations.
Trump lost really bad in the last presidential election, so he needs to increase his voters a lot to have any chance in the upcoming one. Is there anyone out there that voted against trump in 2020, but have been so impressed by trump's recent behavior till they now will vote for him? How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.

It's hard to win with many thousand fake ballots being brought in behind closed curtains.
How many USMB posters are new trump supporters? You are the only ones that can give him a win.
What kind of moron thinks there are enough members at USMB to determine the outcome of a national election?
What kind of moron thinks there are enough members at USMB to determine the outcome of a national election?
There aren't but there are enough members to get an indication of any vote changers existing.

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