Does Viking Hat Man have any standing to sue?

So the remaining 36% are political prisoners then?
No they were bailed out by the Kamala promoted bail fund probably, Bottom line, those protesters were treated differently by the Democrats and the Democrat controlled MSM. Hyprocrisy at its most evident, for those who are not brainwashed that is.
No they were bailed out by the Kamala promoted bail fund probably,
haha, you have to just make up lies to maintain your childish fantasies. You do it in real time, in broad daylight. You just don't give a fuck anymore, do ya?
Where is the day of rememberance for the DC May 2020 riots?
Why is there a heading on this page accusing me/us of visiting racist sites because we reported how armed robbery is now a misdemeanor in NY? There’s no way to respond.

Regardless, so typical. A conservative complains how violent crimes - armed robbery, in specific -are now misdemeanors, and boom! You’re a racist!
Where is the day of rememberance for the DC May 2020 riots?
Shhhhh…..that was a massive riot committed by BLM and ANTIFA, so it gets swept under the carpet, like the hundreds of their other violent riots. But let anyone in the right get out of line, and boom! Prison time.
The Dems have REALLY over-reacted, who used Viking man - a silly but peaceful protestor who injured nobody - by throwing him in prison and subjecting him to horrible conditions while the Democrat-run California let a violent black criminal out after attempting to murder his baby mama, who then went on to murder six innocent white people two days later.

Viking man is a nonviolent person who presents no danger and should have been released on bail. This is even more apparent in the face of Dems’ attempt to soften crimes - in NY, armed robbery and trespassing, to name just two, are now misdemeanors.

Clearly, Viking has been taken as a political prisoner and has been exploited for Democrats, with the liberal media falsely calling the event an insurrection, to use as a campaign tactic.

Thus, could he sue for either defamation, cruel and unusual punishment and/or lack of equal treatment under the law?
Letter from a Birmingham Jail .... verily one of the most "leftist" documents in American History. Verily
It wasn't a "Viking" hat... it was a buffalo headress ( Indian, or Native American ), wasn't it?
Oh... and... he participated... in a highly visible manner... in Insurrection against the United States and an assault on Congress.
Steal an election, expect a protest.
Swallow the Big Lie of a stolen election and assault the Congress of the United States, expect jail time, or a toe-tag.
If you were a US judge back in 1776 you would have found a reason to send the Boston Tea Party patriots to prison.
If you were a US judge back in 1776 you would have found a reason to send the Boston Tea Party patriots to prison.

You know, you might have a point there. The Boston Tea Party was a response to the Boston Massacre. Where redcoats shot at colonists who were throwing rocks and snowballs at them. Those redcoats were acquitted... you know, kind of like how our system keeps acquitting cops who shoot black people. So the people of Boston responded by destroying private property owned by a Corporation (The British East India Company). Kind of like the BLM Protestors destroyed property owned by big corporations after cops kept shooting them.

I think you might have just accidentally rationalized BLM Riots.



Then again, I suspect your side would have been okay with the Crucifixion of Jesus

If you were a US judge back in 1776 you would have found a reason to send the Boston Tea Party patriots to prison.
Nope. There WERE no US judges back then. And if I were an American, I would have been a Patriot, not a Tory.

But that was then, and this is now, and I am a loyal Union Man... dedicated to the preservation of the Republic.

There is no evidence of vote fraud nor election irrgularities on a scale sufficient to award the election to Rump.

You(r side) issued sixty challenges in various jurisdictions, many presided over by Republicans and even Rump-appointed judges and justices.

And they were all laughed out of court.

Your ignorant, arrogant, power-mad orange-tinted dictator-wannabe lost the election fair-and-square.

But he's got you rubes spewing The Big Lie in support of his attempts to overthrow the Rule of Law and Peaceful Transfer of Power and the Constitution.

You(r side) have such a collective hard-on for the things that he's promising you that you're willing to overlook a looming autocracy in order to get them.

The defeated aggrieved inflation-weary German People felt much the same way in the early 1930s before they voted their own False Messiah into office.

Act against the Union... act against the Republic and its Constitution and you get jail time... perhaps a toe-tag... traitorous violent actions have consequences.
Nope. There WERE no US judges back then. And if I were an American, I would have been a Patriot, not a Tory.

But that was then, and this is now, and I am a loyal Union Man... dedicated to the preservation of the Republic.

There is no evidence of vote fraud nor election irrgularities on a scale sufficient to award the election to Rump.

You(r side) issued sixty challenges in various jurisdictions, many presided over by Republicans and even Rump-appointed judges and justices.

And they were all laughed out of court.

Your ignorant, arrogant, power-mad orange-tinted dictator-wannabe lost the election fair-and-square.

But he's got you rubes spewing The Big Lie in support of his attempts to overthrow the Rule of Law and Peaceful Transfer of Power and the Constitution.

You(r side) have such a collective hard-on for the things that he's promising you that you're willing to overlook a looming autocracy in order to get them.

The defeated aggrieved inflation-weary German People felt much the same way in the early 1930s before they voted their own False Messiah into office.

Act against the Union... act against the Republic and its Constitution and you get jail time... perhaps a toe-tag... traitorous violent actions have consequences.
No election irregularities??

Let’s see what your reaction is if Biden or Harris or whoever is way ahead in 5 or 6 swing states, our Republican observors call “halt!!!“ at midnight, send the Democrats home because we are finished counting for the night (we’re tired....a toilet is leaking…l.whatever), and then, boom!….restart the count with truckloads of newly found ballots in the wee hours of the morning, and then - voila, - the Republican is ahead.

The riot at the Capitol that would have ensued would have been akin to the “leftist style“ riot - major arson, out of control assaults, and a few murders thrown in for good measure.

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