Does Viking Hat Man have any standing to sue?

Not once was there a single incident of any of these CD rioters deliberately harming anyone.
When they used sticks, flagpoles, etc., to battle police, it was not to harm the police, but to get past them.
And the police always were the ones initiating violence, with clubs, sprays, high voltage, and rubber bullets.

Holy Shit, seriously? Cops have shot black people for a lot less than what the DC rioters did.

There is not a single shred of evidence of any harmful intent.
If the intent had been criminal, then they would not have allowed themselves to be on video.
They dressed up for this and wanted to be on video.
As foolish as their election claims may be, they believed them and thought they were doing the right thing.

The Nazis at Buchenwald through they were doing the "right thing". Stupid people record themselves breaking the law all the time.
It seems that the feds gave him four years in prison because he was easy to find and he seemed to be some sort of symbol even though he was guilty of no more than trespass. Meanwhile they are setting armed robbers and arsonists free on the left coast and in NYC.
Congress was desecrated irrepairably by war crimes like Vietnam, WMD lies over Iraq, the invasion of Grenada, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Afghanistan, the murder of Qaddafi, the coup of Morsi in Egypt, the US attacks on Assad, etc.
Then there are the domestic crimes by congress, like the illegal Waron Drugs, mandated sentence, asset forfeiture, etc.

Congress should likely be burned to the ground and started over, if there were justice.
Talking like that you still probably wonder why some people think the right has lost it's fucking mind.
Yes I know you hate the idea of a nation ruled by the people. No need to remind me. Some people actually hold that ideal in high regard.
You don’t. You’re a fucking sheep. Obey your government is your religion.
Viking guy is subject to political prosecution which is anti-American.
D.C. riots after Trump was elected......You TDSers remember this?

Remember this?


and this?


Did you TDSers forget THIS insurrection and sedition?
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You don’t. You’re a fucking sheep. Obey your government is your religion.
You people attempted a coup to get rid of democracy because you didn't like how it turns out sometimes. Not sure how you think you'll get a better government if democracy dies. Probably haven't even thought about it
You people attempted a coup to get rid of democracy because you didn't like how it turns out sometimes. Not sure how you think you'll get a better government if democracy dies. Probably haven't even thought about it
You people did that worse last year in D.C. so stop with your sanctimonious bullshit. Jan 6th was nothing in comparison.
Why both?

The first one, the racist who murdered 6 whites and was aiming to kill 40, is clearly a danger to society. He was a violent thug who never should have been released on bail, yet he was - days before his murder spree.

The second one is non-violent, and the purpose of bail is to keep violent and dangerous lowlifes off the street to keep them from harming other people. Even still, we have seen how Democrat cities release assaulters and other violent criminals on bail, so why shouldn’t this non-violent man have been released?

You can say the two cases aren’t related, but they do show the different standards the Democrats apply - go easy on a violent man if he is black, and throw a non-violent white man in jail.
They have nothing to do with what standards Democrats apply or with Democrats at all. Completely different crimes, jurisdictions etc. one has nothing to do with the other. Around the country peop,e are jailed, people are released who probably shouldn’t be but oh well. You know the Trump DoJ, under Barr kind of did the same thing, insisting that arrested Floyd protesters under federal jurisdiction be jailed and not let out on bail regardless of whether they were a threat to anyone.
You'll never hear me defending riots. You can't say that.
I didn't say you personally defended riots I used the same term as you did "you people," I said May 2020 was worse than Jan 6th.
Absolutely. He is being treated as a political prisoner - something you find in North Korea. In the meantime, Harris supported a fund to RELEASE rioters on bail after being arrested at BLM riots,

Just learned that the political prisoner has been sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Does that mean the Floyd rioters arrested by the Feds are political prisoners?
OK, I stand corrected, but does it really matter what his costume was? The point remains that a white trespasser gets imprisoned for years to as a Democrat campaign tactic, and a violent black criminal gets low bail and is released to murder six whites, with the aim to take out 50.
Why do you keep bringing up race when this really was not about race?
The people who Pelosi has been holding in solitary confinement should sue for several different reasons.
The Democratic Party's political prisoner crimes should be made an election issue.
The Democrat Party's far left extremism, violence, hate, racism, abuses of power and corruption are a threat to our democracy* and that should also be made an election issue.
Pelosi is not holding anyone. She doesn’t have any say in tbe matter.
Does that mean the Floyd rioters arrested by the Feds are political prisoners?
Does that mean the Floyd rioters arrested by the Feds are political prisoners?

Most charges against George Floyd protesters dropped, analysis shows​

"Police officers make an arrest during a rally calling for justice over the death of George Floyd, in Brooklyn, New York, on 1 June 2020. Brooklyn’s prosecutor dropped 83% of 136 more serious criminal cases, and Manhattan’s prosecutor dropped about 64% of nearly 1,000 cases."

I'd say not.

Most charges against George Floyd protesters dropped, analysis shows​

"Police officers make an arrest during a rally calling for justice over the death of George Floyd, in Brooklyn, New York, on 1 June 2020. Brooklyn’s prosecutor dropped 83% of 136 more serious criminal cases, and Manhattan’s prosecutor dropped about 64% of nearly 1,000 cases."

I'd say not.
So the remaining 36% are political prisoners then?
Does that mean the Floyd rioters arrested by the Feds are political prisoners?
No, because the reason for their arrest wasn’t for political gain. These were dangerous people setting government property on fire, destroying private businesses, and worse. But even with that, Harris was raising funds to bail out the rioters.

So on one hand, we have Democrats lowering bail for dangerous criminals and raising bail to get them released, and on the other hand, we have Democrats villifying a non-violent (albeit cuckoo) man, and I imprisoning him for four years.

There are definitely different standards to what is considered criminal behavior, and it comes down to whether the bad behavior is committed by someone on the left (in which case he’s bailed out), or on the right (in which case he is sent to prison as an exampleof what happens to those who dissent from liberalism).
D.C. riots after Trump was elected......You TDSers remember this?
Do you cultists remember that hundreds of them were arrested and charged?

Funny, I don't recall you frauds complaining about their prison conditions, or calling them patriots. So GTFOH with your nonsense.
Why do you keep bringing up race when this really was not about race?
There’s an underlying element of race. As we’ve seen, Democrats are more protective of black criminals than whites who are not yet found guilty a crime. Just look at how they vilified Kyle, with even the president calling him a white supremacist in advance if his trial. Now compare to how easy Dems went on the racist black criminal who tried to kill his girlfriend….released the next day to murder six white people.
It seems that the feds gave him four years in prison because he was easy to find and he seemed to be some sort of symbol even though he was guilty of no more than trespass. Meanwhile they are setting armed robbers and arsonists free on the left coast and in NYC.
Yup. Armed robbery is now a misdemeanor In NY, as are a number of violent crimes committed disproportionately by blacks, but if a white conservative trespasses, he goes to prison for four years.

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