Does Viking Hat Man have any standing to sue?

These people desecrated the temple of democracy. Had it been leftists you would want them deader than dead. This cannot happen again. The right downplaying it makes sure it will.


No, I most certainly would not want them "deader than dead". Especially given there was no grave bodily injury and it looked mostly like a cosplay. OH, and there were some very mysterious people egging the crowd on AND letting them INTO the Capitol building.

Since I have a real faith, see, I don't need to worship skeevy politicians. Thank God.
The Floyd Summer of Love looked far more like an Insurrection than the amateurs on Jan 6th.
Hundreds of officers injured, with a few killed, dozens of protesters killed by their own stupidity, thousands of businesses destroyed, police stations, federal buildings burned or damaged, hundreds of millions in damages...
download (1).jpeg

Burning a police station, a direct attack on civil authority, the very definition of Insurrection. Chaz and no go zones...



But, but, but...some guy in animal furs scared us and made Nancy shit her Depends.

No, I most certainly would not want them "deader than dead". Especially given there was no grave bodily injury and it looked mostly like a cosplay. OH, and there were some very mysterious people egging the crowd on AND letting them INTO the Capitol building.

Since I have a real faith, see, I don't need to worship skeevy politicians. Thank God.
You would bow down and kiss Trump's feet if he told you to.
I don't know if he would win.
But he has a new career as a meme image...
View attachment 585665

If anyone thought these clowns were actually taking over the government and installingTrump, they should see their doctors and up the Xanax significantly.
This is the post that sums this all up. These 2 were going to overthrow the goobermint........................Seriously you fookin libturds...........LOLOOOLOL

You look so GD stupid with Pelosi and her lit
The Floyd Summer of Love looked far more like an Insurrection than the amateurs on Jan 6th.
Hundreds of officers injured, with a few killed, dozens of protesters killed by their own stupidity, thousands of businesses destroyed, police stations, federal buildings burned or damaged, hundreds of millions in damages...
View attachment 585681

Burning a police station, a direct attack on civil authority, the very definition of Insurrection. Chaz and no go zones...

View attachment 585682

View attachment 585685

But, but, but...some guy in animal furs scared us and made Nancy shit her Depends.
The scenes of rioters lighting themselves on fire was good for some laughs
Why both?

The first one, the racist who murdered 6 whites and was aiming to kill 40, is clearly a danger to society. He was a violent thug who never should have been released on bail, yet he was - days before his murder spree.

The second one is non-violent, and the purpose of bail is to keep violent and dangerous lowlifes off the street to keep them from harming other people. Even still, we have seen how Democrat cities release assaulters and other violent criminals on bail, so why shouldn’t this non-violent man have been released?

You can say the two cases aren’t related, but they do show the different standards the Democrats apply - go easy on a violent man if he is black, and throw a non-violent white man in jail.
It wasn't a "Viking" hat... it was a buffalo headress ( Indian, or Native American ), wasn't it?

Oh... and... he participated... in a highly visible manner... in Insurrection against the United States and an assault on Congress.

Phukk him... let him rot.
There was no insurrection, as stated by the FBI. You can keep using that word to fool the useful idiots, you might fool the low-info voter. Many in the middle, recognizing how the book is thrown at a white guy who trespasses while violent BLM rioters are released, will be pushed more to the Republican side as a result of this exaggeration.

He was just a silly guy who trespassed on federal property. He should have been released on bail, like black criminals are, and certainly not sentenced to prison.
Desecrated? Temple? That's absurdly funny.
Especially coming from the anti-religion left!

in fact, it’s telling: they want people to worship the Temple (ie, the Democrat-run state) and not G-d. Another topic for another time….
There was no insurrection, as stated by the FBI.
1. show us where the FBI issued a formal statement on labeling January 6, 2021, as an Insurrection... one way or another
2. show us that such a statement represents their current position in the matter
3. the FBI does not have the last word on labeling January 6, 2021, anyway; that will be the DoJ at-large and the United States Congress and the US President

You can keep using that word
I will. So will history.
to fool the useful idiots, you might fool the low-info voter.
You wish... :badgrin:
Many in the middle, recognizing how the book is thrown at a white guy who trespasses while violent BLM rioters are released, will be pushed more to the Republican side as a result of this exaggeration.
1. If Antifa and BLM rioters were to be prosecuted, why did this not happen during the Rump Administration, which had Federal jurisdiction at the time?
2. what happened elsewhere has zero bearing upon whether the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 and the assault on Congress should be punished

Ever get pulled over by a cop for speeding even though others around you were going just as fast? Same idea.

He was just a silly guy who trespassed on federal property. He should have been released on bail, like black criminals are, and certainly not sentenced to prison.
He participated in Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States in support of an attempted coup by your Orange Baboon-God and its subsequent assault upon the Congress of the United States whilst performing its Constitutional duties and interfering with a peaceful transfer of power.

In most other countries he'd have been stood-up against a wall and shot... or hung... or taken outside town and a bullet put through his brain.

Here... we just throw the book at the little phukker, to make an example out of him and his fellow scumbags... don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Absolutely. He is being treated as a political prisoner - something you find in North Korea. In the meantime, Harris supported a fund to RELEASE rioters on bail after being arrested at BLM riots,

Just learned that the political prisoner has been sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Yes, after he plead guilty and admitted he was in the wrong.

Most of the BLM rioters are going to get off... sorry. Just like the cops they are complaining about.

Only idiot Dems could think these people basically LARPing was the urgent "threat to Democracy" they are pretending it was. Their entire drama this past week was embarrassing. Our Founding Fathers would be first, appalled, and second, laugh heartily at what utter pansies they are for blatant political ends.

Shameful, frankly.

The Founding Fathers would be perplexed why slavery was no longer a thing...

I kind of feel bad for these rioters... they bought into Trump's lies... and will pay for it for years.

Just like the rest of us.
Especially coming from the anti-religion left!

in fact, it’s telling: they want people to worship the Temple (ie, the Democrat-run state) and not G-d. Another topic for another time….

Well, Government, unlike God, actually existed.

Like when I used to ask Government for stuff, I sometimes got things.

On the other hand, No God. I checked. I asked for my Mom's cancer to get better, and it didn't.

No, I most certainly would not want them "deader than dead". Especially given there was no grave bodily injury and it looked mostly like a cosplay. OH, and there were some very mysterious people egging the crowd on AND letting them INTO the Capitol building.

Since I have a real faith, see, I don't need to worship skeevy politicians. Thank God.

Five people died, Islamophobic Twat...
The Floyd Summer of Love looked far more like an Insurrection than the amateurs on Jan 6th.
Hundreds of officers injured, with a few killed, dozens of protesters killed by their own stupidity, thousands of businesses destroyed, police stations, federal buildings burned or damaged, hundreds of millions in damages...

And most of those people will be prosecuted or pay fines... so what is your point?

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