Does Viking Hat Man have any standing to sue?

Jesus Christ. You really do worship your government overlords. Kneel before the temple of government isn’t really what the founded had in mind.
Yes I know you hate the idea of a nation ruled by the people. No need to remind me. Some people actually hold that ideal in high regard.
He does because in effect his right to vote was taken away from him in November 2020. Sure he could cast a vote, but it was cancelled out by the fraudulent votes that came in after midnight for Joe Biden.
Then any of us could sue. My vote also was cancelled by the fraudulent ones, or more accurately, the unfairly harvested ones from low-info voters, who did not have the competence to vote without “coaching” from Zuckerberg’s army.
Then any of us could sue. My vote also was cancelled by the fraudulent ones, or more accurately, the unfairly harvested ones from low-info voters, who did not have the competence to vote without “coaching” from Zuckerberg’s army.
Yeah...go with that. File suit. You'll be famous. LOL...
Then any of us could sue. My vote also was cancelled by the fraudulent ones, or more accurately, the unfairly harvested ones from low-info voters, who did not have the competence to vote without “coaching” from Zuckerberg’s army.
More of us should sue, but sooner or later the case would be heard by a liberal judge who would rule against us.
Read the founding documents. Or just even the Constitution. Hopefully you have a little better grasp on it than the Wise Latina, who doesn't even understand the 10th amendment
She‘s another example of why you don’t choose employees based on race or ethnicity. You get ignorant, incompetent, and/or gullible people.
The Dems have REALLY over-reacted, who used Viking man - a silly but peaceful protestor who injured nobody - by throwing him in prison and subjecting him to horrible conditions while the Democrat-run California let a violent black criminal out after attempting to murder his baby mama, who then went on to murder six innocent white people two days later.

Viking man is a nonviolent person who presents no danger and should have been released on bail. This is even more apparent in the face of Dems’ attempt to soften crimes - in NY, armed robbery and trespassing, to name just two, are now misdemeanors.

Clearly, Viking has been taken as a political prisoner and has been exploited for Democrats, with the liberal media falsely calling the event an insurrection, to use as a campaign tactic.

Thus, could he sue for either defamation, cruel and unusual punishment and/or lack of equal treatment under the law?
None of the above.

But he might sue Trump and his troglodytes.
The Dems have REALLY over-reacted, who used Viking man - a silly but peaceful protestor who injured nobody - by throwing him in prison and subjecting him to horrible conditions while the Democrat-run California let a violent black criminal out after attempting to murder his baby mama, who then went on to murder six innocent white people two days later.

Viking man is a nonviolent person who presents no danger and should have been released on bail. This is even more apparent in the face of Dems’ attempt to soften crimes - in NY, armed robbery and trespassing, to name just two, are now misdemeanors.

Clearly, Viking has been taken as a political prisoner and has been exploited for Democrats, with the liberal media falsely calling the event an insurrection, to use as a campaign tactic.

Thus, could he sue for either defamation, cruel and unusual punishment and/or lack of equal treatment under the law?
The people who Pelosi has been holding in solitary confinement should sue for several different reasons.
The Democratic Party's political prisoner crimes should be made an election issue.
The Democrat Party's far left extremism, violence, hate, racism, abuses of power and corruption are a threat to our democracy* and that should also be made an election issue.
An Oklahoma man who swiped a beer from Nancy Pelosi’s office refrigerator while inside the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6 has been sentenced to intermittent incarceration and two years of probation.
Andrew Ericson, 24, posted two pictures of himself inside the Capitol to Snapchat, according to prosecutors, including a picture of him seated in a chair with his feet on a conference table. He also shared video showing himself taking a beer — specifically, a Corona Light — out of a refrigerator in House Speaker Pelosi’s office, according to prosecutors.

There should be an investigation into why Pelosi has a refrigerator stocked with beer in her office.
Isn't it illegal to drink on the job and to have alcohol in your office?

The two cases don’t have any bearing on each other. They both belong in jail.

