Does Trump Want Us to Vote Early or On Election Day?

No. You said, "I'm just confused of why he keeps switching his view of the voting system."

And I said, "So is he..."

Meaning that he, Trump, is also confused as to why he keeps switching his view of the voting system.

I see my mistake as I was reading it like a question.

Vote early or vote on election day... Just make sure to vote.

And in person.

Early he's been clear about that.

He also says that he wants to go for one day voting though and paper ballots.

Anyone with a brain wants one-day voting April.

Well I can most definitely see the convenience of it too to beat the crowds.

Trump has already told you that you shouldn't bother voting.

Confusion removed.

Why must you lefties always twist around everything he says and take it out of context? He meant that he's not worried about getting the votes he's worried about election fraud.

It’s called dementia and He’s got it.


He does not. 🙄
Just like all of those imaginary Democrat voters do after all of the GOP votes are counted.
Then we will ask you evidence and you will get all shy or abusive...

You keep to your fairytales... Anytime you want to produce evidence then give us a shout..
Where does the again present itself fuckup.

It was a joke. Relax.

Here's a quarter, go buy yourself a sense of humor...

So he's like if he can't beat them might as well join them?
I believe there is a method to his madness. Due to the fact that states do not count these early votes until at least mid day of election day, it would be difficult for the opposition to know how many votes they would have to manufacture. Just one speculation.
Then we will ask you evidence and you will get all shy or abusive...

You keep to your fairytales... Anytime you want to produce evidence then give us a shout..
I don't need to produce any evidence. It's been spread all over the net for the last couple of years.

And you lying libroids refuse to admit that it even exists.

You just put your fingers in your ears and say lalalalalalalala

I believe there is a method to his madness. Due to the fact that states do not count these early votes until at least mid day of election day, it would be difficult for the opposition to know how many votes they would have to manufacture. Just one speculation.
If they can spread out the counting for a couple of days it gives them time to manufacture the votes.

They discovered that the same mail-in ballots were counted multiple times in Fulton County GA.

They did an audit this month and over 300,000 ballot proofs were missing.

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