Oh yes, to answer the question, a person under Federal jurisdiction would have no standing to challenge the ruling of a state court that didn’t involve them.

The goal would not be to challenge the state ruling, but to use the state ruling as a comparison of the federal ruling, to show bias.
And you do not need standing in order to use a state ruling as a comparison.

It is obvious that bail is NOT legal if punitive.
Bail is only legal as a means of ensuring a person shows up for trial, or to prevent a person who is immediately violent, from harming more people before trial.
Neither of which is at all relevant to any of the DC rioters, who are not likely to fail to show up for trial or represent any danger to anyone.
So holding them without bail or with high bail, is totally and completely illegal.
Punitive bail prevents a person from being able to conduct a proper defense, talking to witnesses, paying a lawyer, etc.
It is illegal.
The feds are criminals for denying bail or setting high bail.
Except he didn't get bail for killing six people... he got bail for a domestic violence charge. Now, while we an argue that we don't treat domestic violence serious enough, his crime wasn't really serious enough to merit prison without bail.

Well, because, again, he was part of a mob that tried to attack members of Congress.

Except this person wasn't non-violent...

Not once was there a single incident of any of these CD rioters deliberately harming anyone.
When they used sticks, flagpoles, etc., to battle police, it was not to harm the police, but to get past them.
And the police always were the ones initiating violence, with clubs, sprays, high voltage, and rubber bullets.

There is not a single shred of evidence of any harmful intent.
If the intent had been criminal, then they would not have allowed themselves to be on video.
They dressed up for this and wanted to be on video.
As foolish as their election claims may be, they believed them and thought they were doing the right thing.
I don't know if he would win.
But he has a new career as a meme image...
View attachment 585665

If anyone thought these clowns were actually taking over the government and installingTrump, they should see their doctors and up the Xanax significantly.

Obviously the goal was publicity.
The did not want "take over the government", but to get a public investigation over what they believed to be fraud.
The fact they were wrong about the election, changes nothing as far as the legality of their demands.
They did have a right to be heard over their mistaken claims.
It wasn't a "Viking" hat... it was a buffalo headress ( Indian, or Native American ), wasn't it?

Oh... and... he participated... in a highly visible manner... in Insurrection against the United States and an assault on Congress.

Phukk him... let him rot.

Not giving bail is criminal, when clearly he is intending to show up for trial, and is not going to harm anyone until then.
Only idiot Dems could think these people basically LARPing was the urgent "threat to Democracy" they are pretending it was. Their entire drama this past week was embarrassing. Our Founding Fathers would be first, appalled, and second, laugh heartily at what utter pansies they are for blatant political ends.

Shameful, frankly.

True, but not as shameful as these lunatics being denied bail and being illegally treated.
That is 100 times worse.
These people desecrated the temple of democracy. Had it been leftists you would want them deader than dead. This cannot happen again. The right downplaying it makes sure it will.

Congress was desecrated irrepairably by war crimes like Vietnam, WMD lies over Iraq, the invasion of Grenada, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Afghanistan, the murder of Qaddafi, the coup of Morsi in Egypt, the US attacks on Assad, etc.
Then there are the domestic crimes by congress, like the illegal Waron Drugs, mandated sentence, asset forfeiture, etc.

Congress should likely be burned to the ground and started over, if there were justice.
The people who Pelosi has been holding in solitary confinement should sue for several different reasons.
The Democratic Party's political prisoner crimes should be made an election issue.
The Democrat Party's far left extremism, violence, hate, racism, abuses of power and corruption are a threat to our democracy* and that should also be made an election issue.

I am far left, but I agree.
The rioters were obvious not intent on harming anyone, and those claiming otherwise are liars.
I think the rioters were foolish, but their intent was the time honored and legal desire to gain publicity for their cause, no matter how foolish I think that cause was.

So as bad as I think the rioters acted, the government is acting 100 times worse because the intent of the government really is deliberate illegal repression of political dissent.

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